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Boat(w)right Family Genealogy in America
Generation 5
5-1A. JOHN BOATWRIGHT (THOMAS5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born ca. 1723 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
John Bootwright - 3-28-1767 - "unrecorded plat for land not granted" - 150 acres in Turkey Quarter branch, Craven County, South Carolina.
John Bootwright - 10-31-1769 - Land Grant - 200 acres Buffalow Creek, Craven County, South Carolina.
5-1. WILLIAM BOATWRIGHT (THOMAS5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born ca. 1725 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. He married MARY ELBERT 1754 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. She was born 1734 in South Carolina.
Boatright Research Notes by Norman Hurd Ricker, Jr. - South Carolina Boatwrights:
William Boatwright - 1749, Son of Thomas - Edmund Kite Plat for 100A 3-1-1749. 0009 003 0004 00244 02 Secretary State, Surveyor General.
William Boatwright - 1776, Son of Thomas Sr. - Misc Estate Records 1774 to 1779, Pages 441/442 Dated 8-15-1776. Will of his father Thomas Sr. Mother was Margaret. Daniel Lundy - Witness. Rachel Hendrick - Witness. Recorded 8-16-1776 Cheraw District
1770 Deed Thomas Botewright Sr to William Botewright Jr. 100 acres on Thomson’s Creek
BOATRIGHT # 352, Vol 3W, SC Deeds, SC Archives, reproduced from microfilm Dated 9-12-1770, Recorded 10-21-1771 Craven County SC Thomas Botewright Senr to William Botewright
This Indenture made this Twentieth of William Botewright : September in the year of Our Lord One Release : Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy, : Between Thomas Botewright Senr of the County of Craven in the Province of South Carolina of the one part and William Botewright of the same place of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Thomas Botewright Senr for and in consideration of the sum of Two Thousand Pounds Carolina aforesaid to him in hand paid by the said William Botewright before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof the receipt where of he doth hereby acknowledge and himself to be therewith fully satisfied and paid hath Granted, Bargained, Sold Aliend Enfeoffed Conveyed and Confirmed by these presents doth freely and absolutely Grant Bargain Sell alien Enfeoff Convey and Confirm unto the said William Botewright two hundred acres of land lying on Thomsons Creek being the remainder of the said tract of land Deeded to Thomas Botewright Junr being part of a large Survey granted to Thomas Botewright Sen. by his Excellency Thomas Boon Esqr Captain General Governor and Commander aforesaid, Together with all the profits Privileges and advantages to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to and to hold all and singular the above Granted and Bargained Premises and every part and parcel thereof to him the said William Botewright and to his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use and Behoof of the said William Botewright his heirs and Assigns for Ever and the said Thomas Botewright Senr and his Heirs and Assigns and Against the claims and demands of any person or persons whatsoever, shall and will Warrant and Defend to the said William Botewright his Heirs and Assigns for Ever. In Witness whereof the said Thomas Botewright Senior hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and Year first within and above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Danl. Lunday, Thos Botewright - L.S. His, Simon S Lunday, Mark
This may Certifie that Daniel Lunday appeared before me and County : Made Oath that he saw Thomas Botewright Senr sign, Seal and Deliver the within Instrument of Writing as his act and Deed for the uses and purposes within contained and that at the same time he saw Simon Sunday Sign his name there unto as a Witness as he also did. Sworn before me this 21 Decemr 1770 Thos Wade Recorded and Examined this 21 Of October 1771. Henry Rugeley Register.
6-5. i. WILLIAM BOATWRIGHT, b. 1755, Chesterfield County, South
Carolina; d. Abt. 1825, Lexington County,
South Carolina.
6-6. ii. EDMUND BOATWRIGHT, b. 1757, Chesterfield County, South
6-7. iii. LEWIS BOATWRIGHT, b. 1758, Chesterfield County, South
Carolina; d. Aft. 1830, Chesterfield County,
South Carolina.
6-8. iv. ANTHONY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1763, Chesterfield County, South
6-9. v. THOMAS BOATWRIGHT, b. 1764, Chesterfield County, South Carolina;
d. 1822, Lexington County, South Carolina.
6-10. vi. JACOB BOATWRIGHT, SR., b. 1765, Chesterfield County, South
Carolina; d. Bef. 1836, Henderson
County, Tennessee.
5-2A. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT (THOMAS5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born ca. 1730 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Daniel Bootwright - 3-8-1749 Land Grant for 200 acres, Saxagotha Township, Berkley County, South Carolina.
Daniel Bootwright - 1-9-1752 Land Grant for 200 acres, Eleazor Creek, South Carolina.
Daniel Bootwright - 3-24-1758 Land Grant for 50 acres on Cypress Creek & Little Pee Dee River, Craven County, South Carolina.
Daniel Bootwright - 5-4-1761 land plat for 50 acres on Catfish Creek, Craven County, South Carolina.
Daniel Botewright - 8-31-1767 "chain of title" for 100 acres on Little Reedy Creek, Craven County, South Carolina.
5-2. THOMAS BOATWRIGHT (THOMAS5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born ca. 1735 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died 30 Jul 1802 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. He married MARY.
Boatright Research Notes by Norman Hurd Ricker, Jr. - South Carolina Boatwrights:
Thomas Boatwright - 1770, Son of Thomas Sr. – Cravens, South Carolina - Deed Thomas Botewright Sr. to Thomas Botewright Jr. 100 acres on Thomson’s Creek; the balance of 300 acres Grant of Thomas Sr not deeded to William. #352 Volume 3W SC Deeds SC Archives microfilm 9-12-1770. (William and Thomas Jr. appear to be sons of Thomas Sr.)
Thomas Boatwright - 1778 Petit Juror Cheraw District 1778-1779.
Thomas Boatwright - 1798 Deed dated 6-11-1798 Alexander Watson to Thomas Boatwright, Blacksmith, 900 pounds paid by Thomas Boatwright for land fronting on East Bay 30' X 217' on Smith line & marsh belonging to Philip Gadsden Esquire, land of Alexander Watson and Edward Tresert Esquire. Sworn 10-30-1798 before Daniel Smith JP Reg. Witness Alex Watson, Wm Stephens, John Watson.
Thomas Boatwright - 1799 Deed dated 9-10-1799 Recorded 5-10-1804. Benjamin Mazzals St John's Parish planter, to Thomas Boatwright of city of Chas. a parcel of land SW corner of Beaufain & Archdale Streets. Witnesses: James Brasass Stephen Mazzals; Charles Glover JP Reg.
Thomas Boatwright - 1800 Thomas Boatright to John Berings Cms 295 pounds by Berings 5-31-1800. Witness Eliza Puichaney, Peter Frenan; John Falker JP certified that Mrs. Arina Boatright, the wife of Thomas, relinquished her claim. Sworn 5-10-1804 Recorded same day by Charles Glover.
Thomas Boatwright - 1802, Son of Thomas Sr. – Marion, South Carolina - Mary Boatright (wife) and Lewis Boatright Sr. to Administer Estate & Effects of Thomas Boatright Jr., deceased. 7-20-02 Marion District Minute Book of the Ord.
Thomas Boatwright - 1802, Son of Thomas Sr. – Marion, South Carolina - Qualified Mary Boatright and Lewis Boatright Sr. Admr & Admx of the Estate of Thomas Boatright Jr., deceased 7-30-1802. Marion District Minute Book of the Ord.
Thomas Boatwright - 1803, Son of Thomas Sr. - Marion South Carolina - Citation granted to Zachariah Phillips and John Smith to cite Mary Boatright and Lewis Boatright Sr. Admr & Admx of the Estate and Effects of Thomas Boatright Jr. late of Catfish, deceased, to find other security and give an accounting. 4-29-1803. Marion District Minute Bk of the Ord.
Thomas Boatwright – 1803, Son of Thomas Sr. - Marion South Carolina - The Citation granted to Zach. Phillips and John Smith against Mary Boatright and Lewis Boatright Sr. returnable this day was returned, and the Court postponed the hearing until Friday next being the thirteenth of said month. 5-6-1803. Marion District Minute Book of the Ord.
Thomas Boatwright – 1803, Son of Thomas Sr. - Marion South Carolina - Mary Boatright & Lewis Boatright appeared according to postponement and gave their securities. Marion District Minute Book of the Ord.
1770 Deed Thomas Botewright Sr to Thomas Botewright Jr. 100 acres on Thomson’s Creek
BOATRIGHT # 352, Vol 3W, SC Deeds, SC Archives, reproduced from microfilm Dated 9-20-1770, Recorded 10-21-1771 Craven County SC Thomas Botewright Senr to Thomas Botewright Junr Thomas Botewright Sen.
This Indenture made this 20 September in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Thomas Botewright Jun. Hundred Seventy Between Thomas Botewright Sen. of the County of Craven in the Province of South Carolina of the one part and Thomas Botewright Jun. of the same Place of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Thomas Botewright Sen. for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Pounds current money of the Province of South Carolina aforesaid to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Botewright Junr, before the Ensealing and delivery hereof of the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself to be therewith fully satisfied contented and paid, Hath Granted Bargained sold aliened Enfeoff conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth freely and absolutely Grant Bargain Sell alien Enfeoff convey and confirm unto the said Thomas Botewright Junr One Hundred Acres of land lying on Thomsons Creek beginning at the upper part of the said land being part of a large Survey granted to Thomas Botewright Senr by his Excellency Thomas Boon Esq., Captain General Governor & Commander over said Province and bearing date 20 day of December 1762 in Craven County aforesaid, Together with all the profits, privileges, advantages to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to and to hold all and singular the above granted and Bargained Promises and every part and parcel thereof to him the said Thomas Botewright Junr and to his Heirs and Assigns and against the Claims and Demands of any Person or Persons Whatsoever, shall & will Warrant and Defend to the said Thomas Botewright Junr, his Heirs and assigns for ever. In Witness whereof the said Thomas Botewright Senr hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year first within and above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered : In the presence of us Danl. Lunday, Thos Botewright L.S. His, Simon S Lunday, Mark.Craven County.
This may Certif. that Daniel Lunday personally came before me and made oath that he saw Thomas Botewright Senr Sign, Seal and Deliver the within Instrument of writing as his act and Deed for the Uses and Purposes within contained and that he saw Simon Lunday sign as a Witness thereunto and also sign his own name as a Subscriber & Witness.
Sworn before me this 21 Decr 1770 Thos Wade
Recorded and Examined this 21 Day of October 1771. Henry Rugeley Register
Children of THOMAS BOATWRIGHT and MARY are:
6-11. i. THOMAS BOATRIGHT,, b. 1763, South Carolina;
d. 1833, Pope County, Arkansas.
