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Boat(w)right Family Genealogy in America
Generation 9
9-1419. RUBYE S. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM E.9, DANIEL D.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 13 Jan 1894 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 17 Aug 1953 in Soperton, Treutlen County, Georgia. She married HORACE MARION FLANDERS. He was born 07 Jun 1888 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia. He died 29 Jul 1933 in Soperton, Treutlen County, Georgia.
Source of obits and newspaper stories: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
The Soperton (GA) News - Thursday, 20 August 1953, p. 1
Funeral Services for News Editor Wednesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Rubye Boatwright Flanders, editor of the Soperton News and nearly a lifelong resident of Soperton were held Wednesday afternoon at the First Baptist Church. Dr. William Kitchens Jr., conducted the services and the Rev. Ernest Seckinger of the Soperton Methodist Church assisted. Both paid very high tribute to her Christianity, loyalty, and devotion to her family and friends. Interment was in Westview Cemetery with Sammons Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Pallbearers were R. A. Perry, Bill Hall, Curtis Wamonck, N. G. Reeves Jr., Dr. M. W. Williamson, and Jim Hall.
Mrs. Flanders, the daughter of the late William E. Boatwright and Mrs. Estelle Kemp Boatwright, was born into the newspaper business sixty years ago in Swainsboro where her father owned and edited the Forest Blade. She was married to the late Horace Flanders, who passed away in 1933. In 1918 Mr. Flanders bought the Soperton News and they moved to Soperton, where they edited the paper and reared their family. In 1940, because of poor health, Mrs. Flanders sold the paper and moved away for a well earned rest.
Old friends, old ties, and the smell of printers ink was a little too much to forget, though, so in 1943 she moved back to Soperton and took up her old editorial duties. In addition to editing the paper she also served as Administrative Chairman of the American Red Cross until ten months ago when ill health forced her into involuntary retirement. Most of this time was spent in the University Hospital in Augusta, and with her sisters in Augusta, and with her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Permenter in Spartanburg, S. C. There, death as it must to us all, came to her last Monday evening at nine thirty. It was caused by a heart condition.
Mrs. Flanders, besides a host of friends, is survived by one son, Horace M. Flanders of Savannah, and two daughters: Mrs. E. L. Permenter of Spartanburg, S. C. and Mrs. W. B. Ficklen of Augusta, and four grandchildren. She is also survived by two sisters: Mrs. P. P. Maund and Mrs. W. R. Owens, both of Augusta.
1900 Census: Name: Ruby S Boatwright Date: June 5, 1900 Home in 1900: Swainboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 Estimated birth year: 1892 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter Census Place: Swainboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T623 195; Page: 20B; Enumeration District: 103.Burial: Westview Cemetery, Soperton, Treutlen County, Georgia
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - Friday, 4 March 1927, p. 4A, col. 3
Another Flogging
The flogging of H. M. Flanders, editor of The Soperton News, adds another disgrace to a section of the state that has suffered much from mob violence. Mr. Flanders, according to reports, is in a serious condition, and the three masked hoodlums who committed the crime are free. In this, and in all such instances, the grand jury should be convened at once, and no effort know to law enforcement spared to bring the culprits to justice.
If defiance of constituted authority shall be continued in the manner that mobs in that section of South Georgia seem to feel, then the time will come when the majority of good law abiding citizens will have to seek other sections to live, or be terrorized by and at the mercy of the mob spirit. It is a very serious situation, and demands quick, vigorous action. - The Atlanta Constitution
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - Wednesday, 2 March 1927, p. 9A, col. 6
Relatives Express Grave Doubts As to Recovery Editor of Soperton News
Soperton, Ga., Mar. 1 - Grave doubts that H. M. Flanders, editor of the Soperton News, who was attacked and beaten by masked men late Friday, would recover, was expressed by relatives Monday.
Meanwhile investigation into the flogging is underway and it is reported Mr. Flanders recognized one of his three assailants.
The editor, whose crusade against bootleggers, has led him into difficulties before, is reported to be in a serious condition, suffering intense pain from the severe whipping administered with a board.
A description of the attack was given by relatives today. Mr. Flanders is allowed to see no visitors, nor will physicians allow him to speak of the assault since his first story of the flogging was told by the victim to the family.
Mr. Flanders was going home from Norristown in his automobile when a party passed him on the road. They went ahead passed a small bridge, then parked their car across the road. “Please move to one side so I can pass,” requested the editor when he drove up. “I’m in a hurry to get home.”
“Like h--- we will,” was the reply. “We’ll ‘learn’ you what to put in our d--- paper.” They grabbed the editor one striking him in the face. This blow rendered him unconscious. They then beat him unmercifully about the back with a board. About 9 o’clock the beaten man regained consciousness, got in his car and managed to get home. Mr. Flanders was already in an extremely nervous condition, having never fully recovered from gunshot wounds he sustained in an encounter with Crosby Williams, This shooting was caused by an anti-whiskey editorial.
Williams served a term in prison for the attack.
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - 18 August 1927, p. 1A, col. 1
H. M. Flanders, Soperton Editor, Goes to Atlanta For Special Treatment
Atlanta, March 23 - Horace M. Flanders, editor of the Soperton News, who recently was flogged by masked men following an editorial in his paper in which stricter enforcement of the dry laws was urged, arrived here today to place himself in the care of specialists for treatment of his injuries.
During his stay he will be a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. A. Smith. Alighting from the train with the aid of crutches, he expressed gratification at the action Monday of a Treutlen county grand jury in returning indictments against four men accused of the attack on him.
“Treutlen county is the home of thousands of good, law-abiding citizens,” he said, “who are not in the least sympathy with the small gang of criminals who bob up occasionally. During my illness after the whipping, hundreds visited me and gave assurances of their loyalty. For that matter, I have received hundreds of letters from all parts of the county offering assistance and giving words of cheer.”
Three years ago, Flanders was shot and wounded on the streets of Soperton by Crosby Williams, who had resented an editorial in the News and he was an invalid for some time. He still was suffering from impaired health at the time he was flogged. Williams served a prison term for the shooting.
The Swainsboro (GA) Forest-Blade - 3 August 1933, p. 1
Mr. Horace M. Flanders Ends Life Last Saturday
Mr. Horace M. Flanders, editor of the Soperton News and associate editor of the Swainsboro (GA) Forest-Blade, ended his life last Saturday morning by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. He had been a long and patient sufferer from afflictions and could be given no possible hopes by his physicians of ever growing better. Long suffering and brooding over his condition created a spirit of despondency, which no doubt created a desire for the ening [sic] of his mortal existence.
About nine years ago Mr. Flanders was shot down on the streets of Soperton by a cowardly assassin, without cause, and he has never enjoyed an hour of health or pleasure since that day. Again, some six years ago, he was waylaid on the road by a crowd of drunken highwaymen and brutally assaulted, which greatly added to his already severe afflictions. His afflictions and suffering became greater and greater as he grew older and had reached the state where it almost seemed beyond the endurance of a mortal man.
Mr. Flanders was a Christian man and all who knew him were numbered among his friends. Besides his numberless friends, he left a wife, who was before her marriage Miss Ruby Boatright; three grown children, Horace M. Jr., Vivian and George-Anita Flanders. He also left three brothers and three sisters.
The funeral was held from the First Baptist church of Soperton, Sunday afternoon and the burial took place in the Soperton cemetery. Rev. J. A. Reiser, of Soperton, assisted by Rev. J. P. Wesberry, of South Carolina, and Rev. Walter Flanders, of St. Marys, preached the funeral.
Burial: Westview Cemetery, Soperton, Treutlen County, Georgia
i. HORACE MARION FLANDERS, b. 21 May 1909, Emanuel County, Georgia. ii. VIVIAN FLANDERS, b. 23 Nov 1912, Emanuel County, Georgia. iii. GEORGE-ANITA FLANDERS, b. 22 Jul 1915, Emanuel County, Georgia.
9-1419A. BLANCHE BELL BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM E.9, DANIEL D.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 24 May 1895 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 21 Jun 1895 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
9-1420. JOHNNIE RUTH BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM E.9, DANIEL D.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 15 May 1897 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 14 Jul 1965 in DeKalb County, Georgia. She married (1) OSMAN P. SASSER Apr 1913 in Emanuel County, Georgia. He was born 28 July 1885 in North Carolina, and died 31 August 1933 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia. She married (2) PRENTICE MAUND 07 Nov 1936 in Dublin, Laurens County, Georgia. He was born Abt. 1897 in Georgia, and died 12 May 1957 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia.
Source of obit and newspaper stories: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
The Swainsboro (GA) Forest-Blade - April 24, 1913
Miss Ruth Boatright and Mr. O. P. Sasser were quietly married at the home of Rev. L. L. Deal, near town, last Monday evening. It was quite a surprise to the many friends of the young couple.
Miss Boatright is the charming young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boatright and was quite popular among the young set. Mr. Sasser is a young man with a bright future before him, holding a responsible position with The Southern Bell Telephone Company. They will make their home at elens for the present.
The Atlanta (GA) Constitution - May 4, 1913
Swainsboro, Ga. ... One of the youngest brides that Swainsboro has had in sometime is Mrs. O. P. Sasser, who was, before her marriage a few days ago, Miss Ruth Boatright, a little school girl of about 14 summers. Mr. Sasser and his finance, fearing parental objection on account of the youth of the bride, drove out to the country home of Rev. L. L. Deal, where they were married. The bride has many friends here. The groom is in the employ of the Northern Bell Telephone company and is located at Helena, where they will reside.
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - November 8, 1936
Soperton, Ga., Nov. 7 - Mrs. Ruth Sasser, of Augusta, who has been making her home here with her sister, Mrs. H. M. Flanders, for several months, and Mr. Prentice Maund were married in Dublin on Saturday evening, the Rev. C. D. Graves performing the ceremony.
The bride wore a smart Jeanne model of rough green wool crepe, made along modish lines and with collar and ties of kolinsky fur. Her hat was a brown French velour, and other accessories were in matching shades of brown. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boatwright, deceased, pioneer citizens of Swainsboro and Emanuel county.
Mr. Maund is a member of an old and prominent family of Laurens county. He is now located at Moultrie, where he is with the Southern Bell Telephone company, as supervisor of a construction company.
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - Thursday, July 15, 1965, p. 18A, col. 3
Mrs. Ruth Maund
Mrs. Ruth Boatright Maund, 68, of Augusta, died Wednesday in Atlanta, Ga., following an extended illness.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Poteet Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Dan Thomas officiating. Burial will be in Westover Memorial Park. A native of Swainsboro, Ga., she was a daughter of the late W. B. and Laura Boatright, had been living in Atlanta for five years and was a member of Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church in Augusta.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Willie B. Owens, Augusta, and several nieces and nephews.
Honorary pallbearers will be Fred A. Cheek Jr., Mickey Hand, John B. Lazenby, W. Cason Smith, H. J. Arndt and James E. Davis.
1900 Census: Name: Johnny R Boatwright Date: June 5, 1900 Home in 1900: Swainboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 2 Estimated birth year: 1898 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter Census Place: Swainboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T623 195; Page: 20B; Enumeration District: 103. 1910 Census: Name: Johnnie R Boatright Date: April 28, 1910 Age in 1910: 13 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1897 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: William E Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Ella M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 95; Image: 613.Burial: Westover Memorial Park Cemetery, Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia
9-1421. WILLIE D. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM E.9, DANIEL D.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 20 Aug 1899 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 13 May 1973 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia. She married (1) JOHN GORDON KINGERY 16 Jul 1918 in Emanuel County, Georgia. He was born 12 Sep 1896 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 10 Sep 1964 in Laurens County, Georgia. She married (2) WILLIAM ROBERT OWENS Abt. 1929 in Georgia. He was born Abt. 1902 in Georgia, and died 21 April 1941 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia.
Source of obits: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - 14 May 1973, p. 15, col. 2
Mrs. W. R. Owens
Mrs. W. R. (Willie Boatwright) Owens, of Broadway Apartments died Sunday at a local nursing home.
Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Greene Street Chapel of the Poteet Funeral Home, with the Rt. Rev. Michael J. Regan officiating. Burial will be in the Swainsboro, Ga., Cemetery.
A native of Swainsboro, Mrs. Owens was a Catholic and had lived in Augusta for 38 years.
Survivors include three sons, W. R. Owens of Augusta, Dr. James R. Kingery of Piedmont, Ala., and J. W. Kingery of Atlanta; 13 grandchildren.
Friends may call at the funeral home.
1900 Census: Name: Willie D Boatwright Date: June 5, 1900 Home in 1900: Swainboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 0 Age months: 9 Estimated birth year: 1900 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter Census Place: Swainboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T623 195; Page: 20B; Enumeration District: 103. 1910 Census: Name: Willie D Boatright Date: April 28, 1910 Age in 1910: 11 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1899 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: William E Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Ella M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 95; Image: 613.Burial: Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
The Swainsboro (GA) Forest-Blade - Thursday, 16 September 1964, p. 4B
Kingery rites held
Twin City - Funeral services for John G. Kingery, 67, of Twin City, were held at 4 p.m. Friday at the Chapel of the Swainsboro Mortuary with the Rev. H. M. Overstreet officiating.
Mr. Kingery died Thursday in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Dublin after a long illness. He was a native of Emanuel County.
Survivors are two sons, John William Kingery of Atlanta and James R. Kingery of Piedmont, Ala.; a brother, Andrew J. Kingery of Cochran; and a sister, Mrs. Mary Peacock of Twin City.
Interment was in the Old Canoochee Cemetery. Pallbearers were W. R. Bishop, O. A. Hall Jr., W. R. Brown, R. H. Durden, Carlton Baxter, and Charles Elliott.
