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Boat(w)right Family Genealogy in America
Generation 9
9-101. CISCELIA CZORILDA BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 19 Jan 1849 in Richmond, Virginia, and died 16 Apr 1895 in Richmond, Virginia. She married OSWALD HERBERT NUCKOLS 11 Jan 1878 in Warrenton, Fauquier County, Virginia, son of HARDIN DUKE NUCKOLS and JANE AMBLER JONES. He was born 25 Aug 1850 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died 27 Apr 1917 in Richmond, Virginia.
Born in Richmond, as a young girl Ciscelia moved with her family to Warrenton Virginia in the 1850s. She attended the prestigious Fauquier Female Institute, whose rules required even girls from Warrenton to live within the school’s dormitory facilities. Living in Warrenton during the Civil War must have been difficult. The town changed hands some 60 times during the war and the local population was forced to deal with the mass movements of armies and the supplies they required.
One letter relates that so much wood was requisitioned by the competing armies (mostly for heating and cooking purposes) that there were not enough fence posts or sheds to build coffins for the war’s casualties. Yet there was enough wood for headstones, on which the girls of Fauquier Female Institute stenciled the names and units of the fallen before placing them over their shallow graves.
Ciscelia and Oswald married comparatively late in life for their time (they were both near 30 years old). A family story states that Oswald must have been a capable suitor, as he was able to convince Ciscelia to allow him to call on a short train ride from Richmond to Petersburg on which Oswald served as conductor.
Oswald and Ciscelia purchased a Family Bible, which has been handed through the generations (copies of which are at the Virginia State Library as donated by granddaughter Virginia Nuckols Allen). In the flyleaf, Ciscelia records the following inscription to Oswald Herbert, signing with what must have been a nickname:
To Ossie,
Should fame or friends forsake thee,
One friend will linger nigh,
Though sorrows overtake thee,
thy wife will never fly,
Should one thousand foes assail thee,
and thou canst brook them not,
My trust shall never fail thee,
I’ll share thy bitter lot.
Your loving wife, Nina
“Nina” also recorded her wedding nuptials in the Bible as well.
Ciscelia died at 46 years of age, leaving three children in the care of their father. Family tradition indicates that the children “ran wild” after her death, as the father had to continue working on the railroad leaving the youngsters at home where they must have gotten into some trouble. Perhaps this explains why Oswald Herbert moved the family from Richmond back to the Hanover farm property, as the 1900 census shows him there living with his three children.
Her death certificate lists “Pulmonary Consumption” as the cause and is signed by Dr. G. V. Taber. She is interred in her father William Bootwright’s plot in Shockoe Cemetery, Richmond.
Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
1850 Census: Name: Zerilda Bootwright Date: October 7, 1850 Age: 2 Estimated birth year: abt 1848 Birth place: Virginia Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Richmond, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia Page: 298 Roll: M432_951 1860 Census: Name: Czarilla Boatwright Date: July 24, 1860 Age in 1860: 12 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: North East Side of Warrenton and North East Revenu, Fauquier, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Warrenton Roll: M653_1344 Page: 76 Year: 1860 Head of Household: William Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: Czerilda Bootwright Date: July 15, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1850 Age in 1870: 20 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Center, Fauquier, Virginia Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Upperville Roll: M593_1645 Page: 442 Image: 416 Year: 1870Burial: Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
Oswald Herbert began working with the C&O Railway early in life. In 1877, Oswald was
working in Staunton and records of the St. James Episcopal Church in Warrenton list him as a
railway man at the time of his marriage in 1878. He resided at this time in Warren County,
probably near the rail junction in Front Royal, VA. Soon after his marriage, he moved his family
to Clifton Forge, VA, where his first child is born. Later, he moved to Richmond, again working
with the railroad, while living on Church Hill. Various books, censuses and city directories
Oswald as he moved across the state:
1860 Census – living on his father Hardin Duke Nuckols’ Hanover County farm, “Ridge Hill” as a 10 year old boy
1877 Book – York Rite Mason attending Staunton Lodge
1878 Marriage Register – living in Warren County, working for the railroad
1880 Census – Williamson (Clifton Forge), working on the railroad (father-in-law William Bootwright and William’s youngest son lives in his household)
1881 Bible Record – son Herbert Duke Nuckols born in Hanover County
1883 City Directory – 704 N. 26th Street, Richmond, conductor on railroad
1885 City Directory – 805 N. 26th Street, yardmaster on railroad
1886 City Directory – 805 N. 26th Street, conductor on railroad
1888 City Directory, 1918 E. Broad, Richmond, conductor
1891 City Directory, 1918 E. Broad, baggage master
1892 City Directory, 1918 E. Broad, yard master
1893 City Directory, 1918 E. Broad, conductor
1895 City Directory, 720 Brook Road, Richmond, C&O RR (father-in-law William Bootwright lives with him as a border, working as a merchant)
1900 Census – Beaverdam district of Hanover County, a farmer
1910 Census – 600 W. Marshall, Richmond, living with son Edgar
1918 Death Certificate – 1008 South Meadow, Richmond, living with son Herbert Duke
His Richmond homes at 704 N. 26th and 1008 S. Meadow Streets are now parking lots, 1918 E.