6-12. ii. WILLIAM BOATWRIGHT,, b. 1765, South Carolina;
d. Bef. 1810, Brunswick County, North Carolina.
5-3. LEWIS BOATWRIGHT, (THOMAS5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born ca. 1741 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died in Marion County, South Carolina.
6-13. i. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT,, b. 1787, South Carolina; d. Bef. 1870,
Fayette County, Alabama.
5-4. JOHN BOATWRIGHT (BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born ca. 1737 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died ca. 1801 in Hanover County, Virginia. He married ELIZABETH.
October 23, 1778 Sundry parishioners of the parish of St. Paul in Hanover County request that
their vestry be dissolved and that an act may be passed to limit the term of office of
vestrymen. Their vestry had been appointed under the former government and had not been elected
by the parishioners themselves. The petitioners state that they want a more democratic system of
operating the church. For instance, their present vestrymen brought in a rector of their own
choice and the parishioners had no voice in the matter even though they were the ones who were
responsible for raising the money for his salary. Signatures of several hundred parishioners
follow including Daniel Boatwright and John Bootwright. (Souce: Hanover County Legislative
Petitions - Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 32, No. 1, page 4)
John Boatwright was a small farmer in Hanover County near Hanover Court House and was the
son of Benoni Bootwright.
The Virginia Heads of Families (1782-1785), which is often used as a 1780’s substitute for the 1790 census lost due to the British burning of Washington DC in the War of 1812, shows John’s household containing seven whites and no slaves.
In the Property Tax List of 1789 for Hanover County, dated March 28, 1789, the following
information is listed for John:
Number of Titheables: 2
Blacks above 16: 0
Blacks between 12 and 16: 0
Horses: 4
Quantity of Land: 90 acres
By 1799, John’s circumstances have slightly improved, as his farm is larger and he is shown as owning
two slaves, a male and female, both older than 16. The Hanover land tax list of that year, dated April
21, 1799, shows the following:
Number of Titheables: 1
Black males above 16: 1
Blacks between 12 and 16: 0
Blacks above 16: 2
Horses: 0
Tax: 68 cents
Quantity of Land: 120 acres
Botwright, Boatwright and Bootwright:
Virginia records contain several spellings of what is today considered the same family by genealogists. These variations of the family’s surname are still in use and it’s thought that one of John Boatwright's sons was James Bootwright.
How did the spellings come to vary? It’s entirely possible that the Virginia accents of the 1700’s caused the pronunciation of the “Bot” in “Botwright” to sound like “Boat” or “Boot.” Since many documents of the time were created with phonetic spellings, the actual names used to identify our ancestors could change over time (both from father to son and even for the same individual if different clerks recorded the ancestor’s name on court documents at different times).
Phonetic spelling wasn’t limited to courthouse clerks – our ancestors themselves may have contributed to the confusion. The ability to read and write in the 1700s was nowhere near as universal as today. Many court documents were simply marked with an “X”, so perhaps our ancestors couldn’t assist those recording their names with the proper spelling because they had no idea themselves how to write their own surnames.
Source: Frederick Oswald (Pete) Nuckols, Jr.
Hanover County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1789 Date: March 28, 1789 Persons Name Chargeable with the Tax: John Boatwright Number of Tithes: 2 Blacks above 16: 0 Blacks between 12 and 16: 0 Horses: 4 Hanover County, Virginia - Land Tax List – 1789 Date: 1789 Persons Name Owning Land in St. Paul’s Parish: John Boatwright Quantity of Land: 90 acres Hanover County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1799 Date: April 21, 1799 Persons Name Chargeable with the Tax: John Boatwright Number of Tithes: 1 Black males above 16: 1 Blacks between 12 and 16: 0 Blacks above 16: 2 Horses:0 Tax: 68 cents Hanover County, Virginia - Land Tax List – 1800 Date: 1800 Persons Name Owning Land in St. Paul’s Parish: John Bootwright Sr Quantity of Land: 120 acres
6-1. i. REUBEN BOATWRIGHT, b. 21 Mar 1762, St. Pauls Parish,
Hanover County, Virginia; d. Bef. 1840,
New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia.
6-2. ii. CHARLES BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1763, St. Pauls Parish,
Hanover County, Virginia; d. Bef. 1820,
Cumberland County, Virginia.
6-3. iii. JOHN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1764, St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County,
Virginia; d. 1838, Prince Edward County,
6-4. iv. JAMES BOOTWRIGHT, b. 1765, St. Pauls Parish, Hanover
County, Virginia; d. 05 Dec 1853, Richmond,
5-5. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT (BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1739 in Hanover County, Virginia and died 26 Mar 1797 in Cumberland County, Virginia. He married JANE MARTIN 1759 in New Kent County, Virginia, daughter of VALENTINE MARTIN and JANE BRIDGEWATER. She was born Abt. 1737 in St. Peters Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, and died Aft. 1797 in Cumberland County, Virginia.
October 23, 1778 Sundry parishioners of the parish of St. Paul in Hanover County request that their vestry be dissolved and that an act may be passed to limit the term of office of vestrymen. Their vestry had been appointed under the former government and had not been elected by the parishioners themselves. The petitioners state that they want a more democratic system of operating the church. For instance, their present vestrymen brought in a rector of their own choice and the parishioners had no voice in the matter even though they were the ones who were responsible for raising the money for his salary. Signatures of several hundred parishioners follow including Daniel Boatwright and John Bootwright. (Souce: Hanover County Legislative Petitions - Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 32, No. 1, page 4)
In 1778 Daniel bought 100 acres in Cumberland Co. from John and Rachel Martin. This was half of the home place which had passed from Isom to John under the will. They lived on Turkey Cock Creek in Cumberland Co., according to Elzey Joe Arledge, Jr., at the Martin Martin Home Page, Sep., 2000.
Children of Daniel are listed in his will: Cumberland Co., Va., prob. Mar 26 1798, Will Book. 3, pp 114/115.
Cumberland Co. records, 1782: Daniel, wife, 11 children, 5 slaves.
Dated 4-21-1797, Bk 3, Pg 114/115.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY: IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I Daniel Boatright of Cumberland County, being in a low state of health but in perfect mind & memory do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament, hereby revoking all former wills to this day. My Will & desire is that after my debts & funeral expenses are paid the following distribution of my Estate real & personal, to wit:
Item: I lend to my wife Jane Boatright all my estate that I now have in possession real & personal, during her natural life except as much of my stock as will furnish three beds for the use of my daughters that are now single.
Item: I give unto my daughter Nancy Boatright a negro girl Biddy which she has in possession, to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my daughter Jane Smith fifty pounds, twenty five pounds of which she has in possession, & the balance at the division of the estate, also the bed & furniture whereon we lay, to her, her heirs or assigns forever.
Item: I give unto my son John Boatright sixty pounds that I lent him, now in his possession, also forty acres of land that I leased to Gabriel Peasly after the said lease expires, with the income thereof to him, his heirs or assigns forever.
Item: I give unto my daughter Sally Boatright one negro man named Simon & one bed & furniture to her & the heirs of her body forever, but if she should die without a child, I then give it to be equally divided between all my children to them & their heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my son James Boatright the land whereon I now live, to him his heirs or assigns forever.
Item: I give unto my son Valentine Boatright one hundred pounds, which money is raised by the sale of a piece of land in Buckingham County, to his use, to him & his heirs forever.
Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Martin one negro girl Patty, which she has in possession, to her & her heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my daughter Esther Martin one negro girl Aggy, which she has in possession, to her & her heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my daughter Milley Boatright to take possession at any time one negro girl Lucy, one bed & one cow & calf, to her, her heirs or assigns forever.
Item: I give unto my daughter Drucilla Meadow one negro girl Dilsa which she has in possession, to her & her heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my daughter Rhoda Boatright one negro woman Ony & her increase, to take possession when ever her mother thinks proper, also one bed & one cow & calf, to her & her assigns forever.
Item: I give to my daughter Locky Boatright one negro girl Dicey & her increase, to take possession whenever her mother thinks proper, also one bed, one cow & calf & one side saddle, to her, her heirs or assigns forever.
Item: I lend unto my three sons, John Boatright, James Boatright & Valentine Boatright, my negro man Sam in the manner following, to wit, each of them shall hold a share in him during their natural lives & no longer, he is to be well used, & is not to be sold nor hired out, but shall labour a twelve months at a time in rotation according to their ages, & when one of them shall decease, this claim to him shall cease & the other two hold him in like manner, & at the decease of the whole of them, the N. Sam shall become free & independent. Balance of my estate personal, after the death of my wife, I leave to be equally divided between all my daughters or their representatives, them or their heirs forever. I nominate & appoint John Boatright, Valentine Boatright & John Martin Executors of this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this twenty first day of April 179 seven.
Signed Sealed & delivered :
in presence of:
Frederick Jones : Daniel Boatright (Seal)
James (X) Boatright, Jr.:
John Stratton, Jr.:
Examined at Court held for Cumberland County the 26th day of March 1798. This last Will and Testament of Daniel Boatright, deceased, was exhibited in Court and proved by the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Js Woodsman, D.C.
NOTE: Immediately following on page 115 is the last Will & testament of Obadiah Hendrick
of the Parish of Littleton in the County of Cumberland. Hendrick family members were
significantly associated with Theophilus Scarborough in Bulloch Co GA; Rachel Hendrick
witnessed in the settlement of the estate of Thomas Boatright, dec'd, and William Boatright 8-
15-1776 in Edgefield SC; Frederick Moss, Sr's dau Margaret m Russell Hendrick.
Burial: Buried Burnt Chimney Cemetery, Littleton Parish, Cumberland County, Virginia
Other Notes for Daniel Boatwright:
CUMBERLAND CO., Revolutionary War Claims, 1780: 1780 -- court bklt., pg. 7 [Abercrombie's Publick Claims, 1:307]: Daniel Boatwright, 11 1/2 bu wheat furnished for public use, carriage 10 miles Dec. 1780; court bklt., pg. 6 [Abercrombie's Publick Claims, 1:306-307]: Daniel Boatwright certificates for driving beeves, L360.
CUMBERLAND CO. Personal Property Tax List, 1782: 1782 [VaStLib, microfilm 93]: Daniel Boatwright: white tithables, 1; slaves, 4; horses, 3; cattle, 26; tax, 3.8.0.
CUMBERLAND CO., Revolutionary War Claims, 1782: April 1782 -- court bklt., pg. 6 [Abercrombie's Publick Claims, 1:286]: Daniel Boatwright for "do" [by Ben Wilson, comr state] Oct. L1.17.6.