T. C. Hunnicutt & Son of the Swainsboro Mortuary was in charge of arrangements.
Burial: Old Canoochee Cemetery, Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - Tuesday, 22 April 1941, p. 7A, col. 1
William R. Owens Funeral Services To Be Today at 3
William Robert Owens, 38, died yesterday afternoon at the residence, 260 Telfair street, after an illness of two days.
Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 4 o’clock at Dunbarton Baptist church. Rev. L. Bert Joyner will officiate. Interment in the churchyard cemetery. The funeral cortege will leave Grealish-Poteet and Walker Funeral Home at 3 o’clock this afternoon.
Mr. Owens was a civil engineer and had resided in Augusta for the past six years.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Willie Boatwright Owens; one son, Bobby Owens; stepson, Bill Kingery; brother, H. H. Owens, of Dunbarton; six sisters, Miss Mae Owens, Mrs. Fred Brinkley of Ellenton; Mrs. Harry Boylston, of Barnwell; Mrs. Walter Moody, of Summerton, S.C.; Mrs. T. E. Killingsworth, of Aiken, S.C., and Miss Nancy Owens, of Dillon, S. C.
Pallbearers will be: W. Cason Smith, E. B. McClendon, James Gandy, Stewart Brotherton, John Ed Johnson, and J. P. Hiers.
Burial: Dunbarton Baptist Church Cemetery, Dunbarton, Barnwell County, South Carolina
i. JAMES ROUNDTREE KINGERY, b. 24 May 1924, Emanuel County, Georgia.
i. WILLIAM ROBERT OWENS, b. 20 Aug 1929 in Manchester, Meriwether County, Georgia.
9-1422. DOUGLAS D. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM E.9, DANIEL D.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 14 Nov 1902 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 12 Jan 1936 in Dublin, Laurens County, Georgia. He married LENA LOUISE WILLIAMS 19 Feb 1922. She was born 09 Oct 1904 in Washington County, Georgia, and died 04 Dec 1988 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
Source of obits and newspaper stories: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
He was named as a surviving son, Mr. Douglas D. Boatright, Business Manager of the Forest-Blade, in his mother's 1922 obituary.
He was named as a surviving son, D. D. Boatright, associate editor of The Forest Blade, in his father's 1935 obituary.
Swainsboro, Ga., Dec. 3 — The Swainsboro Forest Blade, an old and well established Georgia
weekly newspaper owned by William E. Boatright for many years prior to his recent death, was
sold in Swainsboro today, the heirs buying it for $11,000. The next highest bidder was that of
Hershel Lovett of Dublin, who offered $10,501. Douglas Boatright, the only son of the former
editor and himself associate, will, it is understood, continue to edit the paper.
The Swainsboro (GA) Forest-Blade - 16 January 1936 [Date on masthead is 1935]
Douglas D. Boatright
1902 -1936
Born in Swainsboro, Georgia November 14, 1902, the son of the late William E. and Mary Estelle (Kemp) Boatright. Paternal and maternal ancestors were among the pioneer settlers of Emanuel County. His father was connected with the printing and publishing business in Swainsboro for more than forty eight years, prior to his death in August, 1935.
When a boy, Mr. Douglas Boatright learned the printers trade in his father’s shop. For twelve years prior to the death of his father, he was associate editor of the Forest Blade and foreman of the print shop. Upon his father’s death, he became managing editor of the paper.
Except for a short time spent in Florida a few years ago, he lived in Swainsboro all his life and took an active part in civic and public affairs. He was a graduate of the Swainsboro High School. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Swainsboro, having joined it when a young man.
He died at 12:02 A.M. January 10, 1936, in Claxton’s Hospital at Dublin following an emergency operation for appendicitis, he having been stricken with an attack of appendicitis at his home shortly after lunch on January 9th. He worked at the Linotype machine during the forenoon, setting type for the Soperton News, a newspaper edited by his sister, Mrs. H. M. Flanders.
On February 19, 1923 he and Miss Lena Williams, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williams of Wadley were married. Two children, Douglas D. Jr. age 10 and Laura Estelle age 7 were born to this union. His wife and children survive him.
Funeral services were conducted from the First Baptist Church at 3 P.M. January 11 with Rev. Charles S. Durden, his pastor assisted by Revs. Foster and C. D. Earnest officiating.
Burial was in the City Cemetery with Swainsboro (GA) Funeral Parlor in charge.
1910 Census: Name: Douglass D Boatright Date: April 28, 1910 Age in 1910: 7 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1903 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: William E Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Ella M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 95; Image: 613. 1920 Census: Name: Douglas Boatright Date: January 14, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 17 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1903 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: W E Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Ella Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Occupation: Newspaper Printer Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 26; Image: 97. 1930 Census: Name: Douglas Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 27 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1903 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Head Spouses's Name: Lena Race: White Occupation: Newspaper Printer Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 21B; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 108.0.Burial: Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
The Augusta (GA) Chronicle - Tuesday, 6 December 1988, p. 3B, col. 6
Mrs. Lena Boatright Homemaker
Wadley, Ga. — Mrs. Lena William [sic] Boatright, 83, of Oaks Street, died Sunday, Dec. 4, 1988, at Candler General Hospital, Savannah, following an extended illness.
Graveside services will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in Bethany Cemetery, with Dr. Ernest Purcell officiating.
Mrs. Boatright, a native of Washington County, was a homemaker and a member of Wadley Baptist Church.
Survivors include a son, Douglas Boatright, Athens; a daughter, Estelle B. Brown, Garden City; two sisters, Grace Smith and Susie Floyd, both of Wadley; a brother, Holmes Williams, Aiken, S.C.; and five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Friends may call at the residence or at the Smith Funeral Home.
1930 Census: Name: Lena Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 25 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouses's Name: Douglas Jo Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 21B; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 108.0.Burial: Bethany Cemetery, Wadley, Jefferson County, Georgia
10-1981. i. DOUGLAS D. BOATRIGHT, b. 03 Oct 1925, Swainsboro, Emanual County, Georgia; d. 08 Dec 1988, Athens, Clarke County, Georgia. 10-1982. ii. LAURA ESTELLE BOATRIGHT, b. 08 Dec 1928, Swainsboro, Emanual County, Georgia; d. 03 Mar 1999, Port Wentworth, Chatham County, Georgia
9-1423. JAMES DENNIS BOATRIGHT (MADISON MCDONALD9, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 04 Feb 1878 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 08 Jul 1953 in Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia. He married ROSE LEE.
Source of obit: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
The Statesboro (GA) Herald: Thursday, 9 July 1953, p. 4, col. 3
Funeral services for J. D. Boatright Sr., 75, who died yesterday in the Bulloch County Hospital after a long illness, will be held this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the First Baptist church by the pastor, Rev. George Lovell, officiating. Burial will be in East Side cemetery.
In addition to his wife, Mrs. Rose Lee Boatright, of Statesboro, he is survived by one son, J. D. Boatright Jr., of Smyrna; one sister, Mrs. Maude Donaldson, of Meggett, S.C.; one brother, Fred Boatright, of Claxton.
Pallbearers will be Everett Williams, Ray Akins, Wilbur Collins, DeWitt Thackston, Tankersley and Hall Patton.
Funeral arrangements are in charge of Smith-Tillman Mortuary.
1880 Census: Name: Dennis BOATRIGHT Date: June 11, 1880 Age: 2 Estimated birth year: <1878> Birthplace: Georgia Relationship to head-of-household: Son Home in 1880: District 57, Emanuel, Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Father's name: Madison BOATRIGHT Father's birthplace: GA Mother's name: Lizzie BOATRIGHT Mother's birthplace: GA Census Place: District 57, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T9_145; Family History Film: 1254145; Page: 553A; Enumeration District: 51; Image: 0577. 1900 Census: Name: James D Boatwright Date: June 9, 1900 Home in 1900: Bay, Bulloch, Georgia Age: 22 Birth Date: Feb 1878 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Ethnicity: American Relationship to head-of-house: Son Father's Name: Madison Father's Birthplace: Georgia Mother's Name: Mary E Mother's Birthplace: Georgia Marital Status: Single Residence : Militia District 1340, Gell Bay, Bulloch, Georgia Census Place: Bay, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll: T623 182; Page: 6B; .Listed twice in the 1910 census.
1910 Census: Name: James D Boatwright Date: April 23, 1910 Age in 1910: 32 Estimated birth year: abt 1878 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Max M Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Mary E Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1536, Toombs, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1536, Toombs, Georgia; Roll T624_216; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 152; Image: 469. 1910 Census: Name: Dennis Boatright Date: May 2, 1910 Age in 1910: 32 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1878 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Boarder Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1340, Bulloch, Georgia Marital Status: Single Occupation: Naval Stores Laborer Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1340, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll: T624_174; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 965. 1920 Census: Name: Dennis Boatright Date: January 2, 1920 Home in 1920: Lyons, Toombs, Georgia Age: 41 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1879 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Lizzie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Lyons, Toombs, Georgia; Roll: T625_280; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 121; Image: 933. 1930 Census: Name: Dennis Boatright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Claxton, Evans, Georgia Age: 52 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1878 Relation to Head of House: Brother Census Place: Claxton, Evans, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 577.0. living with brother Fred and family Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: J D Boatwright, Sr Death Date: 8 Jul 1953 County of Death: Bullock Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 75 Years County of Residence: Bullock Certificate: 15262Burial: East Side Cemetery, Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia
10-1982A. i. JAMES DENNIS BOATRIGHT, b. 01 Sep 1931, Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia; d. 05 Apr 2005, Bryan County, Georgia.
9-1424. MAUD BOATRIGHT (MADISON MCDONALD9, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 01 Sep 1888 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 30 Mar 1965 in Yonge's Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. She married STEPHEN MATH DONALDSON, son of JAMES DONALDSON and JANIE DURRENCE. He was born 17 Dec 1877 in Pembroke, Bryan County, Georgia, and died 14 Jun 1940 in Meggett, Charleston County, South Carolina.
Source of obits: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
The Charleston (SC) Evening Post - Wednesday, 31 March 1965, p. 2A, col. 3
Mrs. S. M. Donaldson
Yonge’s Island — Mrs. Maud Donaldson, widow of Stephen Math Donaldson, died early this morning at her residence here.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at Calvary Baptist Church at Meggett conducted by the Rev. Fred L. Martin and the Rev. J. W. Bass.
Burial, directed by the Dyal Funeral Home of Summerville, will be held in St. Paul’s Protestant Episcopal Church cemetery on Yonge’s Island.
Mrs. Donaldson was born Sept. 1, 1888, in Swainsboro, Ga., a daughter of Elizabeth Coleman and Mac Boatwright. She was educated in the schools of Swainsboro and was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church.
Surviving are a son, S. Alton Donaldson of Yonge’s Island; two daughters, Miss Wilma Eloise Donaldson of Yonge’s Island, and Mrs. Kenneth M. (Dealva) Newton of Greer; five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
1900 Census: Name: Maud Boatwright Date: June 9, 1900 Home in 1900: Bay, Bulloch, Georgia Age: 11 Birth Date: Sep 1888 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Ethnicity: American Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter Father's Name: Madison Father's Birthplace: Georgia Mother's Name: Mary E Mother's Birthplace: Georgia Marital Status: Single Residence : Militia District 1340, Gell Bay, Bulloch, Georgia Census Place: Bay, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll: T623 182; Page: 6B; . 1910 Census: Name: Maud Boatwright Date: April 23, 1910 Age in 1910: 21 Estimated birth year: abt 1889 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Max M Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Mary E Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1536, Toombs, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 1536, Toombs, Georgia; Roll T624_216; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 152; Image: 469.Burial: St. Pauls Church Cemetery, Yonge's Island, Charleston County, South Carolina
The Charleston (SC) News and Courier; Saturday, 15 June 1940, p. 2A, col. 2
Meggett, June 15 - Special: Funeral services for Stephen M. Donaldson, retired police officer, who died at 3 o’clock this morning at his home here, will be held at 11 o’clock this morning at Calvary Baptist Church, the Rev. E. J. Ingle officiating. Burial will be in St. Paul’s churchyard, directed by Stuhr’s of Charleston.
Mr. Donaldson was sixty-one years old and a native of Pembroke, Ga., a son of the late James Donaldson and Janie Durrence Donaldson.
Surviving are his widow, who was before marriage Mis Maude Boatwright; two daughters, the Misses Wilma and DeAlva Donaldson, both of Meggett; a son, Alton Donaldson, of Meggett; a brother, B. J. Donaldson, of Meggett; two sisters, Mrs. William Denmark, of Nevills, Ga., and Mrs. J. W. Hodges, of Pembroke, Ga., and two grandchildren.
Burial: St. Pauls Church Cemetery, Yonge's Island, Charleston County, South Carolina
i. STEPHEN ALTON DONALDSON, b. 30 Nov 1905, Georgia. ii. WILMA ELOISE DONALDSON, b. 25 Sep 1907, Georgia. iii. DEALVA DONALDSON, b. 14 Oct 1913, Georgia.
9-1425. FREDERICK BOATRIGHT (MADISON MCDONALD9, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 11 Aug 1893 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 14 Jul 1956 in Laurens County, Georgia. He married ROSA ELLA MOORE, daughter of WILLIAM JORDAN MOORE and REBECCA VIANNAH BRANTLEY. She was born 06 Jun 1893 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 1977 in Claxton, Evans County, Georgia.
Source of obit: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
The Claxton (GA) Enterprise; Thursday, 19 July 1956, p. 12, col. 2
Fred Boatwright Rites Monday at 3 O’clock
Fred Boatright died Saturday after a short illness.