Broad Street is now the site of an insurance company, 720 Brook Road was demolished when
Interstate 95 was built, and 600 W. Marshall gave way to modern day Belvidere Avenue. 805 N.
26th Street on Church Hill is pictured to the right. The house, built in 1881, is several blocks from St.
John’s Church where Oswald and his family worshipped. The neighborhood, “Church Hill
North”, has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. A mixture of white and
black working class families in the 1880s, the neighborhood was within a (long) walk to Oswald’s
workplace at the railroad, most likely the 17th Street yards near modern Main Street Station.
The Church Hill People’s News blog describes the neighborhood. It states there was: …a flurry of new construction during the 1870s, and Mary Wingfield Scott explains that the tendency was to fill up the big yards of the much older dwellings. Chesson suggests that annexation [1870’s Richmond annexation of Henrico County land] not only brought much needed money into the city’s coffers, but was also done to relieve the crowded housing conditions in the older sections of Richmond, many of which had been burned at the end of the Civil War.
An estimated 75 percent of all buildings in Church Hill North were constructed between 1862 and 1900. Most of these houses have low roof lines, bracketed eaves, floor-to-ceiling windows on the ground level, and porches embellished with turned posts, and spindle friezes.
They are abundant throughout Church Hill North, and with a few exceptions, were built of wood, a contrast to the many brick houses that were built in neighboring St. John’s Church Historic District at that time.
Despite the depression of the mid-1870s, Richmond continued to revive as a commercial and manufacturing center, with over 7,000 employed in the burgeoning tobacco industry alone. During that time, an extensive tunnel under Church Hill was built by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway to connect with its port terminus at nearby Rocketts Landing. (a portion of this tunnel collapsed in 1925).
Still, housing continued to be built, with row houses becoming popular in the 1880s and 1890s. During the 1880s and 90s the last large tracts of available land were subdivided into lots for homes.
Oswald Herbert Nuckols worked over 20 years for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad in various cities across Virginia – Staunton, Front Royal, Clifton Forge and finally Richmond. Railroading during this period saw great change – track mileage doubled every 10 years, various standards were introduced (including track gauge or width and a standardized method of timekeeping), and equipment was modernized to make it somewhat safer. It was also a period of management and labor conflict, as unions of trainmen formed and began agitating for better working conditions and pay.
Oswald’s work revolved around the steam engine. At this time, the “4-4-0” engine (designating the number of wheels, front-to-back) was the workhorse of the C&O. Engine #36 (pictured) was built in the Civil War for the Virginia Central Railroad – predecessor of the C&O. It was still in use some 15 years after the war and likely a part of the trains Oswald worked on. Note the oil headlight, wooden cab and pilot, or “cow catcher” at the front.
Oswald worked at various jobs with the C&O over his career, including the dangerous task of coupling cars, performed by “shifters.” Dangerous today, it was extremely hazardous in the 1880s when the “link and pin” coupler was still used. This coupler required a man to stand between the cars in order to guide the link on one car into the socket of the other and then insert a pin to secure the connection. O.H. Nuckols, listed as a “shifter”, got his fingers mashed while coupling cars in Richmond on August 5, 1887 according to the annual report by the RR commissioner to the governor, “Statement of Injuries to Life and Limb.” Mashed fingers for shifters were a common occurrence. In that month alone (August 1887), 5 C&O employees were injured in Virginia while coupling cars.