CUMBERLAND CO., Witness, 1782: wr. 30 June 1782 -- Will Bk. 2, pg. 299 [Reynold's Cumb. Co. Wills, pg. 73, 75]: Will of Daniel Jones. Wits.: Richard Taylor, William Bond, Daniel Boatwright. 27 Jan 1783 -- Estate of Daniel Jones. Appraisors: Daniel Boatwright, Drury Woodson, Jesse Woodson.
CUMBERLAND CO., Personal Property Tax, 1783: 1783 [VaStLib, microfilm 93]: Daniel Boatwright: tithables: Daniel and John, William Martin; slaves: Sam, Nan, Judas 3; Erny, Bob, 2; white tithables 21+ yrs., 3; slaves 16+ yrs., 3; 12-16 yrs., 2; horses, 5; cattle, 22.
CUMBERLAND CO., Appraisor, 1786: 21 July 1786 -- Will Bk. 2, pg. 408, 523 [Reynold's Cumb. Co. Wills, pg. 82, 91]: Estate of Phinebas Glover. Appraisors: Joseph Taylor, Daniel Boatwright, James Thomas. 23 July 1792 -- Appraisors: Thos. Wilkinson, Daniel Boatwright, Jos. Boatwright.
Cumberland County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1791
Date: March 24, 1791
Name of Person Chargeable with Tax: Daniel Boatwright
White Male Tithes: Daniel Boatwright
Total: 2
Blacks above 16: 2
Blacks between 12 and 16: 1
Horses: 3
CUMBERLAND CO., Deed, 1793: 1 April 1793 -- Bk. 7, pg. 265 [VaStLib, microfilm 4]: James Boatwright to Daniel Boatwright: for L30 -- 30 acres where James now lives, previously purchased from Daniel. Land taxed to Daniel before 1780.
CUMBERLAND CO., Deed, 1793: 29 April 1793 -- Bk. 7, pg. 262 [VaStLib, microfilm 4]: Daniel Boatright & wife [Jany] to son James Boatright: for love -- 200 acres bounded by James Boatright. Wits.: N. Carrington, Philemon Davidson, Anderson Bowles, James X Boatright.
CUMBERLAND CO., Deed, 17[9]6: 18 ---?--- 17[9]6 -- Bk. 7, pg. 496-497 [VaStLib, microfilm 4]: Daniel Boatwright to Gabriel Teasley: lease land on Cartersville Road for 20 years, yearly rent of [L]4. Gabriel shall cut/clear land, not working more than 2 good hands in one year.
CUMBERLAND CO. Personal Property Tax, 1797: 1797 [VaStLib, microfilm 93]: Daniel Boatwright: slaves 16+ yrs., 3; horses, 3.
CUMBERLAND CO. Personal Property Tax, 1798: 1798 [VaStLib, microfilm 93]: Jane Boatwright: slaves 16+ yrs., 3; horses, 3; tax, $1.32.
CUMBERLAND CO., Estate Apraisal, 1817: Feb. 1817 -- Will Bk. 5, pg. 266-267 [VaStLib, microfilm 18]: Estate of Daniel Boatwright, appraised by William Montague, James Stratton, Robert Stratton, at $535.51: Including household items and furniture, and farm equipment. Also flour, flax, hog's lard, tallow, soap, pork, dried beef, cotton, vinegar, corn, oats, fodder, straw, hides, horses, yoke oxen, cows/calves, sheep, hogs, and 1 old Negro woman, Jude.
CUMBERLAND CO., Estate Accounts, 1817: 1817/rec. April 1819 -- Will Bk. 6, pg. 150-151 [VaStLib, microfilm 19]: Estate of Daniel Boatwright: 1817 To Valentine Boatright, exec.: J.M. Hudgins -- crying property at sale $5; J. Baughan, inv./acc. of sale, $5; cash for tobacco, $12.24. Estate - $51.35 1/9 to be divided among 9 distributees of Daniel Boatright, decd.: Ann Boatright, Jane Smith, Sally Boatright, Eliz. Martain, Easter Martain, Milly Right, Drusille Meader, Rhody Meader, Locky Sleger. By John Baughan, John Hatcher, John T. Reynolds.
CUMBERLAND CO., Estate Accounts, 1817: April 1817 -- Bk. 5, pg. 287-289 [VaStLib, microfilm 18]: Estate of Daniel Boatwright: accts. by John Martin, exec. Most accounts for taxes, store and smith. Also: 1799, woman's saddle, $15.91; 1816, for oxen, $52.00; cleaning/carrying wheat to market, $11.00; doctor, $61.00; John Martin as manager for Jane Boatright 17 yrs., $255.00. Accts. reviewed by Beverly I. Sandige, Robert Stratton, Benjamin Toler, James Stratton: balance due to manager, $[2]26.01.
Title: "Index & Outline: The Boat(w)right and Allied Families" Author: Ricker, Norman H. Publication: LDS Library, Salt lake City, Utah, 1989 Note: Material Compiled by Lt. Col. Wm. E. Boatright, Cabool, Missouri Note: Moderate Repository: Call Number: LDS micro-film #1597678, Item #7 Media: Microfilm Page: pp. 77-79
Title: "Ingham Family Data" Author: Andersen, Louise (Ingham) Publication: 1998/99 Note: Ingham Family Genealogy 13509 E Mountain View Ave Kingsburg, CA 93631-9704
Shirley Mae Hicks, Topeka, Kansas information on descendents of Daniel Boatwright
Title: Valentine Boatwright Family Information Author: Blomberg, Roberta Anne Publication: Sept. 1998 Note: e-mail note: Resides in Maryland. Repository: Call Number: Media: Manuscript
The DAR Patriot Index, Part 1, DAR, Washington, D.C., 1990, pg. 292: Boatwright, Boatright, Bootwright: Daniel: b.? Virginia, d. before 26 March, 1798, Virginia, m. Jane Martin, soldier, PS, VA.
Notes for JANE MARTIN:
From the Martin Martin web site
Children of DANIEL BOATWRIGHT and JANE MARTIN are: 6-14. i. NANCY BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1760, Hanover County, Virginia.
6-15. ii. JANE BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1762, Hanover County, Virginia.
6-16. iii. JOHN JOSEPH BOATWRIGHT, b. 31 Dec 1764, Hanover County, Virginia;
d. Abt. 1814, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-17. iv. SALLY BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt 1765, Hanover County, Virginia.
6-18. v. JAMES MARTIN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1767, Hanover County, Virginia, d. Abt.
1815, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-19. vi. VALENTINE MARTIN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1770, Hanover County, Virginia.
d. 28 May 1849, Cumberland County,
Virginia. 6-20. vii. ELIZABETH BOATWRIGHT, b. 1772, Hanover County, Virginia;
d. Bef. 1843. 6-21. viii. ESTHER JUDITH BOATWRIGHT, b. 17 Feb 1773, Hanover County,
Virginia; d. 29 Dec 1857, Campbell
County, Virginia. 6-22. ix. MILDRED "MILLY" BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1776, Hanover County, Virginia.
6-23. x. DRUCILLA BOATWRIGHT, b. 06 Jun 1777, Hanover County, Virginia;
d. 08 Dec 1843, Virginia. 6-24. xi. RHONDA BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1780, Hanover County, Virginia.
6-25. xii. LOCKEY BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1782, Hanover County, Virginia;
d. 05 Apr 1820.
5-6. BENJAMIN BOATWRIGHT, (BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1742 in Goochland County, Virginia, and died South Carolina.
Benjamin was most likely born in the area of Goochland County that became Cumberland County in
Children of BENJAMIN BOATWRIGHT, and UNKNOWN are: 6-26. i. BENJAMIN CHESLEY BOATWRIGHT,, b. 1773, South Carolina; d. Bef.
1850, Madison County, Florida.
6-27. ii. CHESLEY JOHN DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, b. 1775, South Carolina;
d. Bef. 1830, South Carolina.
6-28. iii. JAMES BOATWRIGHT, b. 1778, South Carolina. 5-7. JAMES BOATWRIGHT (BENONI6, JOHN3, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
1745 in Goochland County, Virginia and died 10 Jan 1815 in Cumberland County, Virginia. He
married (1)ELIZABETH KIDD Abt. 1768 in Cumberland County, Virginia. She was born 1748 in
Cumberland County, Virginia, and died Bet. 1777 - 1778 in Cumberland County, Virginia. He
married (2)MARY KIDD 1778 in Virginia. She was born in Cumberland County, Virginia,
and died Bet. 1797 - 1814 in Cumberland County, Virginia.
James was most likely born in the area of Goochland County that became Cumberland County in 1749.
James' plantation house is located in
Cumberland County, near Boatwright Island.
James owned Boatwright Island, located in the
James River, between Cumberland and Fluvanna counties, Virginia.
Elizabeth Blackburn Boatwright, the wife of James' oldest son Benoni, called Benjamine,
recorded births, deaths, and marriages, including those of some of the family slaves, in her
Bible. The entries are somewhat haphazard and are not complete for each family line, but it
must be assumed that what is written is correct, particularly since much of the material is
corroborated by other sources.
Entries in Elizabeth's Bible are provided by Dennis Guy Boatright of Texas.
He had received a copy of the pertinent pages of Elizabeth's Bible from Denny Boatright of
Missouri. The actual bible was last known to be in the possession of Mrs. Joe Adams, a grand
daughter of William Letcher Todd and Eliza Ann Boatwright Todd.
Chesley Hood Boatwright, the youngest son of James, had a bible, last believed to be in the
ossession of Clara Boatright Laningham of Arkansas, in which were found two neatly folded
sheets of paper containing a list of all of the children of James Boatwright and their birth
dates. At the bottom of the list is written, "The above register was
drawn from his Father's family bible by his youngest son February 5th, 1843." It is signed
"C. H. Bootright."
Source: David C. Rains
It should be noted, however, that the spelling of the surname itself is a cause of confusion. In
most sources, one finds that the name as used by the early members of the family is spelled
Boatwright. Generally, although not in all cases, the "w" was dropped in later generations.
However, in the following will of James, written in 1814, the name is spelled "Boatright"
throughout. The reason could be that the will was written by an attorney for James and, as
seems to be the custom of the times, he spelled the name the way he saw fit. Nonetheless, in a
handwritten list of siblings and their birth dates compiled by James' youngest son, Chesley
Hood, Chesley spells the name "Bootright". In Elizabeth Blackburn's Bible, the name is
spelled both "Boatwright" and "Boatright." To make the matter even more uncertain, she spells
the surname of her husband Benjamine, James' oldest son, without the "w" as
she does James'. She also spells her married name without the "w" in the Bible, but on her
tombstone the "w" is included.