Surviving are his wife, Ella Moore Boatwright; four daughters, Mrs. Wallace Edenfield, of Millen, Mrs. James W. Lewis, of Warner Robins, Mrs. Mose Griner of Savannah and Mrs. Dorman E. DeLoach of Ft. Benning; three sons, Mack Boatwright of Culver City, Calif., Jack Boatwright of Claxton and Billy Boatwright, U.S. Air Force; one sister, Mrs. Maud Donaldson of Meggetts, S.C., and 13 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at 3 o’clock Monday afternoon at the NeSmith Funeral Home chapel, conducted by Elder A. R. Crumpton. Burial was in Brewerton cemetery.
1900 Census: Name: Fred Boatwright Date: June 9, 1900 Home in 1900: Bay, Bulloch, Georgia Age: 6 Birth Date: Aug 1893 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Ethnicity: American Relationship to head-of-house: Son Father's Name: Madison Father's Birthplace: Georgia Mother's Name: Mary E Mother's Birthplace: Georgia Marital Status: Single Residence : Militia District 1340, Gell Bay, Bulloch, Georgia Census Place: Bay, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll: T623 182; Page: 6B; . 1910 Census: Name: Fredrick Boatwright Date: April 23, 1910 Age in 1910: 16 Estimated birth year: abt 1894 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Max M Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Mary E Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1536, Toombs, Georgia Marital Status: Single Occupation: Driver Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1536, Toombs, Georgia; Roll T624_216; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 152; Image: 469. 1920 Census: Name: Fred Boatright Date: January 2, 1920 Home in 1920: Lyons, Toombs, Georgia Age: 26 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's Name: Ella Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Married Occupation: Chauffeur - car for hire Race: White Sex: Male Home owned: Rent Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Lyons, Toombs, Georgia; Roll: T625_280; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 121; Image: 933. 1930 Census: Name: Fred Boatright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Claxton, Evans, Georgia Age: 36 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Head Mother's Name: Mary Spouses's Name: Ella Race: White Occupation: None Census Place: Claxton, Evans, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 577.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Fred Boatright Death Date: 14 Jul 1956 County of Death: Laurens Gender: M Race: W Age: 62 years County of Residence: Evans Certificate: 16851Burial: Brewton Cemetery, Hagan, Evans County, Georgia
1920 Census: Name: Ella Boatright Date: January 2, 1920 Home in 1920: Lyons, Toombs, Georgia Age: 26 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouse's Name: Fred Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Married Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Lyons, Toombs, Georgia; Roll: T625_280; Page: 4A; 1930 Census: Name: Ella Boatright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Claxton, Evans, Georgia Age: 36 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894 Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouses's Name: Fred Census Place: Claxton, Evans, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 577.0.Burial: Brewton Cemetery, Hagan, Evans County, Georgia
10-1983. i. MARJORIE BOATRIGHT, b. 13 Dec 1920, Lyons, Toombs County, Georgia; d. 12 Feb 2006, Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia. 10-1984. ii. RUBY PAULINE BOATRIGHT, b. 18 Sep 1922, Lyons, Toombs County, Georgia; d. 04 Feb 2006, Evans County, Georgia. 10-1985. iii. MADISON M. "MACK" BOATRIGHT, b. 15 Jul 1924, Evans County, Georgia; d. 24 Apr 2005, Culver City, Los Angeles County, California. 10-1986. iv. JACK BOATRIGHT, b. 1927, Evans County, Georgia. 10-1987. v. MARY BOATRIGHT, b. 1929, Evans County, Georgia. 10-1987A. vi. JAMES FREDERICK "BILLY" BOATRIGHT, b. 01 May 1936, Evans County, Georgia; d. 06 Mar 2001 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
9-1426. JULIA BOATRIGHT (DANIEL WAYNE9, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Jan 1896 in Lowndes County, Georgia.
1900 Census: Name: Julia Boatwright Date: June 5, 1900 Home in 1900: Lower Fork, Lowndes, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated birth year: 1896 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter Census Place: Lower Fork, Lowndes, Georgia; Roll: T623 209; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 64. 1910 Census: Name: Julia Boatright Date: May 5, 1910 Age in 1910: 14 Estimated birth year: abt 1896 Birthplace: Georgia Home in 1910: Hollister, Putnam, Florida Race: White Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Relation to Head of House: Daughter Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Father's Birth Place: North Carolina Census Place: Hollister, Putnam, Florida; Roll: T624_166; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 135; Image: 1461.
9-1427. LULA BOATRIGHT (DANIEL WAYNE9, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born May 1900 in Lowndes County, Georgia.
1900 Census: Name: Lula Boatwright Date: June 5, 1900 Home in 1900: Lower Fork, Lowndes, Georgia Age: 0 Age months: 6 Estimated birth year: 1900 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter Census Place: Lower Fork, Lowndes, Georgia; Roll: T623 209; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 64. 1910 Census: Name: Lula Boatright Date: May 5, 1910 Age in 1910: 10 Estimated birth year: abt 1900 Birthplace: Georgia Home in 1910: Hollister, Putnam, Florida Race: White Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Relation to Head of House: Daughter Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Father's Birth Place: North Carolina Census Place: Hollister, Putnam, Florida; Roll: T624_166; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 135; Image: 1461.
9-1428. MINNIE LEE BOATRIGHT (DANIEL WAYNE9, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1902 in Lowndes County, Georgia, and died 07 Jan 1968 in Fulton County, Georgia. She married GEORGE WASHINGTON WILKES. He was born 01 Dec 1898 in Georgia, and died 22 Jun 1927 in Cook County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Minnie Boatright Date: May 5, 1910 Age in 1910: 8 Estimated birth year: abt 1902 Birthplace: Georgia Home in 1910: Hollister, Putnam, Florida Race: White Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Relation to Head of House: Daughter Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Father's Birth Place: North Carolina Census Place: Hollister, Putnam, Florida; Roll: T624_166; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 135; Image: 1461.
George drank water from a pond during a fishing trip and contracted Typhoid Fever and died.
i. GRACIE LEE WILKES, b. 30 Dec 1918, Cook County, Georgia. ii. CARRIE INEZ WILKES, b. 01 Aug 1921, Hahira, Lowndes County, Georgia. iii. GEORGE WASHINGTON WILKES, b. 1923, Barney, Brooks County, Georgia. iv. RAYMOND EARL WILKES, b. 1925, Barney, Brooks County, Georgia.
9-1429. GUSSIE BOATRIGHT (DANIEL WAYNE9, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1904 in Lowndes County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Jessie Boatright Date: May 5, 1910 Age in 1910: 6 Estimated birth year: abt 1904 Birthplace: Georgia Home in 1910: Hollister, Putnam, Florida Race: White Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Relation to Head of House: Daughter Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Father's Birth Place: North Carolina Census Place: Hollister, Putnam, Florida; Roll: T624_166; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 135; Image: 1461. 1920 Census: Name: Gussie Boatright Date: January 20, 1920 Home in 1920: Cecil, Cook, Georgia Age: 15 years Estimated birth year: abt 1905 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: J I Father's Birth Place: North Carolina Mother's Name: Viola Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Cecil, Cook, Georgia; Roll T625_246; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 79; Image: 474. living with mother and step-father
9-1430. NAMIE BOATRIGHT (JAMES R.9, WILLIAM8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Dec 1883 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1900 Census: Name: Namie Boatwright Date: June 1, 1900 Home in 1900: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 16 Estimated birth year: 1884 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T623 195; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 105.
9-1431. ROBERT J. BOATRIGHT (JAMES R.9, WILLIAM8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 05 Sep 1886 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 25 Jun 1968 in Dublin, Laurens County. Georgia.
1900 Census: Name: Robt Boatwright Date: June 1, 1900 Home in 1900: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 13 Estimated birth year: 1887 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Son Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T623 195; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 105. 1910 Census: Name: R J Boatwright Date: April 21, 1910 Age in 1910: 22 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Boarder Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Kite, Johnson, Georgia Marital Status: Single Occupation: Railroad Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Kite, Johnson, Georgia; Roll T624_200; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 89; Image: 7. 1920 Census: Name: Robert J Boatwright Date: January 27, 1920 Home in 1920: Kite, Johnson, Georgia Age: 33 Estimated birth year: abt 1887 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Boarder Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Single Occupation: Depot Agent Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Kite, Johnson, Georgia; Roll T625_264; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 55; Image: 280. 1930 Census: Name: R J Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Kite, Johnson, Georgia Age: 38 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1892 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Boarder Occupation: Railroad Agent Race: White Census Place: Kite, Johnson, Georgia; Roll: 371; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 1; Image: 789.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Robert J Boatright Death Date: 25 Jun 1968 County of Death: Laurens Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 81 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 020338Burial: Old Canoochee Cemetery, Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1432. EDWARD LINDSAY BOATRIGHT (JAMES R.9, WILLIAM8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 06 Sep 1890 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died Aug 1962 in Florida. He married PAULA CHAPMAN. She was born 1900 in Georgia.
1900 Census: Name: Eddie Boatwright Date: June 1, 1900 Home in 1900: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated birth year: 1891 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Son Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T623 195; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 105. 1910 Census: Name: Eddie Boatright Date: May 5, 1910 Age in 1910: 19 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1891 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Jim Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1064. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Name: Edward Lindsay Boatright City: Not Stated County: Emanuel State: Georgia Birthplace: Georgia;United States of America Birth Date: 6 Sep 1890 Race: Caucasian Roll: 1557031 DraftBoard: 0 Height: Tall Build: Medium Eyes: Brown Hair: Black 1930 Census: Name: Edward L Boatright Date: April 9, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 8, Chatham, Georgia Age: 38 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1892 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Head Spouses's Name: Paula Race: White Occupation: Shovel Store Bookkeeper Census Place: Militia District 8, Chatham, Georgia; Roll: 345; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 460.0. Social Security Death Index Name: Edward Boatright Last Residence: Florida Born: 6 Sep 1890 Died: Aug 1962 State (Year) SSN issued: Florida (1951 ) Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Edward Lindsay Boatright Death Date: Aug 1962 County of Death: Dade State of Death: Florida Race: White Gender: Male
1930 Census: Name: Paula Boatright Date: April 9, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 8, Chatham, Georgia Age: 30 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1900 Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouses's Name: Edward L Census Place: Militia District 8, Chatham, Georgia; Roll: 345; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 460.0.
10-1988. i. EDWARD LINDSAY BOATRIGHT, b. 1929, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
9-1433. WILLIAM L. BOATRIGHT (JAMES R.9, WILLIAM8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 05 Aug 1893 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 30 May 1972 in Dublin, Laurens County. Georgia. He married KATE J. JORDAN, daughter of JOHN ALLEN JORDAN and AMELISA. She was born 20 Mar 1902 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 16 Aug 1995 in Georgia.
1900 Census: Name: Willie Boatwright Date: June 1, 1900 Home in 1900: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 Estimated birth year: 1894 Birthplace: Georgia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Son Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T623 195; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 105. 1910 Census: Name: Willie Boatright Date: May 5, 1910 Age in 1910: 16 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Jim Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 26B; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1064.William is listed twice in the 1920 census:
1920 Census: Name: Willie Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 23 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1897 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Jim Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Occupation: Farmer Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 27B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 495. 1920 Census: Name: Willie Boatwright Date: January 27, 1920 Home in 1920: Kite, Johnson, Georgia Age: 25 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Boarder Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Single Occupation: Farm Manager Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Kite, Johnson, Georgia; Roll: T625_264; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 55; Image: 280. 1930 Census: Name: Willie Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 37 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1893 Relation to Head of House: Son Parent's Name: Jim Spouses's Name: Kate Occupation: Repair Shop Mechanic Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. living with family and father Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Willie L Boatright Death Date: 30 May 1972 County of Death: Laurens Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 78 Years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 021099Burial: Old Canoochee Cemetery, Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia
Notes for KATE J. JORDAN:
1930 Census: Name: Kate Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 28 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1902 Relation to Head of House: Daughter-in-law Spouses's Name: Willie Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. living with husband and father-in-lawBurial: Old Canoochee Cemetery, Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia
10-1989. i. DOUGLAS BOATRIGHT, b. 1923, Emanual County, Georgia. 10-1990. ii. JAMES ROBERT BOATRIGHT, b. 19 Sep 1929, Emanual County, Georgia; d. 17 Feb 2005, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia.
9-1434. JOHN GIDEON BOATRIGHT (REUBEN9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 08 Jul 1905 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 19 Sep 1971 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: John G Boatright Date: May 12, 1910 Age in 1910: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Reuben Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Annie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 22B; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1056. 1920 Census: Name: John Gideon Boatright Date: February 2, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Reubin Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Americo Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 32B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 505. 1930 Census: Name: John Boatwright Date: April 28, 1930 Home in 1930: Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Age: 24 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1906 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Roomer Occupation: Chauffer Race: White Census Place: Savannah, Chatham, Georgia; Roll: 344; Page: 32A; Enumeration District: 12; Image: 64.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: John G Boatright Death Date: 19 Sep 1971 County of Death: Chatham Gender: M Race: W Age: 66 years County of Residence: Chatham Certificate: 038473 Social Security Death Index Name: John Boatright Last Residence: 31405 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Born: 8 Jul 1905 Died: Sep 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951 )
9-1435. BYRON FLETCHER BOATRIGHT (DANIEL DOUGLAS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 02 Jan 1902 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 22 Nov 1960 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.. He married KATE JANE SUTTON 16 Aug 1930 in Emanuel County, Georgia, the daughter of ALGERINE SUTTON and ITHA BRINSON. She was born 18 Nov 1901 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died Mar 1986 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.