O.H. Nuckols and his family attended St. John’s Episcopal Church on Broad Street in East Richmond in the years preceding Ciscelia’s death in 1895. Vestry records show daughter Alexina being baptized as an adult and the burial of Ciscelia. St. John’s was formed in 1741 and is most known for the patriotic fervor of Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty, or give me Death!” speech in 1775. O.H. Nuckols is referred to as “Captain” in the vestry records, but he appears not to have taken a leadership role in the church.
O.H. Nuckols and his wife 2C.C. Bootwright Nuckols were involved in a lengthy court case against 3William Bootwright (C.C.’s father) and several of C.C.’s siblings in the 1880s. The case, heard over a 15 year period in Fauquier County circuit court, involved the disposition of two lots in Warrenton, VA originally owned by C.C.’s mother, 3Alexina Caroline Pegram Bootwright. The 1862 deed which started the trouble read (partly) as follows:
The deed made this 10th day of December 1862 between George E. Yeatman of the first part, William Bootwright of the second part, and Alexina C. Bootwright, wife of the said William, and the children present and future of the marriage between the said William and Alexina of the third part, all of the county of Fauquier, witnesseth: that in consideration of the sum of four thousand five hundred and fifty dollars ($80,000 today) to him in hand paid by the said Alexina C. Bootwright (part and parcel of her sole and separate estate) before the sealing and delivery of this deed….the said George E. Yeatman at the request of the said Alexina C. Bootwright….does hereby grant … the real estate, property, grounds, buildings and improvements now occupied by the said William Bootwright…secondly, a lot of ground in rear of the Presbyterian Church and being a portion of the lot upon which sd. Church stands….the same lies opposite the property herein before described.
The deed goes on to state that the properties are for the use of Alexina for her lifetime and upon her death, to her surviving children (or grandchildren in the event of the death of a child). Alexina died in 1878 and a dispute arose over disposition of the property. It should be noted that William Bootwright lived with OH and CC Nuckols while the suit continued. While claims and exceptions were filed by OH and CC (and her siblings), William’s views are not presented in the case files. Doubtless it broke his heart to see his children at odds over his dead wife’s estate. Here are more facts of the case according to OH and CC (in the words of their lawyer):
To the honorable James Keith, judge of the Circuit Court of Fauquier County, humbly complaining sheweth with your honor your orator and oratrix O.H. Nuckols and C.C. Nuckols his wife, and C.E. Bootwright that the deed dated 10th day of December 1862 and of record in the clerk’s office of the county court of Fauquier County, George E. Yeatman conveyed a certain house and lot and a parcel of land in rear of the Presbyterian Church situated, lying and being in the town of Warrenton in consideration of the sum of $4550 in hand paid by Alexina C. Bootwright, to William Bootwright, trustee upon the following trusts. First, for the sole use, benefit and behalf and subject to her exclusive sole and separate control and disposition as to its enjoyment during her life…and at her death…Upon requesion of said Alexina C. Bootwright the said William Bootwright, the trustee aforesaid shall make sale and convey the property herein named, or any portion of it, and in the event of such sale, the proceeds thereof shall be invested by said trustee as said Alexina C. shall direct, and the property in which said investment may be made shall be suited to the same uses and trusts herein before declared “all of which will more fully appear from an office copy of said and herewith filed marked “Exhibit A” and prayed to be taken as a part of this bill.
That the said Alexina C. Bootwright departed this life, leaving the following children: your oratrices C.E. Bootwright and C.C. Nuckols, wife of your orator O.H. Nuckols, O.A.P. Bootwright, Wm. H. Bootwright and A.S. Bootwright…That by an agreement entered into May 1, 1878 between Alexina C. Bootwright, W. Bootwright trustee, C. E. Bootwright, C. C. Nuckols, O.H. Nuckols and John Whipp, trustee for Hannah A. Whipp the parties of the first part agree to sell to the party of the second part a lot of ground in rear of the Presbyterian Church 40 feet…upon the following terms: 50$ cash and 50$ respectively, on 1 May 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885 and 1886 with interest all of which will more fully appear by an office copy herewith filed marked “Exhibit B”….That this contract has been assigned to Albert Fletcher and he claims to have made all the payments now due and to fall due.