Inconsistency abounds in the spelling of the Boat(w)right name, particularly in this line of the
family. It seems best not to become too concerned over the spelling of the surname, realizing
that our earlier ancestors seemed to have spelled it as the mood struck them on any given day.
Source: The actual will above is owned by Dan Boatwright.
The will of James Boatwright can be found in the Cumberland County, Virginia,
Circuit Court records, Will Book 5, Page 86:
"In the name of God amen, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, I James
Boatright of Cumberland County and State of Virginia, being in my right mind and of
disposing memory, do make this my last will and testament.
1st. I give to my son Leonard Boatright, my island on the James River known by the name of
Daniels Iland and also my Punch Creek tract of land by him paying in two years after my death
two hundred dollars to my estate, to him and his heirs forever.
2nd. I give to my son John Boatright my tract of land in the County of Fluvanna, which I
purchased of Mathew Wills, containing one hundred and twenty four acres be the same more
or less, by him paying fifty dollars in two years to my estate after my death, to him and his
heirs forever.
3rdly. I give to my son Chestly Boatright my tract of land on which I live, of one hundred and
nineteen acres be the same, as also my still and still vessels provisor that the said Chestly
Boatright lets my daughter Drucilla Boatright remain in the mansion house on said plantation
with him after my death and boarding free until she marrys, to him and his heirs forever.
4thly. I give to each of my children as they may need that have not received heretofore one
bed and furniture.
5thly. I give to my son Drury Boatright ten dollars in addition to what I have deeded him
proviso that he obligates himself to give free liberty or use of the spring called Drummons.
6thly. I give the balance of all my estate not heretofore mentioned or willed, to be equally
divided between my sons Samuel Boatright, James Boatright, Benj'n Boatright, Daniel
Boatright, and William Boatright and my daughters Ann Steger, Judith Martin, Drucilla
Boatright, Patsy Boatright, and Polly Boatright, giving to my son Samuel my negro Tarlton at
valuation, giving to my son James Boatright my negro George at valuation, giving to my
daughter Ann Steger my negro Sally at valuation, giving to my son William Boatright my
negro Nelson at valuation, giving to my daughter Judith Martin my negro Julia at valuation,
and giving to my daughter Drucilla Boatright my negro Cloe at valuation, each of them paying
the overplus should there be any at the division and, lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint
my sons Benjamin, Samuel, Leonard, and Chestly Boatright Executors of this my last will and
testament hereby revoking all other or former wills or testaments by me heretofore made.
In witness there of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my hand and affixed my seal this
10th day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen (1814).
Signed, sealed, published and declared as and for the last will and testament of
the named James Boatright in the presence of us.
It is interesting to note that the "Daniel's Iland" willed to his son Leonard can be found on a
current (1998) map of Cumberland County and is now known as "Boatwright's Island".
Source: David C. Rains
Daniel Boatright to James Boatright 5-27-1793, Bk 7, Page 262, 200 Acres.
David C. Rains
Title: See Boddie, "Historical Southern Families"
DAR Washington, DC, 1990
Page: Part I, p. 292
Children of JAMES BOATWRIGHT and ELIZABETH KIDD are: 6-29. i. BENJAMIN BENONI BOATWRIGHT, b. 08 Sep 1769, Cumberland County,
Virginia; d. 13 Jun 1816, Powhatan
County, Virginia. 6-30. ii. SAMUEL BOATWRIGHT, b. 17 Apr 1771, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. 1844, Fluvanna County, Virginia. 6-31. iii. JESSE BOATWRIGHT, b. 30 Aug 1772, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Bef. 1814, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-32. iv. ELIZABETH BOATWRIGHT, b. 07 Nov 1773, Cumberland County,
Virginia. 6-33. v. MARTHA "PATSY" BOATWRIGHT, b. 09 Nov 1775, Cumberland County,
Virginia. 6-34. vi. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, b. 13 Apr 1777, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. 1856, Murray County, Georgia. Children of JAMES BOATWRIGHT and MARY KIDD are: 6-35. vii. SARAH "SALLY" BOATWRIGHT, b. 6-11-1779, Cumberland County,
Virginia; d. Abt. 1813, Cumberland
County, Virginia. 6-36. viii. JOHN BOATWRIGHT, b. 01 Oct 1780, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Abt. 1790, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-37. ix. JAMES BOATWRIGHT, b. 04 Jan 1782, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Bef. 1840, Wilkes County, Georgia. 6-38. x. NANCY ANN BOATWRIGHT, b. 05 Apr 1783, Cumberland County,
Virginia; d. Apr 1833. 6-39. xi. WILLIAM BENJAMIN BOATRIGHT, b. 29 May 1784, Cumberland County,
Virginia; d. 08 Aug 1875, Madison
County, Arkansas. 6-40. xii. DRURY BOATWRIGHT, b. 11 Jun 1785, Cumberland County, Virginia.
6-41. xiii. SUSAN BOATWRIGHT, b. 22 Jan 1787, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Bef. 1814. 6-42. xiv. MARY ANN "POLLY" BOATWRIGHT, b. 27 Mar 1788, Cumberland County,
Virginia. 6-43. xv. JUDITH BOATWRIGHT, b. 27 Oct 1789, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. d. Jun 1858. 6-44. xvi. DRUCILLAH BOATWRIGHT, b. 27 Apr 1791, Cumberland County,
Virginia. 6-45. xvii. LEONARD D. BOATWRIGHT, b. 03 Apr 1793, Cumberland County,
Virginia; d. Abt. 1856, Cumberland
County, Virginia. 6-46.xviii. JOHN WADE BOATWRIGHT, b. 22 Aug 1795, Cumberland County,
Virginia; d. 03 Aug 1860, Madison County,
Arkansas. 6-47. xix. CHESLEY HOOD BOATRIGHT, b. 25 Nov 1797, Cumberland County,
Virginia; d. 27 May 1867, Madison
County, Arkansas.
5-8. JESSE BOATWRIGHT (BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
1751 in Cumberland County, Virginia and died Abt. 1821 in Cumberland County, Virginia. He
married JUDITH TABB Abt. 1772 in Cumberland County, Virginia. She was born Abt. 1754 in
Virginia, and died Abt. 1829 in Cumberland County, Virginia.
Jesse Boatwright lived in Cumberland County in the mid 1700's to early 1800's about whom we know
very little. His will, from which virtually all of the information concerning this Jesse is
derived, is dated in 1821, which would exclude him from being one of the three original brothers
unless he was well over 100 years of age. We know his wife was named Judith, we have a list of
all of his children living at the time his will was written, and we know from marriage records
that one his sons, Langhorne, married a cousin, Sally Boatwright, in Cumberland County in 1785.
We know little else about Jesse but speculate that he is a brother to James, because of the
geographic proximity between the two and the similarities of the names of the children of both.
The best guess, and it is a guess only, is that Jesse and James are probably brothers.
In the name of God amen, I Jesse Boatright of the County of Cumberland being weak in body but
of sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last will and testament in manner and
form following, hereby revoking all other wills heretofore by me made.
It is my will and desire that my body be buried in a decent Christian like manner, and as to
the worldly property which it has pleased God to (illegible) to own and enjoy, after the payment
of my just debts which are but few, I dispose of in manner following, that is to say, I leave
my wife Judith during her natural life one hundred and eighty acres of land, (illegible) of the
tract I now live on, to be laid off beginning at my corner on Hatcher’s Creek (illegible) at
James Andersons at an old rotten green stump, running through my land in a straight line to
(illegible) Pages line, so as to include the said one hundred and eighty acres, with the
dwelling house and appurtenances thereunto belonging.
I also leave to my said wife Judith during her natural life the five following slaves, that
is to say George, Abram, Jack, Lidia, and Peter; also one half of all my stock of Horses,
Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, also one half of all my household and kitchen furniture, one half of
all my plantation tools and utensils, and one half of all my Crops on hand or growing as the
case may be, and after the death of my wife, I give and devise to my son Jesse (illegible) his
heirs forever the aforesaid one hundred and eighty acres of land with the appurtenances
thereunto belonging, so as aforesaid left to my wife. I also give to my said son Jesse and
his heirs after the death of his mother, the negro woman Lidia aforesaid and her future
increase together with whatever may be left of the stock, Household and kitchen furniture,
plantation tools and utensils, so as aforesaid left to his mother during her natural life.
I give to my son Richard and his heirs at the death of his mother my negro man George; I also
give to my said son Richard two hundred dollars to be deducted out of his land due to me of
five hundred dollars bearing date on the (blank) day of one thousand eight hundred and (blank)
with interest from the (illegible) (illegible) (illegible) Bond becomes due, I have heretofore
given to my said son Richard one half of the tract of land formerly lived upon, Supposed to
contain ninety six acres, which is considered to be equal to the provision I can make for the
rest of my children.
My son Langhorne I have already made provision for by giving him the other half of the land I
formerly lived upon. Supposed to contain ninety six acres and advancing for and paying to him
two hundred dollars in cash which is also considered to be equal to the provisions I can make
for the rest of my children.
I give and devise to my sons Benoni and Edward the balance of the tract of land I now live on
to be equally divided between them, in numbers of acres, not as joint tenants but as tenants
in common, beginning at a chopt beech on Hatcher’s Creek, at the mouth of a small branch
running through the same to the line of the land left their mother during her life so as to
divide at(?) equally the lower half adjoining (illegible) Stephen W (illegible). I give and
devise also negro boy Tom to him and his heirs forever.
To my son Benoni I give and devise the upper half of the same parcel or tract of land adjoining
Mr. Charles Irving, also negro boy Phill, to him and his heirs forever.
To my son Wade I give at the death of his mother my negro man Abram to him and his heirs
forever. I have heretofore given my said son Wade in cash six hundred dollars which is
considered to be equal to the provisions I can make for the rest of my children.
To my son Thomas, I give my negro boy Anthony and at the death of my wife, I also give him my
negro boy Jack to him and his heirs forever.
To my daughter Jenny Gibbons I leave my negro girl (illegible) and called by the name of
Cinder, now in her possession, during her natural life, and at her death, the said negro
Cinder and her natural increase if any to be divided among all my said daughter Jenny’s
children. I also give to my said daughter Jenny two hundred dollars to be paid her in cash.
I have heretofore given to my said daughter Jenny a feather bed and furniture and (illegible).