1910 Census: Name: Byron Boatright Date: May 7, 1910 Age in 1910: 8 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1902 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Dan D Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Clara Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, GA Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, GA; Roll: T624_186; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1047. 1920 Census: Name: Byron Boatright Date: January 19, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 18 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1902 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Daniel Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Clare Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Occupation: Farm Laborer Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 475. 1930 Census: Name: Byron Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 28 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1902 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Boarder Race: White Occupation: Farm Laborer Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 23; Image: 469.0. boarding with future brother-in-law and future wifeBurial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida
Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery, Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida
10-1991. i. BYRON FLETCHER BOATRIGHT, b. 26 Nov 1939, Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida; d. 29 Mar 2001, Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.
9-1436. RAY BOATRIGHT (DANIEL DOUGLAS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1903 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Ray Boatright Date: May 7, 1910 Age in 1910: 6 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1904 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Dan D Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Clara Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1047. 1920 Census: Name: Ray Boatright Date: January 19, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 16 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1904 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Daniel Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Clare Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 475. 1930 Census: Name: Ray Boatright Date: April 22, 1930 Home in 1930: Haywood, Ware, Georgia Age: 25 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Head Occupation: State Highway Truck Driver Race: White Census Place: Haywood, Ware, Georgia; Roll: 391; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 48.0.
9-1437. JOHN ROYCE BOATRIGHT (DANIEL DOUGLAS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 27 Dec 1904 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 18 Nov 1955 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Roger Boatright Date: May 7, 1910 Age in 1910: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Dan D Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Clara Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1047. 1920 Census: Name: Rog Boatright Date: January 19, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Daniel Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Clare Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 475.Burial: Antioch Church Cemetery, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1437A. LORETTA BOATRIGHT (DANIEL DOUGLAS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1907 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Loretta Boatright Date: May 7, 1910 Age in 1910: 3 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1907 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Dan D Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Clara Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1047. 1920 Census: Name: Loreta Boatright Date: January 19, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 13 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1907 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Daniel Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Clare Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 475.
9-1437B. ESSIE MAE BOATRIGHT (DANIEL DOUGLAS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 07 Mar 1909 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 26 Feb 1970 in Chandler County, Georgia. She married CLAUDE ELTON SUTTON. He was born 01 Sep 1896 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 13 Jan 1973 in Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina.
1910 Census: Name: Essie Mae Boatright Date: May 7, 1910 Age in 1910: 1 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Dan D Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Clara Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1047. 1920 Census: Name: Essie Mae Boatright Date: January 19, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 10 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1910 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Daniel Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Clare Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 475.Burial: Antioch Church Cemetery, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1437C. JEWEL BOATRIGHT (DANIEL DOUGLAS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 27 Jan 1911 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 02 Mar 1982 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Jewel Boatright Date: January 19, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1912 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Daniel Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Clare Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 475.Burial: Antioch Church Cemetery, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1437D. WOODROW W. BOATRIGHT (DANIEL DOUGLAS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 20 Jun 1912 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 08 Feb 1969 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. He married CLARICE O.. She was born 11 Aug 1917, and died 30 Aug 1970 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.
1920 Census: Name: Woodrow Boatright Date: January 19, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, GA Age: 7 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Daniel Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Clare Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, GA; Roll: T625_256; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 475. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Name: Woodrow W Boatright Arrival Date: 29 Nov 1939 Estimated birth year: abt 1912 Age: 27 Port of Departure: Cape Town, South Africa Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: American Ship Name: Greylock Port of Arrival: New York, New York Line: 22 Microfilm Serial: T715 Microfilm Roll: T715_6423 Page Number: 101 New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Name: Woodrow W Boatright Arrival Date: 9 Apr 1940 Estimated birth year: abt 1913 Age: 27 Port of Departure: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: American Ship Name: Greylock Port of Arrival: New York, New York Line: 23 Microfilm Serial: T715 Microfilm Roll: T715_6457 Page Number: 152 New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Name: Woodrow W Boatright Arrival Date: 26 Jan 1941 Estimated birth year: abt 1913 Age: 28 Gender: Male Port of Departure: Valparaiso, Chile Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: American Ship Name: Evelyn Port of Arrival: New York, New York Line: 26 Microfilm Serial: T715 Microfilm Roll: T715_6522 Page Number: 57 New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Name: Woodrow W Boatright Arrival Date: 28 Aug 1946 Estimated birth year: abt 1912 Age: 34 Port of Departure: New York, New York Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: American Ship Name: Steel Inventor Port of Arrival: New York, New York Line: 21 Microfilm Serial: T715 Microfilm Roll: T715_7165 Page Number: 414-A New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Name: Woodrow Boatright Arrival Date: 13 Dec 1946 Estimated birth year: abt 1912 Age: 34 Gender: Male Port of Departure: Aruba Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: Irish Ship Name: Carlsbad Port of Arrival: New York, New York Line: 4 Microfilm Serial: T715 Microfilm Roll: T715_7241 Page Number: 372 Seattle Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1957 Name: Woodrow W Boatright Arrival Date: 17 Dec 1947 Age: 35 Estimated birth year: 1912 Gender: Male Race/Nationality: American Ship Name: Council Grove Port of Arrival: Seattle, Washington Port of Departure: Las Piedras Venezvela Via Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada Line: 30 Microfilm Roll Number: M1383_298
9-1438. BENJAMIN HARRISON BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 29 Aug 1909 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 16 Feb 1969 in Montgomery County, Georgia. He married JUDITH LYDIA WILLIAMSON, daughter of GROVER CLEVELAND WILLIAMSON and NATALIE KEADLE. She was born 11 Jan 1911 in Oak Park, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 19 May 1944 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Benjamin Boatwright Date: April 23, 1910 Age in 1910: 2/12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1910 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Ben Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Lena P Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 102; Image: 934. 1920 Census: Name: Ben H Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 10 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1910 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Ben Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Daisy Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 373. 1930 Census: Name: Ben H Boatright Date: April 15, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 19 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1911 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Ben Mother's Name: Daisy Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 54.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Benjamin H Boatright Death Date: 16 Feb 1969 County of Death: Montgomery Gender: M Race: W Age: 59 years County of Residence: Toombs Certificate: 007421 Social Security Death Index Name: Benjamin Boatright Born: 29 Aug 1909 Died: Feb 1969 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (1955)Burial: Pinecrest Cemetery, Vidalia, Toombs County, Georgia
Burial: Pinecrest Cemetery, Vidalia, Toombs County, Georgia
9-1439. JOHN C. BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 25 Sep 1914 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 31 Jan 1982 in Candler County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: John C Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Ben Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Daisy Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 373. 1930 Census: Name: John C Boatright Date: April 15, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 16 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Ben Mother's Name: Daisy Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 54.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: John C Boatright Death Date: 31 Jan 1982 County of Death: Candler Gender: M Race: W Age: 67 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 002265 Date Filed: 08 Feb 1982Burial: Antioch Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1440. LENA BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1917 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Lena Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Ben Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Daisy Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 373. 1930 Census: Name: Lena Boatright Date: April 15, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 13 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Ben Mother's Name: Daisy Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 54.0.
9-1441. MABLE BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1922 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Mable Boatright Date: April 15, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1922 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Ben Mother's Name: Daisy Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 54.0.
9-1442. ESSIE M. BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1923 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Essie M Boatright Date: April 15, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1923 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Ben Mother's Name: Daisy Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 54.0.
9-1443. NORA L. BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1925 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Nora L Boatright Date: April 15, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Ben Mother's Name: Daisy Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 54.0.
9-1444. MORDECAI B. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 03 May 1904 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 13 Jan 1971 in Chatham County, Georgia. He married EMMA L.. She was born 1908 in Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Monnie Boatwright Date: April 21, 1910 Age in 1910: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 102; Image: 931. 1920 Census: Name: Mortican Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372. 1930 Census: Name: Mordecai Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 25 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1905 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Head Spouses's Name: Emma L 189 Race: White Occupation: Farmer Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 53.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Mordecai B Boatright Death Date: 13 Jan 1971 County of Death: Chatham Gender: M Race: W Age: 66 years County of Residence: Chatham Certificate: 000351 Social Security Death Index Name: Mordecia Boatright Last Residence: 31405 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Born: 3 May 1904 Died: Jan 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951)
1930 Census: Name: Emma L Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 22 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1908 Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouses's Name: Mordecai Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 53.0.
Children of MORDECAI BOATRIGHT and EMMA L. are:
10-1992. i. ELEANOR L. BOATRIGHT, b. 1926, Emanual County, Georgia. 10-1993. ii. MARTHA M. BOATRIGHT, b. 1929, Emanual County, Georgia.
9-1445. MELTON BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 31 Jan 1906 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 16 Dec 1989 in Bulloch County, Georgia. He married BERNICE DENMARK. She was born 08 Mar 1912 in Bulloch County, Georgia, and died 09 Nov 2000 in Statesboro, Bulloch, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Melton Boatwright Date: April 21, 1910 Age in 1910: 4 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1906 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 102; Image: 931. 1920 Census: Name: Melton Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 13 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1907 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372. 1930 Census: Name: Melton Boatwright Date: April 11, 1930 Home in 1930: Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Age: 23 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1907 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Head Spouses's Name: Bernice Race: White Occupation: Olier Dredge Census Place: Savannah, Chatham, Georgia; Roll: 344; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 171.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Melton Boatright Death Date: 16 Dec 1989 County of Death: Bulloch Gender: M Race: W Age: 83 years County of Residence: Bullock Certificate: 048284 Date Filed: 19 Dec 1989 Social Security Death Index Name: Melton Boatright Born: 31 Jan 1906 Died: 16 Dec 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951)Burial: Bulloch Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia
1930 Census: Name: Bernice Boatwright Date: April 11, 1930 Home in 1930: Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Age: 17 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 Relation to Head of House: Wife Spouses's Name: Melton Census Place: Savannah, Chatham, Georgia; Roll: 344; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 171.0.Burial: Bulloch Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia
9-1446. HIRAM GRADY BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 29 July 1907 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 20 Apr 1977 in Bloomingdale, Chatham County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Hiram Boatwright Date: April 21, 1910 Age in 1910: 2 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1908 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 102; Image: 931. 1920 Census: Name: Hiram Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 12 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1908 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Hiram G Boatright Death Date: 20 Apr 1977 County of Death: Chatham Gender: M Race: W Age: 69 years County of Residence: Chatham Certificate: 013465Burial: Hillcrest Abbey East Cemetery, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia
9-1447. GEORGE T. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 25 Aug 1909 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 14 Mar 1923 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: George Boatwright Date: April 21, 1910 Age in 1910: 9/12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 102; Image: 931. 1920 Census: Name: George Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 10 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1910 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372.Burial: Hebron Cemetery, Garfield, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1448. WILLIAM OSCAR BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 05 Mar 1911 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 20 Feb 1992 in Candler County, Georgia. He married SINTHA YOUMANS, daughter of CHARLIE YOUMANS and MADIE LUMLEY. She was born 07 Dec 1912 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 02 Sep 1979 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Oscar Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1912 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372. 1930 Census: Name: Osco Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 18 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1912 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Occupation: Farm Laborer Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: William O Boatright Death Date: 20 Feb 1992 County of Death: Candler Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 80 Years County of Residence: Candler Certificate: 008796 Date Filed: 2 Mar 1992Burial: New Hope Church Cemetery, Nunez, Emanuel County, Georgia
Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Sintha Y Boatright Death Date: 2 Sep 1979 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: F (Female) Race: White Age: 66 Years County of Residence: Candler Certificate: 028767Burial: New Hope Church Cemetery, Nunez, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1449. ALVIE ELISHA BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 24 April 1912 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 07 Jun 1981 in Ridgeville, Dorchester County, South Carolina.
1920 Census: Name: Alvin Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372. 1930 Census: Name: Alvah E Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 16 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0.
9-1450. CLETA B. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1914 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Cleta B Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372. 1930 Census: Name: Creta B Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0.
9-1451. IRENE BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1916 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Irene Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372. 1930 Census: Name: Irene Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 13 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0.
9-1452. PAUL P. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 05 May 1919 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 09 Jul 1928 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Paul Boatright Date: January 24, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 1 year Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: William Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Hattie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 372.Burial: Hebron Church Cemetery, Garfield, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1453. DOROTHY BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1920 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Dorothy Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 11 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0.
9-1454. GUY REGINALD BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 25 Mar 1922 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 20 Feb 2006 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. He married MARY ELIZABETH ALDHIZER. She was born 23 Apr 1926 in Augusta County, Virginia, and died 19 Nov 2012 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
Rev. Guy R. Boatright, 83, peacefully went to be with the Lord on Monday February 20, 2006 surrounded by his family.
He was born March 25, 1922 in Emanuel County, Ga. to William and Hattie Boatright.
He served in the US Army during World War II in Panama.
He accepted Christ at the age of 27 and was later called into the ministry. He served as pastor in Southern Baptist churches in North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. He also served for several years at the Savannah Baptist Assembly in Pineora.
He was a member of Cresthill Baptist Church.
Guy is fondly remembered for his love of people and his desire to share the gospel of Christ with everyone who crossed his path. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend.
He is survived by his wife of 45 years; Mary Aldhizer Boatright of Savannah; a daughter and son in law, Tina Boatright West and Tommy (Bubba) West; two granddaughters, Sarah Elizabeth West and Katelyn Marie West all of Savannah; two brothers and sisters in law, Earl and Wanda Boatright of Midway and Johnny and Margaret Boatright of Swainsboro; two sisters and brother in law, Bessie and Bonnie Maddox of Savannah and Maxine Wheeler of Charleston, SC.
Visitation: 6-8 p.m., Wednesday February 22, 2006 at Hubert C. Baker Funeral Home.
Funeral Service: 2:00 p.m., Thursday February 23, 2006 in the Chapel of Hubert C. Baker Funeral Home with Rev. Ken Jernigan and Rev. Mike Truitt officiating.