That by deed dated Aug 25, 1879 Wm. Bootwright, A.C. Bootwright, C. C. Bootwright and C. E. Bootwright conveyed their interest in the said property to R. Scott, trustee in trust to secure to Albert Fletcher the sum of $400. Your orator and oratrixes aver and charge that the premises aforesaid are not susceptible of partition and that a sale will be necessary to a division of the same. For as much therefore as your orator and oratrixes are remedyless save in a court of equity which matters of this sort are properly cognizable your orator and oratrixes pray that William Bootwright, O.A.P. Bootwright, Wm. H. Bootwright, A.S. Bootwright, the last an infant under the age of 21 years guardian ad litem, Albert Fletcher and R. Scott may be made parties defendant to this bill with afterwards to charge them and may be required to answer the same on each as fully and particularly as if each of them had been specially thereto interrogated, that the court will pass upon the legality of the said contract with the said Whipple…that partition of said house and lot may be made if practicable, and if not that the said premises may be sold and the proceeds divided amongst those entitled thereto, that a receiver by appointed to collect the rents of said house and lot. And that such other and further relief may be granted as is adapted to the nature of the case and agreeable to equity and good conscience. And may a summary issue against the several defendants herein before named &c. And your orator and oratrixes will ever pray &c.
The petition is signed by 2O.H Nuckols, 2C.C. Nuckols and C.E. Bootwright. The case continued for several years, as disputes over title to the properties were played out in a series of hearings. After a time, special commissioners were appointed to manage the collection and disbursement of funds to those involved. General Eppa Hunton, Jr., a Warrenton lawyer who served gallantly in the Civil War in Longstreet’s Division (and participated in Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg), evidently had some difficulty accounting for the funds he collected, as he was required to pay costs of insuring the property out of his own funds on several occasions in the mid 1880’s. The case was finally settled when the properties were successfully sold and each of the five surviving Bootwright children received approximately $150 ($3,230 today) – and doubtless much of this went to pay costs of the court and the attorneys.
Oswald Herbert was sometimes referred to as “Captain”, notably in a newspaper advertisement to sell property and in the register of St. John’s Episcopal Church. It’s not certain where the title originates, as he appears not to have served in either the military or aboard any ship. Possibly the title derived from his work on the C&O Railway, where African American firemen regularly addressed conductors as “Captain.” Maybe it was a title of courtesy for a respected man during his day. His obituary mentions he had a good disposition towards a large number of friends and acquaintances in the Richmond area. Richmond boys of the time learned to address men who had the bearing of a Civil War soldier as “Colonel” or “Captain” – perhaps the title may be explained by Oswald’s demeanor.
Oswald Herbert survived his wife by 23 years, which he spent as a widower. During this time he lived alternatively with sons Herbert Duke and Edgar.
Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
Burial: Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
i. ALEXINA BOOTWRIGHT NUCKOLS, b. 09 Apr 1880, Clifton Forge, Alleghany County, Virginia. ii. HERBERT DUKE NUCKOLS, b. 05 Aug 1881, Hanover County, Virginia. iii. EDGAR BRYANT NUCKOLS, b. 07 Nov 1887, Richmond, Virginia.
9-102. WILLIAM JAMES BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1849 in Richmond, Virginia, and died Jun 1857 in Richmond, Virginia.
1850 Census: Name: James Bootwright Date: October 7, 1850 Age: 1 Estimated birth year: abt 1849 Birth place: Virginia Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Richmond, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia Page: 298 Roll: M432_951 Richmond Whig and Public Advertiser Friday, June 19, 1857 Died - William James, son of Alexina and Wm. Bootwright, Jr. age 7 years. (p.2, c. 5)Burial: Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
9-103. CZARINA EMELINE BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1851 in Richmond, Virginia, and died 13 Apr 1893 in Germantown, Shelby County, Tennessee. She married (1) JAMES A. EDWARDS. She married (2) F. C. FRANKLIN.