I appoint my sons Thomas and Edward Trustees to my son John requesting them to take care of
his person and property during life.
To my daughter Molly Johnson I leave my negro (illegible) now in her possession during her
natural life, and at her death, the said negro girl with her increase to be equally divided
among the children of my said daughter Molly, to them and their heirs forever. I have
heretofore given to my said daughter Molly a feather bed and furniture and (illegible).
To my daughter Betsy I leave my negro man Berry(?). If she dies leaving a child or children,
I then give the said negro Berry to the said child, and if children to be equally divided
among them all to them and their heirs forever and if my said daughter Betsy should die without
issue, the said negro Berry to return to my estate and be equally divided among all of my
children or their legal representatives. I give to my said daughter Betsy a feather bed and
furniture and saddle to her and her heirs forever.
To my daughter Sally I leave my negro woman Nan and boy James during her natural life also a
feather bed and furniture and saddle and after her death to be equally divided among all her
children if any. If none to return to my estate and be equally divided among all my children
or their legal representatives.
To my son John, I leave my negro man Liah for his use and benefit during his natural life to
be under the care and management of the trustees before appointed in this my last will and
testament, and if my said son John should die leaving issue lawfully begotten, then I give
the said negro Liah to such issue him, her, or theirs as the case may be and to his, her, or
their heirs forever, but should he die without such issue lawfully begotten then the said negro
Liah return to my estate and be equally divided among all of my children or their legal
The other half of my stocks, furniture, tools, etc., not set apart for my wife, I desire may
be sold and the money arising from said sale to be equally divided between my daughters Molly
Johnson and Betsy Boatright and should there be any surplus from my estate after discharging
the (illegible) it is my wish and desire and I accordingly direct that at the death of my
wife, it may be sold together with a negro boy (illegible) and called by the name of Peter
and undisposed of, and the money arising from the said sale be equally divided among all of
my children or their legal representatives to them and their heirs forever.
Lastly, I nominate and appoint my friends Dr. Samuel Wilson and William M. Thornton executors
to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have this sixteenth day of October
one thousand and eight hundred and twenty one set my hand, and affixed my seal.
In presence of Jesse Boatright
NOTE: This will was copied from a Xerox of the original. All entries in parenthesis are from
David C. Rains and not part of the original will. The will was copied exactly,
complete with grammatical errors and misspellings.
1820 Census:
Name: Jesse Boatwright
Township: Not Stated
County: Cumberland
State: Virginia
Year: 1820
Roll: M33_130
Page: 98A
Image Number: 190
1 male: 16 - 26, 2 males: 26 - 45, 1 male: over 45,
1 female: 0 - 10, 1 female: 26 - 45, 1 female: over 45
Children of JESSE BOATWRIGHT and JUDITH TABB are: 6-48. i. JESSE BOATWRIGHT, b. 1773, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-49. ii. RICHARD BOATWRIGHT, b. 1774, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Bef. 1850, Christian County, Kentucky. 6-50. iii. LANGHORNE BOATWRIGHT, b. 1776, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Abt. 1826, Wilkes County, Georgia. 6-51. iv. EDWARD BOATWRIGHT, b. 1778, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-52. v. THOMAS BOATWRIGHT, b. 1781, Cumberland County, Virginia,
d. Abt. 1815, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-53. vi. JENNY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1783, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-54. vii. WADE BOATWRIGHT, b. 1783, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Aft. 1860, Warren County, Tennessee. 6-55. viii. JOHN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1784, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Bef. 1840, Campbell County, Virginia. 6-56. ix. WILLIAM BOATWRIGHT, b. 1785, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Aft. 1860, Georgia. 6-57. x. MOLLY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1786, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-58. xi. BETSY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1787, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-59. xii. SALLY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1788, Cumberland County, Virginia. 6-60. xiii. BENJAMIN BENONI BOATWRIGHT, b. 1789, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Bef. 1880, Highland County, Ohio.
5-9. WILLIAM BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1744 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died Abt. 1807 in Franklin County, Georgia. He
married MARY.
Children of WILLIAM BOATWRIGHT and MARY are: 6-61. i. ANNA BOATWRIGHT, b. 07 Jun 1764, St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County,
Virginia; d. 18 Jun 1848, Franklin County,
Georgia. 6-63. ii. WILLIAM BOATWRIGHT, b. 1774, St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County,
Virginia; d. 21 Feb 1851, Pickens County,
South Carolina. 6-64. iii. GEORGE BOATWRIGHT, b. 1775, St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County,
Virginia; d. Bef. 1850, Hanover County,
Virginia. 6-65. iv. DRURY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1777, Cumberland County, Virginia;
d. Aft. 1860, Carroll County, Georgia. 5-10. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1746 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died Abt. 1805 in Stokes County, North Carolina. He
married SARAH DEMPSEY. She was born Abt. 1750 in Virginia, and died 1829 in Giles County,
1800 Census:
Name: Boatright, Daniel
Township: Salisbury
County: Stokes
State: North Carolina
Year: 1800
Roll: M32_32
Page: 545
Image: 512
3 males, 0 - 10, 1 male, 10 - 15, 1 male over 45,
2 females, 16 - 25, 2 females, 26 - 44,
2 slaves,
11 total
Children of DANIEL BOATWRIGHT and SARAH DEMPSEY are: 6-66. i. JAMES G. BOATRIGHT, b. 18 Jul 1769, Stokes County, North Carolina;
d. 24 Nov 1839, Giles County, Tennessee. 6-67. ii. DANIEL D. BOATRIGHT, b. 26 Jan 1771, Stokes County, North
Carolina; d. 16 Feb 1846, Palestine,
Crawford County, Illinois. 6-68. iii. SINCY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1775, Stokes County, North Carolina;
d. Bef. 1840, Tennessee. 6-68A. iv. FRANCES BOATWRIGHT, b. 12 Mar 1776, Stokes County, North Carolina;
d. 27 May 1851, Dunreith, Henry County,
Indiana. 6-69A. v. THOMAS BOATWRIGHT, b. 30 May 1771, Stokes County, North Carolina;
d. Aft. 1852, Illinois. 6-69. vi. JOHN SAMUEL BOATRIGHT, b. 1792, North Carolina; d. Aft. 1870,
Franklin County, Alabama. 5-11. MICAJAH BOATWRIGHT (JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1760 in St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County, Virginia.
Micajah served in the 5th Virginia Regiment, Continental Line Revolutionary Soldiers.
Source: Norman Hurd Ricker
In December of 1775, the Virginia General Assembly voted to increase the size of the
military forces from two regiments to nine regiments. These new regiments were to be
comprised of ten companies of sixty men each, three companies to be riflemen and act
as light infantry. On December 28, 1775, the Continental Congress requested the
Commonwealth of Virginia to furnish six battalions for use by the Continental
forces. February 13, 1776 the nine Virginia regiments were accepted by the
Continental Congress for Continental service.
The Fifth Regiment of the Virginia troops, under the command of William Peachy,
along with the Third Regiment was assigned the area between Potowmach and
Rappahanoch for security. The Fifth Regiment was then stationed at Richmond
Courthouse, where the activities of the Fifth Regiment from March 1776 until
July 1776 are covered in the orderly book of the company of Captain George
Stubblefield. May 7, 1776, Colonel William Peachey resigned and Colonel Scott was
assigned as commander of the regiment. It is unclear as to when the Fifth Regiment
marched to join Washington’s forces, although, it is known they were part of
Brigadier General Adam Stephen’s Brigade at the Battle of Trenton. Here it is
reported that General Stephen jeopardized Washington’s Trenton raid by sending an
unauthorized patrol across the Delaware River on Christmas Day. The patrol was led
by Captain Richard Anderson of the Fifth Virginia Regiment.
January 1, 1777, found the Fifth Regiment under Colonel Scott Making up part of an
outpost along Five Mile Run on the Trenton - Princeton Road. With the advance of
the British from Princeton this outpost retreated in the direction of Trenton,
finally reaching the main battle position south of Assumpenk Creek. It is not known
hat part the Fifth Regiment played during the Battle of Princeton on January 3,1777.
April 1777, saw the Fifth Virginia, under the command of Colonel Josiah Parker,
part of General Pete Muhlenburg’s Brigade, consisting of the 1st, 5th, 8th, 9th,
and 13th Virginia Regiments. The history of the Fifth Virginia Regiment from the
period of April 1777 until December 1777 is reflected in the writings of General
Muhlenburg in his orderly book.
In the Battle of Brandywine, 11 September 1777, the Fifth Virginia as a member of
Muhlenburg’s Brigade, along with Weeden’s and Nash’s Brigade formed Greene’s
Division. The extent of the Fifth’s participation in the Battle is unknown.
Likewise, the performance of the regiment, as members of the Muhlenburg’s Brigade,
at the Battle of Germantown, 4 October 1777, is also unknown. However, it is known
that Muhlenburg led his Brigade in a bayonet attack that penetrated the British
Lines and pushed 1000 yards to the rear. In his subsequent retreat to regain
Greene’s main body, Colonel Mathew’s 9th Virginia, which lead the advance, was
surrounded and captured.
During the winter of 1777 - 1778, the Fifth Virginia continued to be part of
Muhlenburg’s Brigade and encamped with the rest of the Continental Line at Valley
Due to the lack of factual information, it is not known whether the Fifth Virginia
participated in the Battle of Monmouth on June 28, 1778. Records do show that
sometime between May 1778 and July 1778, Colonel Joseph Parker was replaced by
Colonel Abraham Buford.
In September 1778, the Virginia Line was rearranged, by reducing the fifteen
regiments to eleven. The reorganization saw the Fifth Virginia Regiment (of 1775)
redesignated the Third and the Seventh Virginia becoming the "new" Fifth Regiment.
The Commander of the "new" Fifth was Colonel William Russell.
Little is written about the Fifth Regiment during the winter of 1778 - 1779 In the
reorganization of the Virginia Line in May 1779, the Fifth Regiment became part of
General William Woodford’s Brigade. Following operations in the Northern Colonies,
the Virginia troops were ordered south to join General Lincoln in defense of the
Southern Colonies. These troops under General’s Woodford and Scott entered
Charleston, South Carolina on April 7, 1780. On 12 May 1780, General Lincoln
surrendered the city of Charlestown, along with the entire Virginia Line of
Continental troops to the British.
5-12. BENJAMIN BOATWRIGHT (JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1761 in St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County, Virginia, and died Bef 1830 in Hanover County,
6-71. ii. EDWARD D. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1795, Hanover County, Virginia; d. Bef.
1860, Buckingham County, Virginia.