Memorial Contributions: The Gideon International, South Camp # 1013, P.O. Box # 14048, Savannah, Ga. 31406.
Hubert C. Baker Funeral Home
Source: Savannah Morning News, February 22, 2006
1930 Census: Name: Guy Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0. Social Security Death Index Name: Guy R. Boatright Last Residence: 31406 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Born: 25 Mar 1921 Died: 20 Feb 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 Name: Guy R Boatright Service Info.: SGT US ARMY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 25 Mar 1922 Death Date: 20 Feb 2006 Cemetery: Hillcrest Abbey West Cemetery Cemetery Address: 1336 Dean Forest Road Savannah, GA 31405Burial: Hillcrest Abbey West Cemetery, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia
Mary Elizabeth Aldhizer Boatright, passed peacefully from this life on November 19, 2012 at Spanish Oaks Retreat.
Mary was born April 23, 1926 in Augusta County, VA. She joined the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corp at age 17, and then served as a nurse in the U.S. Air Force, attaining the rank of Captain. She practiced nursing in hospitals including Redding, PA, Metter, GA and Roanoke, VA before retiring from Memorial Hospital in Savannah after 43 years of serving her patients.
She was married to the late Rev. Guy R. Boatright, serving with him in churches in VA, GA and NC. Mary sang, played the piano and organ, and loved sacred music. She served as choir director to adults, youth, and children and especially loved to work with the infants and toddlers in the church nursery. She sewed all of her own clothes, gardened, canned her own food and liked to try new recipes. She was devoted to studying her Bible. She was a member of Southside Baptist Church.
Mary is survived by a daughter, Tina Boatright West and son-in-law Tommy (Bubba), two granddaughters, Sarah Elizabeth and Katelyn Marie West, of Savannah; sister Alice A. Ward and brother James (Elaine) Aldhizer, both of New Hope, VA; brother-in-law Earl (Wanda) Boatright, sister-in-law Bessie B. Maddox and numerous nieces and nephews.
Many thanks to the staff and volunteers at Spanish Oaks Retreat and Hospice for their loving care of Mary and her family. Visitation: 5 - 7 p.m Wednesday, at Fairhaven Funeral Home, Hubert C. Baker Chapel. Graveside Services: 11 a.m. Friday in Hillcrest West Cemetery.
9-1455. JOHN J. BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 14 Apr 1924 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 03 Apr 2007 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: John J Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1924 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Name: John J Boatright Birth Year: 1924 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Georgia County or City: Toombs Enlistment Date: 28 Jun 1945 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort McPherson Atlanta Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: Grammar school Civil Occupation: Geographer Marital Status: Married Height: 80 Weight: 100 Social Security Death Index Name: John J. Boatright Last Residence: 30401 Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Born: 14 Apr 1924 Died: 3 Apr 2007 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 Name: John J Boatright Service Info.: US ARMY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 14 Apr 1924 Death Date: 3 Apr 2007 Cemetery: Faith Baptist Church Cemetery Cemetery Address: Hinesville, Ga 31313Burial: Faith Baptist Church Cemetery, Hinesville, Liberty County, Georgia
9-1456. RICHARD BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 17 Apr 1926 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 11 Jul 1992 in Chatham County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Richard Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Name: Richard Boatright Birth Year: 1926 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Georgia County or City: Chatham Enlistment Date: 9 Aug 1944 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort McPherson Atlanta Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: Grammar school Civil Occupation: Automobile Serviceman Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 80 Weight: 100 Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Richard Boatright Death Date: 11 Jul 1992 County of Death: Chatham Gender: M Race: W Age: 66 years County of Residence: Chatham Certificate: 027262 Date Filed: 16 Jul 1992 Social Security Death Index Name: Richard Boatright Last Residence: 31408 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Born: 17 Apr 1926 Died: 11 Jul 1992 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951)
9-1457. EARL BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1927 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Earl Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1927 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0.
9-1458. BESSIE BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM MATTHEW9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1930 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Bessie Boatright Date: April 19, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 0 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1930 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Willie M Mother's Name: Hattie M Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 58.0.
9-1459. JOHN PICKNEY BOATRIGHT (ROBERT LEWIS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 17 Sep 1914 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 05 Nov 1996 in Garfield, Emanuel Couny, Georgia. He married MILDRED HENDRIX. She was born 28 Mar 1926 in Georgia.
Source of photo: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
1920 Census: Name: J P Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Lewis R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Eva M Mother's Birth Place: South Carolina Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 373. 1930 Census: Name: John P Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Lous R Mother's Name: Eva M Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0. U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 Name: John P Boatright Service Info.: SF2 US NAVY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 17 Sep 1914 Death Date: 5 Nov 1996 Cemetery: Hebron Baptist Cemetery Cemetery Address: 427 N Main Swainsboro, GA 30401 Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: John P Boatright Death Date: 5 Nov 1996 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 82 Years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 047571 Date Filed: 8 Nov 1996Burial: Hebron Church Cemetery, Garfield, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1460. HAROLD DORSEY "DUCK" BOATRIGHT (ROBERT LEWIS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1916 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 12 Dec 2004 in Millen, Jenkins County, Georgia. He married JEWELL GAY, daughter of LAWRENCE GAY and DORA JOHNSON. She was born 1917 in Jenkins County, Georgia, and died 09 Feb 1999 in Jenkins County, Georgia.
Source of photo and obits: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
Millen, GA - Mr. Harold Dorsey "Duck" Boatright, 88, died Sunday, December 12, 2004. He was born in Emanuel County, a retired farmer, and a member of Garfield Baptist Church. Survivors include his son and daughter-in-law, Dorsey and Patricia Boatright of Statesboro, two grandchildren, Amy B. and Rob Fulford of Odenton, MD and Jennifer and George Conlin of Murfreesboro, TN, three great grandchildren, Maeson, Mallory, and Grady, two sisters, Hilda Cook of Garfield and Lora Flowers of Florida. Visitation will be Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p. m. at the Crowe-Fields Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be 11:00 a. m. Wednesday, at the Garfield Baptist Church. Burial will follow in the Lewis Primitive Baptist Cemetery.
1920 Census: Name: Harold D Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Lewis R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Eva M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 373. 1930 Census: Name: Harold D Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 13 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Lous R Mother's Name: Eva M Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0.Burial: Lewis Primitive Baptist Cemetery, Jenkins County, Georgia
Notes for JEWELL GAY:
Jewel G. Boatright
MILLEN -- Jewel Gay Boatright, 81, died Feb. 9 at home.
She was born in Jenkins County. She was a homemaker and a member of Garfield Baptist Church.
SURVIVORS: her husband, Harold D. Boatright of Millen; a son, Dorsey Boatright of Statesboro; two sisters, Opal Brown and Ruth McClean, both of Millen; two grandchildren, Amy Boatright of Statesboro and Jennifer Conlin of Savannah; a son-in-law, Carroll A. Joyner of Millen; and a great-great-grandchild.
VISITATION: 7-9 p.m. today at Crowe-Fields Funeral Home in Millen.
FUNERAL: 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Garfield Baptist Church, burial in Lewis Cemetery in Millen.
Burial: Lewis Primitive Baptist Cemetery, Jenkins County, Georgia
9-1461. HILDA BOATRIGHT (ROBERT LEWIS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 29 Aug 1918 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 19 Jan 2005 in Aiken, Aiken County, South Carolina. She married ESCHOL VERNON WIGGINS, 21 Jan 1935 in Jenkins County Courthouse, Millen, Georgia. He was born 09 Jan 1912 in Butts, Jenkins County, Georgia, and died 12 Nov 1995 in Garfield, Emanuel Couny, Georgia.
Source of photos and obit: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
1920 Census: Name: Hilda Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, GA Age: 1 year 3 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Lewis R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Eva M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, GA; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 34; Image: 373. 1930 Census: Name: Hilda Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, GA Age: 11 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Lous R Mother's Name: Eva M Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, GA; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0.
An engineer, he worked at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Eschol and Hilda retired to Garfield, Georgia, in 1976.
Garfield, Ga. - Mr. Eschol V. Wiggins Sr., 83, of 359 Old Boatright Road, died Sunday, Nov. 12,
1995, at Emanuel County Hospital.
The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Garfield Baptist Church, with John Boulineau and Bill Coggins officiating. Burial will be in Hebron Baptist Church Cemetery.
Mr. Wiggins, a native of Jenkins County, had lived in Garfield for 19 years. He had retired from Norfolk Shipyard, Portsmouth, Va., as a quality control supervisor. He was a member and deacon of Garfield Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Hilda Boatright Wiggins; a son, E. Vernon Wiggins Jr., Cochran; two daughters, Mary W. Bowman, Athens, Ohio, and Donna W. Russell, Anchorage, Alaska; and eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Johnny Boatright, Dorsey Boatright, Jerry Johnson, Wayne Harper, Harry Gay, Ben Gay, Andy Anderson and Hank Joiner.
The family will receive friends [at] the residence, or at church after 1 p.m. Tuesday.
The family will receive friends at 7 p.m. today at Johnson Funeral Home, Swainsboro.
Burial: Hebron Church Cemetery, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1462. LORA BOATRIGHT (ROBERT LEWIS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1920 in Emanuel County, Georgia. She married HERMAN WILTON FLOWERS. He was born 28 Jun 1913 in Newport News, Virginia, and died 14 Apr 1990 in Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida.
1930 Census: Name: Lora Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Lous R Mother's Name: Eva M Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0.
9-1463. VERA MAE BOATRIGHT (ROBERT LEWIS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 23 Oct 1922 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 05 May 1924 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
Source of photo and information: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
Vera was buried at Nooday Church Cemetery near Garfield. Her tombstone was removed to Hebron Church Cemetery, Garfield, by her brother, John P. Boatright, after their parents' deaths in 1975.
9-1464. MIDRED BOATRIGHT (ROBERT LEWIS9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 20 Jul 1925 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 11 Jan 1942 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
Source of photo: Mary Wiggins Bowman, "Boatright/Wiggins Family Tree" -
1930 Census: Name: Mildred Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Lous R Mother's Name: Eva M Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0.Burial: Hebron Church Cemetery, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1465. THOMAS PERLIE BOATRIGHT (THOMAS PELIE9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1918 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 1919 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
9-1466. JOHN BERNARD BOATRIGHT (THOMAS PELIE9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 23 Mar 1920 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 18 Feb 1980 in Chatham County, Georgia. He married DORIS M.. She was born 1928, and died 2001.
1930 Census: Name: John B Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 10 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1920 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Thomas P Mother's Name: Hedy Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: John B Boatright Death Date: 18 Feb 1980 County of Death: Chatham Gender: M Race: W Age: 59 years County of Residence: Chatham Certificate: 005277 Date Filed: 28 Feb 1980Burial: Hillcrest Abbey West Cemetery, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia
Notes for DORIS M.:
Burial: Hillcrest Abbey West Cemetery, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia
9-1467. LYDIAN BERNICE BOATRIGHT (THOMAS PELIE9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 03 Jun 1922 in Emanual County, Georgia. she married MICHAEL WALTER GAMIZA. He was born 30 Oct 1919 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, and died 06 Mar 1985.
1930 Census: Name: Bernice Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1922 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Thomas P Mother's Name: Hedy Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0.
9-1468. ROBERT WALTER BOATRIGHT (THOMAS PELIE9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 12 Jan 1925 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 27 May 2000 in Buford, Gwinnett County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Robert Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Thomas P Mother's Name: Hedy Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Name: Robert W Boatright Birth Year: 1925 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Georgia County or City: Emanuel Enlistment Date: 7 Oct 1944 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort McPherson Atlanta Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: Grammar school Civil Occupation: Geographer Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 00 Weight: 100 Social Security Death Index Name: Robert W. Boatright Last Residence: 30519 Buford, Gwinnett, Georgia Born: 12 Jan 1925 Died: 27 May 2000 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951)Burial: Broadlawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Buford, Hall County, Georgia
9-1469. MARY HELEN BOATRIGHT (THOMAS PELIE9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1926 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Hellen Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Thomas P Mother's Name: Hedy Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0.
9-1470. HUBERT BOATRIGHT (THOMAS PELIE9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Jan 1930 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Hubert Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1930 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Thomas P Mother's Name: Hedy Census Place: Militia District 1429, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 371.0.
9-1471. RANDALL LEWIS BOATRIGHT (THOMAS PELIE9, JOHN DOUGLAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 13 Dec 1937 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 24 Feb 1951 in Emanual County, Georgia.
Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Randall L Boatright Death Date: 24 Feb 1951 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M Race: W Age: 13 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 3151Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Cannoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1472. EULA IRIS BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1908 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1910 Census Name: Eula G Boatright Date: May 13, 1910 Age in 1910: 2 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1908 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Briton Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 22B; Enumeration District: 96; Image: 688. 1920 Census: Name: Eulah Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 11 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: B B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167.
9-1473. MATTIE ESTELLE BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Feb 1910 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1910 Census Name: Matie Boatright Date: May 13, 1910 Age in 1910: 3/12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1910 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Briton Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 22B; Enumeration District: 96; Image: 688. 1920 Census: Name: Mattie Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1911 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: B B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Maidie Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 20 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1910 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Brighton B Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 151.0.
9-1474. ANNE M. BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1913 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Annie Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: B B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Annie M Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 17 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Brighton B Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 151.0.
9-1475. JOSIE EDNA BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1916 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Jessie Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: B B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Jesie Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Brighton B Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 151.0.
9-1476. LACEY LANELLE BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1918 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Lacey Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 2 years 2 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: B B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Lacey Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Brighton B Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 151.0.
9-1477. DOROTHY GRACE BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1922 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Dorothy Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1922 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Brighton B Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 151.0.
9-1478. GEORGIA BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1924 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 27 Oct 2012 in Graniteville, Aiken County, South Carolina. She married (1) UNKNOWN HICKS. She married (2) WILLIAM GUNTER.