She married Dr. James A. Edwards, but the marriage ended “badly”, to say the least. According to the July 22, 1884 issue of the Baltimore Sun (carrying the byline Richmond, Va), Dr. Edwards:
was arrested in Atlanta, Ga, today upon a warrant sworn out here charging him with bigamy and attempt to murder a wife, whom he married here May 26. Edwards met Miss Czarina Bootwright in this city a few weeks ago, and was married to her. A few days after the wedding the bride was taken suddenly ill, and in alarm made her will leaving all her property to her husband. She soon recovered from that attack. On the morning of the 20th of June Edwards sent wife for a glass of water. When she returned he emptied a red powder into the water and requested her to drink it to quiet her nerves. Mrs. Edwards, suspecting that all was not right, told him that if he would drink some of it first she would do as he requested. He declined, but insisted upon her drinking what was in the glass. She again refused, when he went to the door and locked it and said he intended to make her drink it. Just at that time the floor servant came to the door and Edwards threw the stuff out of the window, and after washing the glass thoroughly put on his hat and left the room, telling his wife that he was going over to Manchester, and would not return until night. This was the last seen of Edwards here.
Czarina swore a warrant against Dr. Edwards charging him with attempted murder and had the marriage annulled. She then married F.C. Franklin and moved to Tennessee.
Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
1860 Census: Name: Czarina Boatwright Date: July 24, 1860 Age in 1860: 9 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: North East Side of Warrenton and North East Revenu, Fauquier, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Warrenton Roll: M653_1344 Page: 76 Year: 1860 Head of Household: William Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: Czarina Bootwright Date: July 15, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1852 Age in 1870: 18 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Center, Fauquier, Virginia Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Upperville Roll: M593_1645 Page: 442 Image: 416 Year: 1870
9-103A. JOHN OLANDER PEGRAM BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1853 in Richmond, Virginia, and died 03 Jul 1856 in Richmond, Virginia.
Died of cholera and was buried July 1, 1856. Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Olander Bootwright Birth Date: abt 1853 Birth Place: Richmond, Virginia Death Date: 3 Jul 1856 Death Place: Richmond, Virginia Death Age: 3 Race: White Gender: Male Father Name: Wm. Bootwright Mother Name: A. Bootwright FHL Film Number: 2048591Burial: Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
9-104. HENRY VIRBERT BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1855 in Richmond, Virginia, and died 03 Jul 1856 in Richmond, Virginia.
Died of cholera. He was 11 months old when he was buried next to his 2 year old brother John. Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
Richmond Whig and Public Advertisier
Friday, July 4, 1856
Died - Yesterday, Henry Virbert, youngest son of W. Bootwright, Jr., and Caroline
Alex., his wife. (p.2, c.5)
Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Henry B Bootwright Birth Date: abt 1856 Birth Place: Richmond, Virginia Death Date: 30 Jun 1856 Death Place: Richmond, Virginia Death Age: 3 Months Race: White Gender: Male Father Name: Wm. Bootwright Mother Name: A. Bootwright FHL Film Number: 2048591Burial: Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
9-105. ORLANDO ALMORAND BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 29 Jul 1857 in Fauquier County, Virginia, and died 21 Jul 1903 in Richmond, Virginia. He married NANNIE M. FRANCIS, daughter of THEODORE B. FRANCIS and MOLLIE A.. She was born May 1867 in Virginia.
Assistant Treasurer at the Mozart Academy of Music on 710 Pickett St. in Richmond. He is buried in Oakwood Cemetery. One of his descendants married the great-grandson of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, in 1955.
Like his uncle and namesake Orlando Almorand Pegram, he worked in the music field. Orlando was the only child to survive William B. Bootwright, passing 9 months after his father. Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
1860 Census: Name: Orlanda Boatwright Date: July 24, 1860 Age in 1860: 3 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: North East Side of Warrenton and North East Revenu, Fauquier, Virginia Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Warrenton Roll: M653_1344 Page: 76 Year: 1860 Head of Household: William Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: Olander Bootwright Date: July 15, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858 Age in 1870: 12 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Center, Fauquier, Virginia Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Upperville Roll: M593_1645 Page: 442 Image: 416 Year: 1870 Richmond, Virginia City Directories, 1889-90 Name: Orlando A Bootwright Location 2: 710 Pickett Business Name: Mozart Academy of Music Occupation: Assistant Treasurer Year: 1889, 1890 City: Richmond State: VABurial: Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
1900 Census: Name: Olagnes a Boatwright Date: June 5, 1900 Home in 1900: Richmond, Jefferson Ward, Richmond City, Virginia Age: 42 Estimated birth year: 1858 Birthplace: Virginia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Head Occupation: Merchant - Grocer Census Place: Richmond, Jefferson Ward, Richmond City, Virginia; Roll: T623 1738; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 91.