6-73. iv. THOMAS A. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1801, Hanover County, Virginia; d. Bef.
1850, Logan County, Kentucky.
5-13. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT (JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1762 in Hanover County, Virginia and died 1818 in Emanual County, Georgia. He married
MARGARET BRASWELL Abt. 1789 in Burke County, Georgia, daughter of KINDRED BRASWELL
and RHODA. She was born Abt. 1775 in Burke County, Georgia, and died 1840 in Emanual
County, Georgia.
Daniel served in the South Carolina milita in the Revolutionary War, and was paid for his
services by the state on Oct 27, 1785 (see Book N, pg 95, Stub entries for Indents, SC
Revolutionary War records, edited by Salley). By 1788 he had moved to Georgia and settled in
Burke County and was granted 200 acres of land there by the state of Georgia that year. He
was living in Effingham County in 1794 when he bought a tract of 500 acres and another tract
of 200 acres on 12/31/1794, from Joel Ruis of Burke County. The lands laid on the Great
Ogeechee River. In 1795 he was cut into the new county of Bulloch. He was sheriff of Bulloch
County in 1807. In 1812 he was cut out of Bulloch into Emauel county on its creation.
Emanuel estate records show his widow, Margaret, was appointed guardian of their two minor
children, Charles and Nancy on 9/3/1818.
There is a marker in the Hawhammock Baptist
Church Cemetery outside of Swainsboro that states the following: Daniel Boatright
PVT GA MILITIA Revolutionary War 1762-1818.
Elected: 1807, Sheriff of Bulloch County
Military service: October 27, 1785, Paid for services in the Revolutionary War in SC.
Property: 1788, granted 200 acres by state of Georgia
Residence: 1788, moved to Georgia
Burial: by Margaret in a now abandoned burial ground in Emanuel County on the old
Savannah road near Herndon and east of McKinney's pond...graves unmarked
Granted guardianship on 9/3/1818 of minor children, Nancy and Charles, when Daniel died in
1818. Margaret was the head of her home in the 1820 census. In the 1827 state land lottery she
drew land as the widow of a Revolutionary soldier, resident at that time of Emanuel County.
She died about 1840 and was buried by her husband in a now abandoned burialground in
Emanuel County on the old Savannah road near Herndon and wast of McKinney's
pond...graves unmarked (info from Pioneers fo the Wiregrass trail).
Children of DANIEL BOATWRIGHT and MARGARET BRASWELL are: 6-74. i. BETSEY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1790, Burke County, Georgia.
6-75. ii. MARY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1791 in Burke County, Georgia;
d. 09 Mar 1877 in Monroe County, Alabama. 6-75A. iii. SARAH A. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1792 in Burke County, Georgia;
d. 09 Mar 1860 in Monroe County, Alabama. 6-76. iv. REUBIN BOATWRIGHT, b. 14 Feb 1794, Burke County, Georgia;
d. 13 Dec 1878, Emanuel County, Georgia. 6-77. v. PERMELIA BOATWRIGHT, b. 1797, Burke County, Georgia;
m. DANIEL HALL. 6-78. vi. NANCY BOATWRIGHT, b. 1800, Burke County, Georgia.
6-79. vii. CHARLES BOATWRIGHT, b. 1805, Burke County, Georgia.
6-80. viii. JOHN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1806, Burke County, Georgia.
5-14. SAMUEL BOATWRIGHT (JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1764 in Hanover County, Virginia, and died 04 May 1834 in Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina. He married NANCY WEATHERS 01 Aug 1792 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina,
daughter of REUBEN WEATHERS and CELIA ZILLS. She was born Abt. 1765, and died
23 Jun 1837 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
Information for Samuel Boatwright and descendents provided by Billie Boatright Ranson.
1787 Virginia Census Hanover Co., Sam Botewright enumerated with James Botewright,
owned 2 slaves over 16 years of age. District of Elisha White Commissioner Hanover Co. Tax
List B.
Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress
State of North Carolina } Court of Pleas and quarter Sessions
On this 31 day of August A.D. 1832 personally appeared before the st Justices of the Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions opened and held for the County of Mecklenberg and State aforesaid on the 4th Monday
of August aforesaid and now sitting – Samuel Boatwright a resident of said County and State aged sixty
eight years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration
in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of congress passed the seventh of June 1832
– that he is sixty eight years of of age and that he was born in in the year A.D. 1764 – that he has a record
of his age in his possession and that he was born in the County of Hanover State of Virginia about ten
miles of Richmond – that he lived there until the Revolutionary war and that he first entered the service
of the United States in the States Troop of Virginia under Captain Elisha Meredy – that this
was in the year 1779 – that he marched to Little York and was under the Command of General [Thomas]
Nelson – that he volunteered for nine weeks – which tour he served and was verbally discharged at
Williamsburg – That he again volunteered under Captain Robert Carter – for two months as well as he
can remember – that his lieutenant was William Aery [or Aevy] – that this was in year 1781– that his
commanding officer was colonel Campbell – that he was stationed at Williamsburg – where Colonel
Campbell was killed [possibly Gen. William Campbell, who died 22 Aug 1781] – he was verbally
discharged from this service – He again volunteered as he believes in the year 1781 under Captain
Thomas Richardson for two months – that John Starke was colonel and that his company was stationed at
Mobbin Hill [sic: Malvern Hill 15 mi SE of Richmond] on James River that he served out his time and
was verbally discharged by his commanding officer – That he again volunteered under Captain Thomas
White – that Marryweather [sic: Meriwether] was Major and Hardiman was Colonel – that during this
tour he was at the Siege of Yorke [Yorktown, 28 Sep - 19 Oct 1781] with General Washington with the
Continental army and was present at the Capture of Lord Cornwallis – that after the capitulation of Little
Yorke – he was marched to Frederickburg from which place he returned Home – being then left with
eleven others without officers that this was in the year 1781
That the whole time he was engaged in the United States service during the last tour was about two
months – tho he can not speak positively to the fact – that he was at little york when the first cannon was
fired on the town by the Continental Army [30 Sep] – that he assisted in raising the works for the
protection of the cannon and those who had the command of them – remained there until the town was
taken and was marched from there to the town of fredericksburg – that the whole time he was engage in
the service during that war was about nine months – that he understands that the Muster Rolls of the
States Troop of Virginia are in the war department at Washington that other than that he has no
documentary evidence of his services as above stated – and that he knows of no living wittness by whom
he can prove it that he remained in the State of Virginia during the Revolutionary War and removed to
the State of North Carolina in the year 1787 into the County of Mecklenberg where he has resided ever
since —
That he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and he
declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of any agency in any state.
[signed] Samuel Boatwright
Samuel appears on tax lists in Mecklenburg Co. NC, in 1797,1798, 1799 ,1806, and 1807. For
the first time in 1807 he appears as a property owner with 140 acres of land and 2 slaves.
Reuben Weathers, father of Nancy Weathers Boatright, willed 145 acres to his daughter in a
Mecklenburg Co. will dated 2 Mar 1806, probated in April 1806. The will leaves another
parcel, or part of the same parcel, to son Randolph Weathers, except the parcel where Samuel
Boatwright now lives. It is unclear if Samuel was also given property.
See link for Reuben Weathers Will.
In 1797, Samuel was bonded and licensed to keep an ordinary in his home, per Mecklenburg
County Minutes of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions. It is possible that Samuel and Nancy
had 2 houses after that license.
Marriage Record:
1800 Census Mecklenburg Co. NC
1810 Census Mecklenburg Co. NC: No listing for Samuel Boatwright can be found. There is
one for Sam'l B. Wright and no other name is listed with a middle initial. He is in Capt.
Smarrtt's Co. which is the correct area of Mecklenburg Co.
1810 Census Mecklenburg Co. NC
1820 Census Mecklenburg County
1820: sold 170 acres per deed, applied for and received a Revolutionary War Pension in 1832,
and died in Mecklenburg Co. 4 May 1834. Date of death on pension file.
Obituary Charlotte Journal , Charlotte, NC. June 23, 1837, age 72.
Marriage Bond 1792 Mecklenburg Co. NC.
Estate Settlement 1937, NC Archives.
Children of SAMUEL BOATWRIGHT and NANCY WEATHERS are: 6-81. i. JAMES BOATWRIGHT, b. 1804, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. 6-82. ii. JOHN B. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1805, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. 6-83. iii. SAMUEL WASHINGTON BOATWRIGHT, b. 1808, Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina; d. Bef. 1900,
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. 5-15. JAMES BOATWRIGHT (JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1765 in St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County, Virginia. He married MILDRED MARTIN 1815 in
Kentucky. She was born ca. 1787 in Kentucky.
5-16. HARTWELL BOATWRIGHT (JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1766 in St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County, Virginia.
Member Captain Thomas Whote's Company of the Militia of Hanover County, Virginia. Brother John
Boatright also a member on 10-17-1789. (Source: Vol 5 Calender of Virginia Papers - page 40)
5-17. JOHN BOATWRIGHT (JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
ca. 1768 in St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County, Virginia, and died Bef. 1820 in Hanover County,
Virginia. He married SARAH. She was born Abt. 1772 in Virginia.
James Boatright of St Paul to his son John Boatright 90 acres bounding on Trueheart,
Macon Melton, 3-15-1784. (Page 147, Wm & Mary Quarterly Series 1, Volume 21 #3)
James Bootright of St Paul to his son John Bootright, land I bought of Thomas Melton, 3-15-1785.
(Page 148, Wm & Mary Quarterly Series 1, Vol 21, #3)
Member Captain Thomas Whote's Company of the Militia of Hanover County, Virginia. Brother
Hartwell Boatright also a member on 10-17-1789. (Vol 5 Calender of Virginia Papers - page 40)
5-18. AMBROSE BOATWRIGHT (Not Yet Determined1) was born
Abt 1745 in Virginia, and died Abt 1800 in Barnwell County, South Carolina. He married
(1) UNKNOWN. He married (2) SABREY. She was born Abt 1760 in South Carolina.
From Rory Boatright:
Sherman burned the Sandersville courthouse during the Civil War, so they don't have
any records prior to 1865. I was knocking around in the probate area and the
tax-assessor asked me who I was researching, and I told her George Boatright. She
looked stunned and said you are kidding, hold on a minute. She comes back with a
manila envelope which says "George Boatright Land Records 1860". She said when she
first took office, the envelope was stuck in the back of her desk. It was like a
deed abstract of George Boatright's land holdings all the way back to the 1790's,
some copies, some were the original deeds, including the deeds prior to George's
BUT, THE BIG FIND - stuck amongst the deeds was a letter
of administration from the clerk of the ordinary in Barnwell, South Carolina,
granting administration to SABREY BOATRIGHT for the Estate of AMBROSE
BOATRIGHT, probate date was May, 1801, most likely deceased during the prior
12 months.