Georgia Boatright Hicks Gunter, age 88, of Graniteivlle, S.C., wife of Willian “Bill” Gunter and daughter of the late Britton Boatright and the late Maggie Key Boatright, answered God’s call and went to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at her residence on Saturday morning, October 27, 2012.
In addition to her husband, she is survived by daughters; Linda H. (Howard) Rhodes of Nicholson, Ga. and Gwen (Jerry) Proctor of Warrenville, S.C.; a son, Wayne (Angie) Hicks of Graniteville, S.C.; sisters, Dorothy Mathis of Graniteville, S.C. and Wylene Lewis of Sandersville, Ga.; brothers, Beman Boatright of Midville, Ga. and Myron Boatright of Valdosta, Ga.; seven grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; two special friends, Diane Gunter and Laken Bentley.
She was born in Emanuel County Georgia but has been a lifelong resident of Aiken County. She was a member of Christian Heritage Church in Graniteville. She was a real Godly lady, wife, mother and grandmother. She shall be greatly missed by her family, friends and all whose lives she touched during the 88 precious years that God granted her on this earth; however, life for her has not ended, as God has promised eternal life for all who believe on Him. She has just made that great transition to her new Heavenly home where she received her “Crown of Life”, and she is now shouting on the Hills of Glory. Yes, earth’s loss is truly Heaven’s gain.
The family will receive friends at Christian Heritage Church, 285 Ascauga Lake Rd. in Graniteville this Sunday evening, October 28th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. A service celebrating her life and home going will be held on Monday, October 29th at 2:00 PM at the church with Rev. Jonathan Randall, Rev. Jeffery Hicks and Rev. Stephen Phillips officiating. The interment will follow at the Graniteville Cemetery.
The pallbearers will be Joel Randall, Joe Taylor, Sammy Odom, Russell Odom, George Pearson and Rev. Jody Padgett.
The family wishes to say a heartfelt “Thank You” to Regency Hospice for the wonderful care that they extended their loved one during her illness. Napier Funeral Home, 315 Main St., Graniteville, S.C. 29829 is in charge of the funeral arrangements. You may visit our guest register by logging on to
1930 Census: Name: Georgia Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1924 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Brighton B Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 151.0.
9-1479. MARJORIE ORIS BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1926 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Marjorie Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Brighton B Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 151.0.
9-1480. BRITTON BEMAN BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Emanual County, Georgia.
9-1481. GAYE WYLENE BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Emanual County, Georgia.
9-1482. MYRON BOATRIGHT (BRITTON BENJAMIN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Emanual County, Georgia.
9-1483. BLONNIE LUCILE BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 19 Oct 1909 in Graymont, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 21 Oct 1909 in Graymont, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1484. ROY LEODELLE BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 21 Oct 1910 in Graymont, Emanual County, Georgia, and died 20 May 1961 in Cleveland, Cuyahuga County, Ohio. He married NELLIE CHRISTINE ARMSTONG 13 Aug 1930 in Knoxville, Grainger County, Tennessee, daughter of HENRY POWELL ARMSTRONG. She was born 20 Sep 1904, and died 29 Dec 2000 in Florida.
1920 Census: Name: Leodelle Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1911 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: F R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Willie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Roy L Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Age: 19 Estimated birth year: abt 1911 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to head-of-house: Boarder Race: White Occupation: Body Plant Laborer Census Place: Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: 2257; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 19; Image: 1055.0.
10-1994. i. DORIS JACQUELINE BOATRIGHT, b. 28 Feb 1932, Sanford, York County, Maine; d. 15 May 1997, Orlando, Orange County, Florida. 10-1995. ii. FRANK HENRY BOATRIGHT, b. 22 Mar 1934, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio; d. 03 Jul 1999, Orlando, Orange County, Florida.
9-1485. MARY LOU BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 13 Feb 1913 in Blun, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 07 Oct 1932 in Blun, Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Mary Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: F R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Willie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Mary L Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 17 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
9-1486. FRED COLON BOATWRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 19 Aug 1914 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 25 Jun 1982 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia. He married MARTHA FAY HOGAN 06 Mar 1938. She was born 19 Jun 1913 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, and died 2007.
1920 Census: Name: Fred Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: F R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Willie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Fred Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Occupation: Farm Laborer Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0. Social Security Death Index Name: Fred Boatwright Last Residence: 30909 Augusta, Richmond, Georgia Born: 19 Aug 1914 Last Benefit: 30904 Augusta, Richmond, Georgia Died: Jun 1982 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Fred C Boatwright Death Date: 25 Jun 1982 County of Death: Richmond Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 67 Years County of Residence: Richmond Certificate: 021735 Date Filed: 2 Jul 1982Burial: Westover Memorial Park Cemetery, Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia
Burial: Westover Memorial Park Cemetery, Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia
9-1487. CECIL GARLAND BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 27 Nov 1916 in Blun, Emanual County, Georgia, and died 09 Feb 1988 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. He married CHARLOTTE GRACE HUMMEL 26 Sep 1941 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, daughter of ROBERT HUMMEL and GENEVA GREENWAY. She was born 06 Jul 1922 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, and died 31 Jan 1987 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio.
1920 Census: Name: Cecil Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 years 4 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: F R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Willie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Cecil Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 13 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
i. ANN GREENING BOATRIGHT, b. Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. ii. REED HUMMEL BOATRIGHT, b. 02 Feb 1946, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio; d. 21 Jan 2002, Roanoke, Virginia.
9-1488. BARNEY ALSTON BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 07 Feb 1919 in Blun, Emanual County, Georgia, and died 08 Oct 2009 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. He married MARGARET ELEANOR BUFFINGER 10 Jul 1941 in South Carolina, daughter of HENRY T. BUFFINGER and KATHRYN KIRBY BENJAMIN. She was born 23 May 1917 in Hamilton County, Ohio, and died 05 Apr 2008 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio.
1920 Census: Name: Barney Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 1 year Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: F R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Willie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Barney Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 11 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Name: Barney A Boatright Birth Year: 1919 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State of Residence: Ohio County or City: Hamilton Enlistment Date: 8 May 1943 Enlistment State: Ohio Enlistment City: Cincinnati Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 1 year of college Civil Occupation: Unskilled machine shop and related occupations, n.e.c. Marital Status: Married Height: 34 Weight: 093 Social Security Death Index Name: Barney Boatright Last Residence: 45255 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio Born: 7 Feb 1919 Died: 6 Oct 2009 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 Name: Barney Boatright Gender: Male Birth Date: 7 Feb 1919 Death Date: 6 Oct 2009 Branch 1: Army Enlistment Date 1: 15 May 1945 Release Date 1: 21 Jan 1946Burial: Rest Haven Memorial Park Cemetery, Evendale, Hamilton County, Ohio
Ohio, Birth Index, 1908-1964 Name: Margaret Buffinger Birth Date: 23 May 1917 State file number: 1917042248 Additional Information: HenryBurial: Rest Haven Memorial Park Cemetery, Evendale, Hamilton County, Ohio
9-1489. OLLIE BERNICE BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 10 Feb 1921 in Blun, Emanual County, Georgia, and died 27 Feb 1995 in Aurora, Denver County, Colorado. She married RUSSEL MURRAY 14 Mar 1942 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, son of RUSSEL MURRAY and EMILY GROVESTEEN. He was born 15 Dec 1906 in New York, and died 17 Sep 1985 in Denver, Denver County, Colorado.
1930 Census: Name: Bernice Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
9-1490. MILDRED MOZELLE BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 14 Feb 1923 in Blun, Emanual County, Georgia, and died 07 Jul 2000 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. She married GEORGE WARREN HODGE 26 Jul 1944 in Ridgeland, Jasper County, South Carolina, son of THOMAS HODGE and AGNES HIOTT. He was born 20 Dec 1920 in Bluffton, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and died 16 Jul 1968 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Moselle Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1923 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
9-1491. TERA VENEAL BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 06 Feb 1925 in Blun, Emanual County, Georgia, and died 18 Apr 1994 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. She married OTIS EVANS JOHNSON 06 Jun 1944 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, son of OATHA JOHNSON and EFFIE WESTBERRY. He was born 23 Sep 1922, and died 06 Jun 1983 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Veneal Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
9-1492. FRANK LILBURN BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 21 Nov 1926 in Blun, Emanual County, Georgia, and died 30 Sep 1987 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. He married MIRIAM LAHKE, daughter of MILTON LAHKE and LORETTA RECHTIN. She was born in Ohio.
1930 Census: Name: Lilburn Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
9-1493. CAROLYN LYNETTE BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1928 in Blun, Emanual County, Georgia. She married HARMON HOLLAND, son of WEED HOLLAND and RUTH LYNN. He was born 15 Oct 1922 in Collins, Tattnall County, Georgia, and died 03 Mar 1993 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Carolyn Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 1 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1929 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Frank Mother's Name: Willie Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
i. KATHY HOLLAND, b. Georgia. ii. LARRY HOLLAND, b. Georgia. iii. DAVID HOLLAND, b. Georgia.
9-1494. PAUL GRAYSON BOATRIGHT (FRANK RHEN9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 28 Sep 1931 in Blun, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 28 Nov 1932 in Blun, Emanuel County, Georgia.
9-1495. RUBEN CARLOS BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM ROYAL9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 16 Apr 1913 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 04 Dec 1971 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Cholas Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: W R Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19A; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 166. 1930 Census: Name: Carlos Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 16 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Nephew Race: White Occupation: Farm Laborer Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Ruben C Boatright Death Date: 4 Dec 1971 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 58 Years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 039264Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1496. CALLIE BELL BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM ROYAL9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 21 Jul 1915 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 22 Nov 2001 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. She married CHARLIE CARVIN LAMB 14 Feb 1937, son of CHARLIE LAMB and MAMIE BROWN. He was born 06 Oct 1916 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, and died 10 Mar 1991.
1920 Census: Name: Callie Bell Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated birth year: abt 1916 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Charlie Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Maggie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll 31109_4300114; Page: 27B; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 499. living with mother and step-father 1930 Census: Name: Callie Belle Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 14 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Stepdaughter Mother's Name: Maggie Lee Race: White Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. living with mother and step father
i. BARBARA LEE LAMB b. Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
9-1497. BOYCE BAILEY BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM ROYAL9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 02 Jun 1922 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 15 Nov 1943 in Pooler, Chatham County, Georgia.
Killed in an motorcycle accident.
1930 Census: Name: Boyce B Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1923 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: W R Mother's Name: Lucile Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
9-1498. ROYAL CHANDLER BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM ROYAL9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 22 Jun 1924 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 22 Jun 1990 in Emanual County, Georgia. He married JANE C. MESSINER. She was born 23 Dec 1921 in Mississippi, and died 21 Dec 1985 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Royal C Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: W R Mother's Name: Lucile Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 about Royal C Boatright Death Date: 22 Jun 1990 County of Death: Richmond Gender: M Race: W Age: 66 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 028253 Date Filed: 09 Jul 1990Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1499. VIRGINIA LUCILE BOATRIGHT (WILLIAM ROYAL9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1926 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Virginia Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: W R Mother's Name: Lucile Census Place: Militia District 53, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 147.0.
9-1500. ARLIS DORSEY BOATRIGHT (MOSES WATSON9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 18 May 1918 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, and died 09 Dec 2008 in Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia. He married JEWEL LAVERNE RHOADES. She was born 07 Jul 1927 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, and died 05 Jun 2012 in Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia.
Mr. Arlis D. Boatright, Sr., age 90, of Marietta died Tuesday December 9th.
Funeral Services were held in the chapel of West Cobb Funeral Home and Crematory in Marietta with Rev. Johnny Daniels officiating. Burial followed at Kennesaw Memorial Park Cemetery.
Born in Swainsboro, Mr. Boatright moved to Marietta 61 years ago from Augusta. He retired from Lockheed in 1987 after 26 years of employment, and was a member of Central Baptist Church.
Survivors wife Jewel LaVerne Boatright, Marietta; children, Paula Honea, Mableton, Susan Hulsey, Rydal; Donnie Boatright, Powder Springs, Jenny Boatright Hunt, Powder Springs, A.D. Boatright, Jr., Marietta; 13 grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
1920 Census: Name: Arliss Boatright Date: February 7, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 2 years 3 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: M W Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Annie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 167. 1930 Census: Name: Arlis D Boatwright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia Age: 11 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Mose W Mother's Name: Annie W Census Place: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia; Roll: 382; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 42; Image: 375.0.Burial: Kennesaw Memorial Park Cemetery, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia
Jewel LaVerne Boatright, age 84, of Marietta, GA passed away on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. Funeral Services were held at West Cobb Funeral Home and Crematory in Marietta. Interment followed at Kennesaw Memorial Park in Marietta.
A native of Augusta, GA, Mrs. Boatright moved to Marietta in 1947 with her late husband, Mr. Arlis D. Boatright, Sr. She was a charter member of Central Baptist Church in Marietta.
She was preceded in death by her son, A.D. Boatright, Jr. Survivors include her children, Jenny Hunt, Powder Springs, GA, Susan Hulsey, Rydal, GA, Donnie Boatright, Powder Springs, GA and Paula Honea, Mableton, GA; brother, Jack Rhoades, Marietta, GA; sister, Doris Plott, Alabama; 13 grandchildren; 11 greatgrandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Burial: Kennesaw Memorial Park Cemetery, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia
9-1501. ELOISE EVELYN BOATRIGHT (MOSES WATSON9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 24 Oct 1920 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, and died 12 Oct 1988 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia. She married (1) EDWARD WILSON GOY. She married (2) ERNEST C LEOPORD.