1900 Census: Name: Nannie M Boatwright Date: June 5, 1900 Home in 1900: Richmond, Jefferson Ward, Richmond City, Virginia Age: 33 Estimated birth year: 1867 Birthplace: Virginia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Wife Census Place: Richmond, Jefferson Ward, Richmond City, Virginia; Roll: T623 1738; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 91.Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
1910 Census: Name: Nannie N Bootwright Date: April 22, 1930 Age in 1910: 40 Estimated Birth Year: 1870 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Theodore B Francis Father's Birth Place: Virginia Mother's Name: Mollie A Francis Mother's Birth Place: Virginia Home in 1910: Richmond Jefferson Ward, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Richmond Jefferson Ward, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: T624_1644; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 0087; Image: 891.
10-114. i. ABBIE EDNA BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1887, Richmond, Virginia; d. 10 Apr 1915, Richmond, Virginia. 10-114A. ii. ORLANDO ALMORAND BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1888, Richmond, Virginia; d. 21 Jun 1889, Richmond, Virginia. 10-115. iii. MARY ANNE BOOTWRIGHT, b. Mar 1891, Richmond, Virginia; d. 12 Jul 1891, Richmond, Virginia. 10-116. iv. ORLANDO ALMORAND BOOTWRIGHT, b. 19 Nov 1892, Richmond, Virginia; d. 21 Jul 1957, Richmond, Virginia.
9-106. WILLIAM HENRY BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Mar 1860 in Fauquier County, Virginia, and died 28 Oct 1898 in Richmond, Virginia. He married GENEVIEVE WALLACE 14 Oct 1885 in Richmond, Virginia, daughter of ISAIAH THOMAS WALLACE and EMILY JANE NANCE. She was born 1860 in Virginia, and died 1934 in Richmond, Virginia.
1860 Census: Name: William Boatwright Date: July 24, 1860 Age in 1860: 1 month Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: North East Side of Warrenton and North East Revenu, Fauquier, Virginia Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Warrenton Roll: M653_1344 Page: 76 Year: 1860 Head of Household: William Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: William Bootwright Date: July 15, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860 Age in 1870: 10 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Center, Fauquier, Virginia Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Upperville Roll: M593_1645 Page: 442 Image: 416 Year: 1870Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
Richmond, Virginia City Directories, 1889-90 Name: William H Bootwright Location 1: 709 Broad E Location 2: 701 28th N Occupation: salesman Year: 1889, 1890 City: Richmond State: VA
As a widow, Mrs. “G.W. Boatwright” hosted the marriage of niece Alexina Bootwright Nuckols to Benjamin Campbell at her home on 800 N. 26th Street in Richmond. Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
No headstone, buried with husband William H. Bootwright in the family plot.