So, there is George's Mom and Dad, I'm guessing. I can't imagine why else the letter
would be in with George's deeds. Also, I am guessing a bit as to Ambrose's name - it
only shows up once and is a little hard to read, but for now, I am calling it
Ambrose. It might be something like Amrrone or Amrrove or Ammrose, which neither
name makes much sense. But Sabrey is a definite since it shows up 3 times, and it
was a common name at the time.
I looked at the South Carolina census for 1800, Barnwell, and found Sabrey as a head
of household. If you look at the original image on you can make it out
now that we know it is Sabrey, but the image is smudged, so it has been indexed as
Elbrey(Ricker) and Grby (Ancestry). I noticed that the Washington County census for
George in 1820 has a Savony Cook living next door to him, who has no males and only
an old woman as the head of household. I started thinking that maybe some
transcriber also had problems with the first name.
I found in newspaper notices for Washington County that in 1815 a James Cook
announced to the world that his wife Lucy Cook had "abandoned his bed and board" and
he was letting everybody know that he was done with her. Then, in 1818, his son
James Cook, Jr. was administering his estate.
Considering that the Savary Cook in the census had no old males, lived right next
to George E. Boatwright, George E. had land dealings with a James Cook, I think its
pretty safe to assume that Sabrey remarried James Cook. Sabrey had 3 males and 1
daughter under age 10 in the 1800 census, and who knows, she might have been pregnant.
Ambrose probably died unexpectedly, he was only 55 years old or so, and left Sabrey
with a house full of kids, so it makes sense she remarried. Maybe James Cook adopted
the small males, or one that was born later, which was really Ambrose's kid.
I'm kinda thinking that they might have met and married in South Carolina around
1800 before they came to Georgia, so we should be looking for a James Cook around
Sabrey in the 1800 census of Barnwell, South Carolina.
Interesting discovery by Hollis Boatright: The Loyalist listing below proves the
theory (Dr. Ron Boatright's) that Ambrose fought for the British in the Revolution. You
will recall that Ambrose died in Barnwell, South Carolina in 1800, and Barnwell was
formed from the Orangeburg District in 1798, so I am certain its the same Ambrose.
Loyalists In The Southern Campaign, Vol. I pp.240/41: Pay Abstract Nr 5,
Colonel John Cotton's Regiment, Stevenson's Creek Militia, Ninety Six Brigade,
Captain John Helen's Company, those who came to Orangeburg, South Carolina with
Lieut. Colonel John H. Cruger, 183-days pay, 14 Jun-13 Dec 1780, to be paid on
10 Nov 1781. A total of 54 loyalists listed, including Ambrose Boatwright.
Captain: Helen, John
Ambrose Boatwright signed the Will of Francis Griffin in Lunenburg, Virginia. The will is
dated November 20, 1764. Francis Griffin’s mother was Mary Green, the aunt of Gardner Green.
This is the same Gardner Green that was a loyalist in South Carolina, and Ambrose served under
All the witnesses signing Francis Griffin's will were
related to his wife...Ambrose might have also been related to Francis Griffin. Maybe Sabrey was
a Green, since I do have a Luther Green Boatright in my family line.
It appears that James Cook, Sabrey Boatwright's second husband, was also a Loyalist,
based on his inclusion on an estate confiscation list:
Estate Confiscation Lists Per the Royal Gazette
The following has been sent to us from the country, as a correct list of those
persons whose estates have been confiscated by an act of the Rebel Assembly at
Jacksonboro. They are divided into six classes.
CLASS II - Such of the former inhabitants of this Country, as presented
congratulatory addresses to Sir Henry Clinton and Admiral Arbuthnot; listed is James Cook.
Note from George Boatright: I have listed the children of Ambrose Boatwright from two wives
based on DNA testing. DNA test results from descendents of the two oldest sons, James and John
match, while DNA test results from descendents of the next oldest son, George, do not match the
results of the James and John descendent tests. My theory is that Ambrose married Sabrey in the
mid-1790s, after she had children from a previous husband, and then these children adopted the
Boatwright name.
Cumberland County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1800
Date: May 17, 1800
Persons Name Chargeable with the Tax: Jane Boatright
Blacks above 16: 3
Blacks between 12 and 16: 1
Horses: 3
Tax: $2.12
1810 Census:
Name: Jayne Boatright
Township: Cumberland
County: Cumberland
State: Virginia
1 male: under 10
2 females: 45 and over
Total: 3 people
See Historical Southern Familes for a genealogy
of the James Boatwright branch of the family.
The names, birth dates, and death dates of James Boatwright, his wives, children, and their
children, are drawn from a variety of sources, the most reliable of which are bible entries.
D. Shields
Wm. Montague
Abraham Daniel
James (His Mark) Boatright"
It is apparent from the signature at the end of this will that James, for all his land and property
holdings, was unable to read and write. As he obviously did not write this will himself, it
would account for the misspellings, particularly of family members. The names of his
children Chesley and Drucillah, are spelled incorrectly throughout this document. The accurate
and correct spelling of these names is well documented in letters, bible records, etc., some of
which are written by the same family members whose names are misspelled in the will.
Public Service Claims Certificate #65-2764 8-1-1784: "The Commonwealth of Virginia is
indebted to James Boatwright for the delivery of thirty-one, and three quarters pounds of
Bacon to be discharged at Twenty Dollars per pound. Ben Wilson, D.C.."
Cumberland County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1791
Date: March 24, 1791
Name of Person Chargeable with Tax: James Boatwright
White Male Tithes: James Boatwright
Total: 2
Blacks above 16: 0
Blacks between 12 and 16: 0
Horses: 2
Cumberland County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1800
Date: May 14, 1800
Persons Name Chargeable with the Tax: James Boatright
Blacks above 16: 2
Blacks between 12 and 16: 0
Horses: 3
Tax: $1.24
1810 Census:
Name: Boatright, James
Township: Cumberland
County: Cumberland
State: Virginia
Year: 1810
Roll: M252_68
Page: 142
Image: 277
1 male: 10 - 15, 3 males 16 - 25, 1 male: over 45,
3 females: 16 - 25,
5 slaves
Author: Ricker, Norman H.
Title: "Index & Outline: The Boat(w)right and Allied Families"
Publication: LDS Library, Salt lake City, Utah, 1989
Material Compiled by Lt. Col. Wm. E. Boatright, Cabool, Missouri
Page: Virginia, p. 90
Samuel Anderson X
William A. (illegible) (his mark)
At a court held for Cumberland County the 24th day of December, 1821, This last Will and
Testament of Jesse Boatright, dec., was handed in court and proved by the witnesses (illegible),
and ordered to be recorded. And on motion of William M. Thornton one of the Executors named in
said will made oath according to Law or certificate for a (illegible) through in due forum(?)
is granted him her having entered into bond securely, according to Law.
John Daniel, Jr.
Cumberland County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1791
Date: March 22, 1791
Name of Person Chargeable with Tax: Jesse Boatwright
White Male Tithes: Jesse Boatwright
Total: 1
Blacks above 16: 0
Blacks between 12 and 16: 1
Horses: 1
Cumberland County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1800
Date: April 19, 1800
Persons Name Chargeable with the Tax: Jesse Boatright
Blacks above 16: 2
Blacks between 12 and 16: 0
Horses: 3
Tax: $1.24
1810 Census:
Name: Boatright, Jessee
Township: Cumberland
County: Cumberland
State: Virginia
Year: 1810
Roll: M252_68
Page: 133
Image: 258
1 male: 10 - 15, 3 males: 16 - 25, 1 male: over 45,
1 female: 10 - 15, 1 famale: 16 - 25, 1 female: 26 - 44,
1 female: over 45,
12 slaves
Cumberland County, Virginia - Property Tax List - 1782
Number of Tithes: 5
Black males above 17: 5
Bedford County - 1785 "ALLD. (Allowed?) 2 days attendance" Court Order Book 8
(1784-86) Pg 159, 288.
William's daughter married with his consent: Ann married Joshua Wade 10-28-1786.
Thomas McLaughlin Surety. This license is recorded in Bedford County. At bottom of
the license: "This is to certify that I have given from under my hand for Joshua Wade
to take out a Marriage License between him and my Daughter Anna - witness my hand
this 28th day of October 1786."
Bedford County, Virginia - Property Tax List 1787
White Males 21+ = Self,
White Males 16-21 = 1,
Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules = 1,
Cattle = 7.
Bedford County, Virginia - 1788 "ALLD. (Allowed?) attendance" Court Order Book 9
(1786-90), Pg 44.
Bedford County, Virginia - "Surveyor" Court Order Book 9, Pg 72.
Bedford County, Virginia - "Erroneously charged" Court Order Book 9 (1786-1790),
Pg 131.
Bedford County, Virginia - William was Surety for William Wills married to Frances
Tyler; married by James Mitchell 1-13-1791. Marriage Bond 1-12-1791.
Bedford County, Virginia - Bedford County Court Order Book 11, 2-5-1795, First Name
Unknown Moss vs Benjamin Hughes - A Jury charged to try the Spec joined James
Gatewood, Payton Leftwich, William Campbell, Woody Cobb, Joseph Anthony, JohnL Cobb,
Edward Terrel, Thomas Campbell, William Baughtwright, Andrew Donald, Richard Haden
and Lawrence McGeorge, returned a verdict for the Plaintiff for six pounds damages &
Judt for the same & costs.
Bedford County, Virginia - 2-6-1795, Pg 9, Ct Order Book 11: The Jury summoned to
view a mill seat petitioned for by James Callaway made their return as follows "We
the Jury whose names are hereunto subscribed valued --- one of land the property of
Robert Alexander proposed for the abuttment to the mill aforesaid and located and
circumscribed the same by the following metes and bounds (legal description follows,
genealogy extracted) Beginning at Alexander's and Callaway's corner maple on Lick
Run --- find for Robert Alexander --- damages. Given under our hands & seals this
fourteenth day of March 1795 - James Reid, Joshua Wade, Daniel Mitchell, Thomas
Andrews, Jeremiah Jenkins, Dan Brown, William Adams, Samuel Clayton, Wm Boatwright,
R. Bradfiste, Henry Brown, William Lee, J. Leftwich, whereupon it is considered by
the court that the same be established according to report & that the said James
Callaway have leave to build said mill, and that he pay the damage as assessed by
the Jury aforesaid.