1930 Census: Name: Eloise E Boatwright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Mose W Mother's Name: Annie W Census Place: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia; Roll: 382; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 42; Image: 375.0.
9-1502. EMORY GRAYSON BOATRIGHT (MOSES WATSON9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 17 Aug 1922 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, and died 24 Dec 1971. He married LOLLIE WINFREY.
1930 Census: Name: Emory G Boatwright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia Age: 8 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1922 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Mose W Mother's Name: Annie W Census Place: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia; Roll: 382; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 42; Image: 375.0. Social Security Death Index Name: Emory Boatright Born: 17 Aug 1922 Died: Dec 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951 )
9-1503. RANDAL VERNON BOATRIGHT (MOSES WATSON9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 19 Jan 1924 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, and died 16 Feb 1986 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia. He married FRANKIE STEPHENS.
1930 Census: Name: Randall V Boatwright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia Age: 6 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1924 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Mose W Mother's Name: Annie W Census Place: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia; Roll: 382; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 42; Image: 375.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Randall V Boatright Death Date: 16 Feb 1986 County of Death: Richmond Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 62 Years County of Residence: Richmond Certificate: 006687 Date Filed: 21 Feb 1986
9-1504. LEO O. BOATRIGHT (MOSES WATSON9, MATTHEW BRINSON8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 24 Jan 1926 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, and died 29 Aug 1972 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia. He married JACQUELINE KEARNE.
1930 Census: Name: Leo O Boatwright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Mose W Mother's Name: Annie W Census Place: Militia District 119, Richmond, Georgia; Roll: 382; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 42; Image: 375.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Leo Boatright Death Date: 29 Aug 1972 County of Death: Richmond Gender: M Race: W Age: 46 years County of Residence: Richmond Certificate: 027827 Social Security Death Index Name: Leo Boatright Last Residence: 30901 Augusta, Richmond, Georgia Born: 24 Jan 1926 Died: Aug 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951 )
9-1504A. JAMES BOATRIGHT (JESSE E.9, ISAAC S.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1915 in Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Jim Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 15 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1915 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Jesse E Boatright Mother's Name: Annie L Boatright Occupation: Farm Laborer Race: White Census Place: Militia District 50, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 52.0.
9-1505. LEILA BOATRIGHT (MELTON9, ISAAC S.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 19 Apr 1913 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 10 Mar 1998 in Emanual County, Georgia. She married JAMES ALBERT THOMAS 08 Nov 1931 in Montgomery County, Georgia. He was born 24 Sep 1912 in Georgia, and died 30 Nov 1982 in Bullock County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Lelia Boatright Date: January 23, 1920 Home in 1920: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia Age: 6 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Milton Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Katie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia; Roll: T625_280; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 118; Image: 775. 1930 Census: Name: Lela Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia Age: 17 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Melton Mother's Name: Katie Census Place: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia; Roll: 376; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 1056.0.
9-1506. VIOLA BOATRIGHT (MELTON9, ISAAC S.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 18 May 1915 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 17 May 1939 in Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Viola Boatright Date: January 23, 1920 Home in 1920: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia Age: 3 years 7 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Milton Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Katie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia; Roll: T625_280; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 118; Image: 775. 1930 Census: Name: Viola Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia Age: 16 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Melton Mother's Name: Katie Census Place: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia; Roll: 376; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 1056.0.
9-1507. NOAH LEE BOATRIGHT (MELTON9, ISAAC S.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 08 Sep 1917 in Vidalia, Toombs County, Georgia, and died 16 Jul 1959 in Richmond County, Georgia. He married EMILY BELL BRIDGES, daughter of GEORGE BRIDGES and URSULA SULA BLANTON. She was born 28 Aug 1920 in Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Noah Boatright Date: January 23, 1920 Home in 1920: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia Age: 2 years 2 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Milton Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Katie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia; Roll: T625_280; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 118; Image: 775. 1930 Census: Name: Noah Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia Age: 12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Melton Mother's Name: Katie Census Place: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia; Roll: 376; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 1056.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Record Name: Noah L Boatright Death Date: 16 Jul 1959 County of Death: Richmond Gender: M Race: W Age: 41 years County of Residence: Richmond Certificate: 18231Burial: Norcross City Cemetery, Norcross, Gwinnett County, Georgia
9-1508. MATHIS ISAIAH BOATRIGHT (MELTON9, ISAAC S.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 25 Sep 1919 in Vidalia, Toombs County, Georgia, and died 18 Oct 2009 in Crossville, Cumberland County, Tennessee. He married (1) ALICE BRIDGES 01 Aug 1937 in Montgomery County, Georgia, daughter of GEORGE BRIDGES and URSULA SULA BLANTON. She was born 04 Mar 1917 in Georgia, and died 31 Mar 1984 in Georgia. He married (2) MARGARET COLE.
Mathis Isiah Boatright, age 90, of Crossville, TN, passed away Sunday, October 18, 2009. He was born September 25, 1919, in Emanuel County, GA, son of the late Melton and Katie (Stephens) Boatright. He was retired from Boatright Roofing Company and was of the Baptist faith. He served in the United States Navy and was a veteran of World War II. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. He is survived by his wife, Margaret (Cole) Boatright of Crossville, TN; daughters, Merle Lewis of Stone Mountain, GA and Helen Cook of Jackson, GA; stepsons, David Garrison of Crossville, TN and Richard Vaughn of FL; nine grandchildren; and twelve great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by a daughter, Carolyn Boatright, first wife, Alice (Bridges) Boatright, sister, Leila Thomas; and brothers, Noah Boatright and Soloman Boatright. Funeral services will be held in the Chapel of Bilbrey Funeral Home on Tuesday, October 20, 2009, at 3:00 p.m. with Bro. Mike Garrett officiating. The family will receive friends Tuesday, two hours prior to the service from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Bilbrey Funeral Home. A graveside service will be held on Wednesday, October 21st, at 3:00 p.m. at H.G. Wright Cemetery in Norcross, GA. Online condolences may be expressed at Arrangements by Crowell Brothers Peachtree Chapel Funeral Home, 5051 Peachtree Ind. Blvd., Norcross, GA 30092, (770) 448-5757.
Published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on October 20, 2009
1920 Census: Name: Matthew I Boatright Date: January 23, 1920 Home in 1920: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia Age: 3 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Milton Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Katie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Vidalia, Toombs, Georgia; Roll: T625_280; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 118; Image: 775. 1930 Census: Name: Isaiah Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia Age: 10 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1920 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Melton Mother's Name: Katie Census Place: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia; Roll: 376; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 1056.0.
Burial: Norcross City Cemetery, Norcross, Gwinnett County, Georgia
9-1509. SOLOMAN SHAD BOATRIGHT (MELTON9, ISAAC S.8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 06 Jun 1922 in Vidalia, Toombs County, Georgia, and died 14 Mar 2002 in Emanual County, Georgia. He married DORIS WALDEN 24 Jun 1944 in Emanuel County, Georgia, daughter of WATSON WALDEN and RUBY HENRY. She was born 1928 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 09 Apr 2013 in Dellwood, Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Solomon Boatright Date: April 24, 1930 Home in 1930: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia Age: 7 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1923 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Melton Mother's Name: Katie Census Place: Higgston, Montgomery, Georgia; Roll: 376; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 1056.0.Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
Mrs. Doris Walden Boatright, 84, of Dellwood was called to Glory with her family at her bedside Tuesday afternoon, April 9, 2013 at her residence following an extended illness.
Mrs. Boatright was born in Swainsboro and resided in Dellwood most of her life. She was preceded in death by her parents, Watson Walden and Ruby Henry Walden; husband, Solomon Boatright; brother, G. W. Walden; sisters, Mildred Hooks, Annie Lee Hutchenson, Jo Darly and Yvonne Mills; great gradson, Avery Moras; daughter-in-law, Cherly Boatright; son-in-law, Bruce Burnham. Mrs. Boatright loved going to the beach, the mountains, fishing and being with her family. She enjoyed yard work, cooking and was known for her chicken-n-dumplings and fruit cake. Mrs. Boatright was a great inspiration to cancer survivors. The family expresses gratitude to Dr. Squires and staff for their generosity and care given to their mother.
Survivors include her sons, Bobby (Teri) Boatright of Statesboro, Ralph Boatright of Augusta and James (Norma) Boatright of Dellwood; daughters, Evelyn Burnham of Grovetown, Linda (Sam) Reid of Harlem, Brenda (Shim) Knox of Appling; brothers, Roy Walden of Clover, SC, Bobby (Rena) Walden of Senaca, SC; sisters, Rozie Walden of Greenwood SC, Marie O’Bar of Lavonia, Bonnie Mosley of Brunswick, Shirley Hollis of Rock Hill, SC, Jackie (Jack) Prather of Belvedere, SC and Gay Lynn Tuberville of North August, SC. 22 grandchildren, 45 great grandchildren, 1 great-great granddaughter, and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Chapman Funeral Home at 2 o’clock Friday, afternoon April 12, 2013 with Reverends Earl Warnock and Billy Vinson officiating. Burial will be in the Swainsboro City Cemetery.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 11, 2013 at Chapman Funeral Home.
Pallbearers will be Steve Boatright, Bobby Boatright, Jr., Austin Coleman, Thad Coleman, Sid Slown and Will Jones.
Honorary pallbearers are the Southside Baptist Church Adult II Sunday School Class.
Condolences may be expressed at
Chapman Funeral Home of Swainsboro is in charge of the arrangements for the funeral of Mrs. Doris Walden Boatright, 84, of Dellwood.
Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1510. AUDREY BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 10 Feb 1907 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 15 Dec 1978. She married B. LEE RICH. He was born 1905.
The three children of Audrey and Lee Rich are listed as "Boatrights" in the 1940 census, living with their grandparents, Matthew and Essie Coleman Boatright.
1910 Census: Name: Audrey Boatright Date: May 7, 1910 Age in 1910: 3 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1907 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Math L Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1065. 1920 Census: Name: Audry Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 12 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1908 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Math Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 494.
Children of AUDREY BOATRIGHT and B. RICH are:
10-1995A. i. MAJORIE EVELYN BOATRIGHT, b. 1926, Emanual County, Georgia. 10-1995B. ii. ALTON EUGENE BOATRIGHT, b. 28 Apr 1928, Emanual County, Georgia; d. 01 Sep 1998, Newport News, Virginia. 10-1995C. iii. LEE RICH BOATRIGHT, b. 1930, Emanual County, Georgia.
9-1511. ANDREW COLEMAN BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 16 Mar 1909 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 21 Aug 1951 in Emanuel County, Georgia. He married MARGIE COLEMAN, 1935 in Georgia. She was born 09 Aug 1918 in Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Andrew C Boatright Date: May 7, 1910 Age in 1910: 1 1/12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Math L Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1065. 1920 Census: Name: Coleman Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 10 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1910 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Math Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 494. 1930 Census: Name: Coleman Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 21 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Occupation: Farmer Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Andrew C Boatright Death Date: 21 Aug 1951 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M Race: W Age: 42 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 18356 Social Security Death Index Name: Coleman Boatright Born: 16 Mar 1909 Died: Aug 1951 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951)Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1512. KENNETH IVEY BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 04 Jul 1912 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 03 Jan 1953 in Emanuel County, Georgia. He married LORETA SHEPHERD. She was born 16 May 1920 in Johnson County, Georgia, and died 15 Jun 1988 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Kineth Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1912 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Math Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 494. 1930 Census: Name: Kineth Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 18 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1912 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Occupation: Farm Laborer Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Kenneth I Boatright Death Date: 03 Jan 1953 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M Race: W Age: 41 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 861Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1513. CECIL W. BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 17 Mar 1913 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 30 Oct 1974 in Jenkins County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Cecil Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1914 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Math Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 494. 1930 Census: Name: Cecil Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 17 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1913 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Cecil W Boatright Death Date: 30 Oct 1974 County of Death: Jenkins Gender: M Race: W Age: 61 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 040887 Social Security Death Index Name: Cecil Boatright Last Residence: 30425 Garfield, Emanuel, Georgia Born: 17 Mar 1913 Died: Oct 1974 State (Year) SSN issued: Alabama (Before 1951)Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1514. JAMES OSBORN BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 28 Dec 1916 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 07 May 1998 in Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia. He married BESSIE CURL 24 Dec 1936 in Emanuel County, Georgia, daughter of REUBEN CURL and MARY FLANDERS. She was born 07 Jan 1918 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 04 Jul 1982 in Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Osbourne Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Math Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 494. 1930 Census: Name: Osborn Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 14 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916 Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: James O Boatright Death Date: 07 May 1998 County of Death: Bulloch Gender: M Race: W Age: 81 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 023770 Date Filed: 21 May 1998Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
Notes for BESSIE CURL:
Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1515. BRUCE EDWARD BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 30 Jun 1918 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 09 May 1979 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Edward Boatright Date: January 28, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 1 year 7 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Math Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Essie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 37; Image: 494. 1930 Census: Name: Edward Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Bruce E Boatright Death Date: 09 May 1979 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M Race: W Age: 60 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 017155 Social Security Death Index Name: Bruce Boatright Last Residence: 30401 Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Born: 30 Jun 1918 Died: May 1979 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951)
9-1516. NANNIE DORA BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1921 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Nanie Dora Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0.
9-1517. ROY JIM "R. J." BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 29 Dec 1922 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 15 Nov 1997 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia. He married IDA NAOMI EDWARDS, daughter of TRUMAN GASAWAY EDWARDS and ALICE EMALINE MUNS. She was born 11 Feb 1927 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 29 Jul 2006 in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Notes for ROY JIM "R. J." BOATRIGHT:
1930 Census: Name: R J Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1923 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0. Social Security Death Index Name: R. J. Boatright Last Residence: 30401 Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Born: 29 Dec 1922 Died: 15 Nov 1997 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Roy J Boatright Death Date: 15 Nov 1997 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 74 Years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 050233 Date Filed: 19 Nov 1997Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1518. MARY LENA BOATRIGHT (MATTHEW LEWIS9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1925 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Mary Lena Boatright Date: April 4, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Math Mother's Name: Essie L Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 473.0.