1900 Census: Name: G W Boatright Date: June 13, 1900 Home in 1900: Richmond, Marshall Ward, Richmond City, Virginia Age: 41 Estimated birth year: abt 1859 Birthplace: Virginia Relationship to head-of-house: Head Race: White Census Place: Richmond, Marshall Ward, Richmond City, Virginia; Roll: T623 1739; Page: 22A; Enumeration District: 100. 1910 Census: Name: Jenevieve Bootwright Date: April 16, 1910 Age in 1910: 50 Estimated birth year: abt 1860 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Virginia Mother's Birth Place: Virginia Home in 1910: Richmond Jefferson Ward, Richmond City, Virginia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Richmond Jefferson Ward, Richmond City, Virginia; Roll: T624_1644; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 97; Image: 1119. 1920 Census: Name: Jennevieve Boatwright Date: January 27, 1920 Home in 1920: Richmond Lee Ward, Richmond City, Virginia Age: 53 years Estimated birth year: abt 1867 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Virginia Mother's Birth Place: Virginia Marital Status: Widow Race: White Sex: Female Home owned: Own Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Richmond Lee Ward, Richmond City, Virginia; Roll: T625_1911; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 118; Image: 396. 1930 Census: Name: Genevieve W Bootwright Date: April 11, 1930 Home in 1930: Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia Age: 71 Estimated birth year: abt 1859 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Mother Race: White Census Place: Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia; Roll: 2475; Page: 29A; Enumeration District: 112; Image: 534.0.Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
10-117. i. H. C. BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1888, Richmond, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia. 10-118. ii. HENRY WALLACE BOOTWRIGHT, b. 14 Feb 1889, Richmond, Virginia; d. Feb 1975, Richmond, Virginia. 10-118A. iii. O. H. BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1890, Richmond, Virginia; d. 06 Jun 1890, Richmond, Virginia. 10-118B. iv. WILLIAM R. BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1890, Richmond, Virginia; d. 01 Aug 1890, Richmond, Virginia. 10-119. v. GENEVIEVE N. BOOTWRIGHT, b. 02 Mar 1892, Richmond, Virginia; d. Jan 1968, Richmond, Virginia.
9-107. ABNER STANFIELD BOOTWRIGHT (WILLIAM BRYAN9, WILLIAM8, JAMES7, JOHN6, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 12 Nov 1865 in Fauquier County, Virginia, and died 21 Mar 1894 in Richmond, Virginia. He married HATTIE ANDERSON. She was born 19 Aug 1863 in Virginia, and died 26 Jul 1930 in Richmond, Virginia.
Abner lived with brother-in-law Oswald Nuckols and sister Ciscelia Bootwright Nuckols as recorded in the 1880 Census. He later married Hattie Anderson and worked as a brakeman for the C&O Railway in Richmond. Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
1870 Census: Name: Abner Bootwright Date: July 15, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1866 Age in 1870: 4 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Center, Fauquier, Virginia Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Upperville Roll: M593_1645 Page: 442 Image: 416 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: A Bootwright Date: June 8, 1880 Home in 1880: Clifton, Alleghany, Virginia Age: 16 Estimated birth year: abt 1864 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to head-of-household: Brother-in-law Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Clifton, Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: T9_1352; Family History Film: 1255352; Page: 370.2000; Enumeration District: 2; . living with sister Cecelia and familyBurial: Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
Richmond, Virginia City Directories, 1889-90 Name: Abner S Bootwright Location 2: 819 25th N Occupation: brakeman Year: 1889, 1890 City: Richmond State: VA Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Abner S Bootwright Birth Date: abt 1866 Birth Place: Warrenton, Virginia Death Date: 21 Feb 1894 Death Place: Richmond, Virginia Death Age: 28 Occupation: Mechanic Race: White Marital Status: Married Gender: Male FHL Film Number: 2048593
1910 Census: Name: Hattie Bootwright Date: April 16, 1910 Age in 1910: 46 Estimated birth year: abt 1864 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Virginia Mother's Birth Place: Virginia Home in 1910: Richmond Madison Ward, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia Marital Status: Widowed Occupation: Boarding House Keeper Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Richmond Madison Ward, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: T624_1645; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 121; Image: 301. 1920 Census: Name: Hallie A Bootaright Date: January 8, 1920 Home in 1920: Richmond Madison Ward, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia Age: 56 years Estimated birth year: abt 1864 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Virginia Mother's Birth Place: Virginia Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image: 852 Census Place: Richmond Madison Ward, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: T625_1911; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 152; Image: 852. 1930 Census: Name: Hattie A Boatwright Date: April 5, 1930 Home in 1930: Richmond, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia Age: 66 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1864 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to Head of House: Head Race: White Census Place: Richmond, Richmond (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: 2476; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 28; Image: 954.0.Burial: Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
10-120. i. WILLIAM C. "WILLIE" BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1889, Richmond, Virginia; d. 21 Feb 1910, Richmond, Virginia. 10-120A ii. ANNIE B. BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1891, Richmond, Virginia.
last modified: April 14, 2015
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