Bedford County, Virginia - 2-24-1800, Pg 49, Ct Order Bk 12: "On the motion of
Wm Boatwright, Admin is granted him on the Estate of Joshua Wade, Decd, who made
oath & gave bond with Secy according to law."
Bedford County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1800
Date: April 17, 1800
Persons Name Chargeable with the Tax: Wm Boatwright
Number of Tithes: 2
Black males above 17: 0
Horses: 1
Bedford County, Virginia - William was Administrator of Joshua Wade's Estate. He
was recorded as William Botwright, Senior. Will Book 2, Pgs 196-298, dated 10-1-1800,
recorded 1-26-1801.
Bedford County, Virginia - Deed Holt & Adams to Boatwright - Acknowledged and
Ordered to Record. Ct Order Book 12, Pg 182, 7-27-1801.
Bedford County, Virginia - Deed Thomas Holt & Wm Adams to William Boatwright 12 acres
on west side of Lick Run, a branch of Otter River. Name spelled Boatwright and
Botewright in same document. Deed Book 11, Pg 386.
Bedford County, Virginia - a William Leftwich and others ordered to appraise Estate of
Joshua Wade 12-28-1801. Order Book 12, Pg 230, 231, Reel 42, VA Sta Library (Pg 230
provides date only) Ordered that Wm Leftwich, Wm Callaway, Henry Brown & Jno
Leftwich or any three be appd to state & settle the a/c Cort of the Estate of Joshua
Wade, Deceased, with Wm Boatwright the Admr & make rept.
Bedford County, Virginia - 10-25-1802, Pg 315, Ct Order Book 12: A Deed Boatwright
et ux to Austin - acknowledged by Boatwright ackd & ORd.
Bedford County, Virginia - Deed William Boatright &ux (wife) Mary Boatright to
Robert Austin 37 acres on Lick Run Creek. Deed Book 11, Pg 656.
Bedford County, Virginia - Mary Boatright to Robert Austin, relinquishing dower 37
acres on Lick Run Creek. 11-15-1802. Deed Book 11, Pg 657.
Bedford County, Virginia - 12-27-1802, Ct Order Book 12, Pg 334: A Comn Boatright to
Austin, Returned, Examined, & Ordered Recorded.
Bedford County, Virginia - Deed William Boatright to Robert Austin Book 17, Pg 236.
This is a single line entry "1802 William Boatright 25 f 12 Deeded to Robt Austin in
William moved to Elbert County, Georgia at the end of 1802/beginning of 1803, after
wrapping up the estate of his son-in-law, Joshua Wade.
Elbert County, Georgia - Thomas Patterson & Francis his wife of Abbeville County,
South Carolina to William Boatwright 2-17-1803, Book H, pg 128a & 229, 300 acres
sold to Patterson by Ezekiah Bailey on 7-19-1794, adjacent to Picket Shiflet.
Elbert County, Georgia - Ezekiah Bailey to William Boatright Quit Claim Deed Book H,
pg 129, 300 acres.
Elbert County, Georgia - 1806 Land Lottery CPT Geo. Roebuck's District. Two draws.
Source: Norman Hurd Ricker
1790 Census:
Name: Daniel Boatright
Township: Not Stated
County: Stokes
State: North Carolina
Year: 1790
Roll: M637_7
Page: 179
Image: 0310
2 males over 16, 2 males under 16,
5 females,
5 slaves,
14 total
Burial: Boatright Cemetery, Giles County, Tennessee
American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
Name: Micajah Boatwright
Birth Date: 1740
Birthplace: Virginia,
Volume: 15
Page Number: 319
Biographical Info: mil.
Reference: Historical reg. Of Virginians in the Rev.,
soldiers, saliors and marines, 1775-1783. Ed.
By John H. Gwathmey. Richmond, Va. 1938. (13, 872p.):72
The History of The Fifth Virginia Regiment of the American Revolution
Hanover County, Virginia - Property Tax List – 1799
Date: April 21, 1799
Persons Name Chargeable with the Tax: Benjamin Boatwright
Number of Tithes: 1
Black males above 16: 0
Blacks between 12 and 16: 0
Blacks above 16: 2
Horses: 0
Tax: 24 cents
1810 Census:
Name: Boatright, Benjamin
Township: Not Stated
County: Hanover
State: Virginia
Year: 1810
Roll: M252_69
Page: 882
Image: 131
1 male, 16 - 25, 1 male over 45,
2 females, 10 - 16, 1 female, 16 - 25, 1 female, 26 - 44, 1 female over 45,
1820 Census:
Name: Benjn (Unknown) Boatright
Township: Not Stated
County: Hanover
State: Virginia
Year: 1820
Roll: M33_138
Page: 53
Image Number: 64
1 male over 45,
1 female over 45.
1 male slave, 0 - 14, 1 male slave over 45,
1 female slave, 0 - 14, 1 female slave over 45,
6 total, 1 agriculture
6-70. i. PLEASANT BOATWRIGHT, b. 1794, Hanover County, Virginia; d. Bef.
1860, Logan County, Kentucky.
1820 Census:
Name: Margaret Boatwright
Township: Not Stated
County: Emanuel
State: Georgia
Year: 1820
Roll: M33_6
Page: 102
Image Number: 63
1 male: 10 - 16,
1 female: 10 - 16, 1 female: 16 - 26, 1 female: over 45,
Burial: by Daniel in a now abandoned burial ground in Emanuel County on the old
Savannah road near Herndon and east of McKinney's pond...graves unmarked
Pension Application of Samuel Boatwright
Born 1764, Hanover County, Virginia
Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris1, S. 6684
passed June 7th 1832.
Mecklenberg County } August Term 1833
Also on 1787 Hanover Co. Tax List are John Bookwright with 2 white males above 16 and
under 21, and Daniel Bookwright, 1 White male above 16 and under 21, 4 Blacks under 16.
Marriages in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: Samuel Bootwright and Nancy Weathers,
August 1, 1792, Reuben Weathers, bondsman and Isaac Alexander, witness.
Name: Samuel Boatwright
Spouse: Nancey Weathers
Marriage Date: 1 Aug 1792
Marriage County: Mecklenburg
Marriage State: North Carolina
Source Vendor: County Court Records - FHL # 0546461-0546466
Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Samuel Boatwright 1 male 26-45
1 female 45+
3 females 10-16
Males under 10 3 Females: under 10 2 Slaves 3
10-15 1 10-15 2
45+ 1 25-44 1
Sam'l Bottright
Males 10-16: 2 Females: 0-10 1
16-18 1 16-26 2
16-26 1(possibly the same one) 45+ 1
45+ 1
1830 Census:
Name: James Boatright
Home in 1830: Jessamine, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 3
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 3
1850 Census:
Name: James Boatright
Date: August 24, 1850
Age: 85
Estimated birth year: abt 1765
Birth Place: Virginia
Gender: Male
Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 2, Jessamine, Kentucky
Family Number: 236
Census Place: District 2, Jessamine, Kentucky;
Roll M432_208; Page: 54B;
Image: 112.
Census indicates that James is blind
1850 Census:
Name: Mildred Boatright
Date: August 24, 1850
Age: 63
Estimated birth year: abt 1787
Birth Place: Kentucky
Gender: Female
Gender: Male
Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 2, Jessamine, Kentucky
Family Number: 236
Census Place: District 2, Jessamine, Kentucky;
Roll M432_208; Page: 54B;
Image: 112.
December 13, 1798 Petition of Peter Bowles, that your petitioner intermarried with Sally Parker
on the 8th day of February 1798; that on 28th day of April in the year aforesaid the said Sally
(then Sally Bowles) was delivered of a child, which your partitioner well knew was not his own
and which his unfortunate and culpable wife has since sworn was the child of Hartwell Boatwright.
Your partitioner begs leave to represent that altho' his wife was nearly seven months advanced
in pregnancy on the day of their marriage, she cautiously avoided making a discovery of her
situation and suffered your petitioner to remain totally ignorant of the melancholy misfortune
which she was with premediation about to bring upon him. For causes aforesaid it is impossible
that your partitioner and the said Sally Bowles should live in happiness together as becomes man
and wife: in consideration whereof, he prays to be granted a Bill of Divorce. Certificate,
signed Sally (her x mark), dated 14 July 1798 and witnessed by Charles Shepperson, consenting to
above petition. No other names mentioned. (Souce: Hanover County Legislative Petitions - Magazine
of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 31, No. 1, page 60)
1810 Census:
Name: Boatright, Jno
Township: Not Stated
County: Hanover
State: Virginia
Year: 1810
Roll: M252_69
Page: 882
Image: 131
1 male over 45,
2 females, 26 - 44, 1 female over 45,
6 slaves
Notes for SARAH:
1820 Census:
Name: Sarah bootwright
Township: Not Stated
County: Hanover
State: Virginia
Year: 1820
Roll: M33_138
Page: 78
Image Number: 89
1 male, 0 - 10,
1 female over 45,
1 male slave, 0 - 14, 1 female slave, 0 - 14,
4 total
From Rory Boatright:
Lieutenant: Green, Gardiner
Lieutenant: Price, Edward
Adjutant: Barton, John
Private: Boatwright, Ambrose
Amount: £317.12.0
attest: Robert Gray, Deputy Pay Master
Reuben Roberts substituted for Ambrose
Boatwright, who was drafted at Rocky Mount in Lancaster County, South Carolina in
the American militia at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
From Troy Sims:
From Rory Boatright:
Final note concerning James Cook:
Notes for SABREY:
1800 Census:
Name: Boatright, Sabrey
Township: Barnwell
County: Barnwell
State: South Carolina
3 males: 0 - 10
3 males: 10 - 15
1 female: 0 - 10
1 female: 26 - 44
1820 Census:
Name: Savary Cook
Township: Unknown
County: Washington
State: Georgia
1 male: 16 - 18
1 male: 16 - 26
1 female: 45 and over
3 total, 2 agriculture
6-84. i. JAMES BOATWRIGHT, b. 18 Feb 1773, Virginia;
d. 13 May 1857, Columbia, Richland
County, South Carolina.
6-86. iii. GEORGE EARL BOATWRIGHT, b. 1787, South Carolina; d. Bef. 1850, Tennell, Washington County, Georgia.6-87. iv. BENJAMIN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1791, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1828, Gwinnett County, Georgia.
6-88. v. CHARLES BOATWRIGHT, b. 1792, South Carolina; d. Aft. 1830, Barnwell County, South Carolina.
last modified: March 4, 2018
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