9-1519. HAZOR HAROLD BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 02 Jan 1909 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 25 Dec 1971 in Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia.
1910 Census: Name: Hazor H Boatright Date: May 2, 1910 Age in 1910: 1 4/12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1908 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Henry Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Effie Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Militia District 1560, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T624_186; Page: 25B; Enumeration District: 105; Image: 1062. 1920 Census: Name: Harrel Boatright Date: January 21, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 11 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's name: Henry B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Lizzy M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 33; Image: 347. 1930 Census: Name: Harold Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 21 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1909 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Occupation: Farm Laborer Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0. Social Security Death Index Name: Harold Boatwright Last Residence: 30904 Augusta, Richmond, Georgia Born: 2 Jan 1909 Died: Dec 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Harold H Boatwright Death Date: 25 Dec 1971 County of Death: Richmond Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 62 Years County of Residence: Columbia Certificate: 040904
9-1520. BERNICE BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1916 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Bernice Boatright Date: January 21, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 years 9 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Henry B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Lizzy M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 33; Image: 347. 1930 Census: Name: Berneice Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 12 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1521. ELOISE BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1919 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Ellouise Boatright Date: January 21, 1920 Home in 1920: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 11 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: Henry B Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Lizzy M Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Able to read: No Able to Write: No Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: T625_256; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 33; Image: 347. 1930 Census: Name: Eloise Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 11 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1522. JUANITA BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1921 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Juanita Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1523. QUINTON BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1922 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Quinton Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 8 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1922 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1524. JONAS H. BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Mar 1923 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 13 Jun 2008 in Aiken, Aiken County, South Carolina.
Obituary: The Aiken Standard. Entered into rest on Friday, June 13, 2008, Mr. Jonas H. Boatright, of Wire Road, Aiken. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Juanita Kay Carpenter, and a sister, Juanita Adler, and eight other siblings.
Surviving are grandchildren, Kevin, Daniel and Stacey Hynes and Mike Gray, all of Aiken; three great-grandchildren, Brandon Hynes, Cody Hynes and Justin Whitt; one great-great-granddaughter, Nevaeh Hynes; and one brother, Gene Boatright of Aiken.
Mr. Boatright was born in Swainsboro, Ga., to the late Henry and Lizzie Turner Boatright. He retired from the Gregg Division of Graniteville Company with 35 years of service and he was a member of Central Baptist Church, Aiken. Funeral services will be on Monday at 4 p.m. at Central Baptist Church with Revs. Louie Anderson and Gerald Freeman officiating. Interment will be at Central Baptist Church Cemetery, Aiken. Mr. Boatright will be placed in the church on Monday at 3 p.m. Pallbearers will be Josh Wharton, Chris Wharton, James Hynes, Gregg Anderson and Daryl Anderson and Brian Morton. Honorary pallbearers will be the staff at Mattie C. Hall Nursing Center.
Friends may call on Sunday from 5 until 8 p.m. at Hatcher Funeral Home and Cremation Service, U.S. Hwy. No. 1, Langley.
1930 Census: Name: Jonas Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 7 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1923 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1525. STEPHEN BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1924 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Stephen Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1924 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1526. JACK BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1926 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Jack Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1527. SARAH BOATRIGHT (HENRY BRINSON9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1928 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Sarah Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 2 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1928 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Henry Mother's Name: Lizzie M Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1528. JOYCE BOATRIGHT (CALEB BRUCE9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1929 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Joyce Boatright Date: April 2, 1930 Home in 1930: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 0 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1929 Relation to Head of House: Granddaughter Mother's Name: Elma Census Place: Summit, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 471.0. living with parents and grandparents
9-1529. ERNEST RUDOLPH BOATRIGHT (STEPHEN ERNEST9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 20 Aug 1921 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 21 Apr 1974 in Emanual County, Georgia. He married IDA MAE RICH 13 Jul 1940 in Emanuel County, Georgia, daughter of MORRIS RICH and CARRIE WEBB. She was born 1923 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 1950 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Ernest R Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 9 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1921 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Ernest Mother's Name: Gladys Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Ernest R Boatright Death Date: 21 Apr 1974 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M Race: W Age: 52 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 011323 Social Security Death Index Name: Ernest Boatright Born: 20 Aug 1921 Died: Apr 1974 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951)Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
Notes for IDA MAE RICH:
Burial: Hawhammoch Baptist Church Cemetery, Canoochee, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1530. WASHINGTON S. BOATRIGHT (STEPHEN ERNEST9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 28 Oct 1923 in Emanual County, Georgia, and died 19 Sep 2002 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Washington S Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 6 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1924 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Ernest Mother's Name: Gladys Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 about W S Boatright Name: W S Boatright Birth Year: 1923 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Hawaii Enlistment Date: 13 Nov 1945 Enlistment State: Kentucky Enlistment City: Bonnville Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private First Class Grade Code: Private First Class Education: Grammar school Civil Occupation: Farmer Marital Status: Married Height: 07 Weight: 459 Social Security Death Index Name: Washington S. Boatright Last Residence: 31407 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia Born: 28 Oct 1923 Died: 19 Sep 2002 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 Name: W S Boatright Service Info.: PVT US ARMY WORLD WAR II Birth Date: 28 Oct 1923 Death Date: 19 Sep 2002 Cemetery: Hillcrest Abbey West Cemetery Cemetery Address: 1336 Dean Forest Road Savannah, GA 31405Burial: Hillcrest Abbey West Cemetery, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia
9-1531. MARY E. BOATRIGHT (STEPHEN ERNEST9, STEPHEN THOMAS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1927 in Emanual County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Mary E Boatright Date: April 14, 1930 Home in 1930: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Ernest Mother's Name: Gladys Census Place: Militia District 1333, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll: 355; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16; Image: 340.0.
9-1532. LORAINE WILSON BOATRIGHT (JADIE DAVIS9, CHARLES8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 04 Mar 1917 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 17 Sep 1959 in Emanuel County, Georgia. He married MARTHA "MATTIE" LOU LOVINS. She was born 07 Apr 1925 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 23 Sep 1990 in Richmond County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Loraine Boatright Date: February 6, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 3 years 1 month Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: J D Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Lillian Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll T625_256; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 160. 1930 Census: Name: Lorin W Boatright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia Age: 13 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1917 Relation to Head of House: Son Parent's Name: Ruth Race: White Census Place: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll 341; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 133.0. Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Loraine W Boatright Death Date: 17 Sep 1959 County of Death: Emanuel Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 42 years County of Residence: Emanuel Certificate: 22229Burial: Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
Burial: Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1533. THOMAS CHARLES BOATRIGHT (JADIE DAVIS9, CHARLES8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 02 Jan 1919 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 02 Jul 1973 in Bulloch County, Georgia.
1920 Census: Name: Thomas Boatright Date: February 6, 1920 Home in 1920: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia Age: 1 year 2 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1918 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: J D Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Name: Lillian Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Census Place: Swainsboro, Emanuel, Georgia; Roll T625_256; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 160. 1930 Census: Name: Thomas C Boatright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia Age: 11 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 Relation to Head of House: Son Parent's Name: Ruth Race: White Census Place: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll 341; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 133.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Name: Thomas C Boatright Birth Year: 1919 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State of Residence: Georgia County or City: Emanuel Enlistment Date: 6 Dec 1945 Enlistment State: Texas Enlistment City: Dallas Branch: Detached Enlisted Mens List Branch Code: Detached Enlisted Mens List Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for Hawaiian Department Component: Regular Army (including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men) Education: 1 year of high school Marital Status: Divorced, with dependents U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 Name: Thomas Boatright Gender: Male Birth Date: 2 Jan 1919 Death Date: 1 Feb 1973 SSN: 259097600 Branch 1: ARMY Enlistment Date 1: 19 Dec 1939 Release Date 1: 20 Oct 1945 Social Security Death Index Name: Thomas Boatright Born: 2 Jan 1919 Died: Feb 1973 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 Name: Thomas C Boatright Death Date: 1 Feb 1973 Gender: M (Male) Race: White Age: 54 Years County of Residence: Liberty Certificate: 006944Burial: Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1534. FANNIE JO BOATRIGHT (JADIE DAVIS9, CHARLES8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 14 Dec 1923 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 15 Sep 2005. She married HAROLD PRESTON HALL. He was born 01 Feb 1913 in Georgia, and died 06 Jul 1990.
1930 Census: Name: Fannie J Boatright Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia Age: 6 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1924 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Parent's Name: Ruth Race: White Census Place: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll 341; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 133.0.
9-1535. JADIE DAVIS BOATRIGHT (JADIE DAVIS9, CHARLES8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 13 Dec 1925 in Emanuel County, Georgia, and died 13 Jul 2002 in Hendersonville, Sumner County, Tennessee. He married JOANN JOHNSON 16 May 1952 in Emanuel County, Georgia, daughter of HINES JOHNSON and ANNIE MUNNS. She was born 01 Jul 1929 in Jenkins County, Georgia, and died 03 Oct 2000 in Metter, Candler County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Jadie D Boatright Jr Date: April 8, 1930 Home in 1930: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia Age: 4 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1926 Relation to Head of House: Son Parent's Name: Ruth Race: White Census Place: Hagan, Bulloch, Georgia; Roll 341; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 133.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Name: Jadie D Boatright Birth Year: 1925 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State of Residence: Georgia County or City: Emanuel Enlistment Date: 12 Jul 1944 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort McPherson Atlanta Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 3 years of high school Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 00 Weight: 100 Social Security Death Index Name: Jadie D. Boatright Last Residence: 37075 Hendersonville, Sumner, Tennessee Born: 13 Dec 1925 Died: 13 Jul 2002 State (Year) SSN issued: Georgia (Before 1951) U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 Name: Jadie D Jr Boatright Service Info.: SGT US ARMY WORLD WAR II, KOREA Birth Date: 13 Dec 1925 Death Date: 13 Jul 2002 Cemetery: Swainsboro City Cemetery Cemetery Address: Lewis Street Swainsboro, GA 30401Burial: Swainsboro City Cemetery, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia
9-1536. WALTER LINDSAY BOATRIGHT (WALTER LINDSAY9, CHARLES8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1922 in Emanuel County, Georgia.
9-1537. JUANITA BOATRIGHT (WALTER LINDSAY9, CHARLES8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1929 in Florida.
1930 Census: Name: Juanita Boatwright Date: April 5, 1930 Age: 1 Estimated birth year: abt 1928 Relation to head-of-house: Daughter Father's Name: Walter L Boatwright Mother's Name: Susie Boatwright Home in 1930: Fenholloway, Taylor, Florida Census Place: Fenholloway, Taylor, Florida; Roll: 334; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 220.0.
9-1538. LILLIAN EDNA BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN FLOYD9, DAVID LOUIS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 18 May 1919 in Pulaski, Candler County, Georgia, and died 11 Oct 2011 in College Station, Brazos County, Texas. She married ELDON B. THOMAS.
Lillian Edna (Boatright) Thomas, 92, passed away Tuesday, October 11 at Hudson Creek Alzheimer Care Center. Graveside services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday, October 12, at Lakewood Memorial Cemetery in Henderson, Texas. A private family viewing was held Tuesday evening.
Lillian was born May 18, 1919 in Metter, Georgia the daughter of Benjamin and Sara (Daughtry) Boatright.
Lillian was preceded in death by her husband, Eldon B. Thomas.
She is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law, Charles E. and Bonnie Thomas, Glenn D. and JoAnn Thomas; brother and sister-in-law, Walter and Mary Boatright; grandchildren, Tracie Keller and husband Kris, Cristy Erickson and husband Russell, Trent David Thomas; great-grandsons, Coulter Oehler and wife Samantha, Ryan Erickson, Cody Erickson, Kyle Erickson, Houston Thomas and Kaden Keller; and one great-great-granddaughter, Jaycie Oehler.
Memorials may be made to Central Baptist Church.
Published in The Bryan-College Station Eagle on October 12, 2011
1920 Census: Name: Lillian Edna Boatright Date: January 31, 1920 Home in 1920: Pulaski, Candler, Georgia Age: 9 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: D L Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's name: Lilian G Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital status: Single Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Pulaski, Candler, Georgia; Roll: T625_240; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 42; Image: 505. 1930 Census: Name: Lillian E Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Olivetown, Candler, Georgia Age: 10 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1920 Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: Benjamin F Mother's Name: Sarah A Census Place: Olivetown, Candler, Georgia; Roll: 342; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 677.0.Burial: Lakewood Memorial Cemetery, Henderson, Rusk County, Texas
9-1539. WALTER D. BOATRIGHT (BENJAMIN FLOYD9, DAVID LOUIS8, REUBIN7, DANIEL6, JAMES5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1925 in Pulaski, Candler County, Georgia.
1930 Census: Name: Walter D Boatright Date: April 18, 1930 Home in 1930: Olivetown, Candler, Georgia Age: 5 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1925 Relation to Head of House: Son Father's Name: Benjamin F Mother's Name: Sarah A Census Place: Olivetown, Candler, Georgia; Roll: 342; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 677.0. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 about Walter D Boatright Name: Walter D Boatright Birth Year: 1925 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Georgia County or City: Emanuel Enlistment Date: 27 Oct 1944 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort McPherson Atlanta Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Source: Civil Life Education: 4 years of high school Civil Occupation: Geographer Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 78 Weight: 100
last modified: April 14, 2013
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