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Boat(w)right Family Genealogy in America
Generation 8
8-36. SAMUEL JOSEPH BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 30 Oct 1822 in Buckingham County, Virginia, and died 01 May 1886 in Buckingham County, Virginia. He married MARY ELIZABETH HUDGINS 24 Dec 1851 in Buckingham County, Virginia, daughter of ALFRED HUDGINS and MARY WILLIAMS. She was born 29 Sep 1830 in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia, and died 27 Jul 1885 in Buckingham County, Virginia.
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
Sam and his brother, John Edwin, were millwrights.
I found the below information at which came from the books, The Virginia Regimental Histories Series. Although the age of our Samuel doesn't match the one below, I believe it is the same person. Our Samuel, born October 30, 1822, would have been age 41 on September 15, 1864. Possibilities for the age difference could be the age was originally recorded wrong or transcribed wrong from the original records.
Samuel J. Boatwright, residence not listed, a 32 year old Millwright,
enlisted in the Confederate Army on October 9, 1864 at New Canton, VA as
a Private. He mustered into "C" (Travis Rifles) Company 44th VA
Infantry. He is on the Confederate Roll of Honor. He was listed as:
* On rolls September 15, 1864 (place not stated)
* Intra Regimental Company Transfer: October 31, 1864 from Co. C to
Co. I
* Date and method of discharge not given
* Died by 1910
Samuel is buried in the Boatwright/Hudgins Cemetery on Hwy 15 in Buckingham County, Virginia.
"Sam" shares a headstone with his wife, Mary Elizabeth Hudgins Boatwright and son, Thomas Frederick "Fred"
Boatwright. The headstone is inscribed: "In Memory of... Father... AT REST", "Mother... ASLEEP IN JESUS". "Brother...FAREWELL"
Footstones are inscribed: "S.J.B.", "M. E. B." and "FRED".
1850 Census: Name: Samuel J Boatright Date: October 25, 1850 Age: 27 Estimated birth year: abt 1823 Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 1, Buckingham, Virginia Occupation: Farmer Page: 381 Roll: M432_937 1860 Census: Name: Samuel J Boatwright Date: June 20, 1860 Age in 1860: 37 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: District 2, Buckingham, Virginia Occupation: Millwright Gender: Male Value of real estate: $200 Post Office: New Canton Roll: M653_1337 Page: 914 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Samuel J Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: Samuel J Boatwright Date: August 6, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1823 Age in 1870: 47 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Occupation: Millwright Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Buckingham Court House Roll: M593_1637 Page: 343 Image: 686 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: Sam BOATWRIGHT Date: June 2, 1880 Age: 60 Estimated birth year: <1820> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: Farmer Relationship to head-of-household: Self Home in 1880: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Marital status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Spouse's name: Lucy BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Census Place: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia; Roll: T9_1357; Family History Film: 1255357; Page: 477D; Enumeration District: 36; Image: .Burial: Boatwright/Hudgins Cemetery, Buckingham County, Virginia
1860 Census: Name: Mary E Boatwright Date: June 20, 1860 Age in 1860: 29 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: District 2, Buckingham, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: New Canton Roll: M653_1337 Page: 914 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Samuel J Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: Mary E Boatwright Date: August 6, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1830 Age in 1870: 40 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Buckingham Court House Roll: M593_1637 Page: 343 Image: 686 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: Lucy BOATWRIGHT Date: June 2, 1880 Age: 50 Estimated birth year: <1830> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: Keeping House Relationship to head-of-household: Wife Home in 1880: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Marital status: Married Race: White Gender: Female Spouse's name: Sam BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Census Place: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia; Roll: T9_1357; Family History Film: 1255357; Page: 477D; Enumeration District: 36; Image: .Burial: Boatwright/Hudgins Cemetery, Buckingham County, Virginia
9-48. i. LUCY JANE BOATWRIGHT, b. 25 Feb 1853, New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 19 Feb 1932, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-49. ii. DELBERT L. BOATWRIGHT, b. 23 Jul 1855, New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-50. iii. ALBERT BOATWRIGHT, b. 05 Nov 1856, New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 17 Oct 1893 in Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-51. iv. WORTLEY A. BOATWRIGHT, b. 25 Sep 1857, New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 03 Feb 1893, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-52. v. MARY ALICE BOATWRIGHT, b. 14 Feb 1859, New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-53. vi. THOMAS FREDERICK BOATWRIGHT, b. 12 Dec 1860, New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 07 Aug 1885, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-54. vii. GEORGIE L. BOATWRIGHT, b. 01 May 1864, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-55. viii. SAMUEL JOSEPH BOATWRIGHT, b. 06 Aug 1866, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. Bef. 1930, Scottsville, Albemarle County, Virginia. 9-56. ix. JULIANA M. BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1869, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. Bef. 1880, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-57. x. ZULENIS BOATWRIGHT, b. Oct 1871, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-58. xi. JUNIOUS FLEMING BOATWRIGHT, b. 03 Oct 1873, Buckingham County, Virginia.
8-37. JOHN EDWIN BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 17 Sep 1824 in Buckingham County, Virginia, and died 25 Jun 1911 in Potts Camp, Marshall County, Mississippi. He married (1) FRANCES ANN TATUM 24 Mar 1847 in Cumberland County, Virginia, daughter of ANDERSON TATUM and MARY. She was born Abt. 1826 in Cumberland County, Virginia, and died Abt. 1862 in Marshall County, Mississippi. He married (2) ELIZA ANN PHILLIPS 09 Oct 1866 in Marshall County, Mississippi. She was born Oct 1844 in South Carolina, and died Aft. 1910.
Picture provided by Allie Jewell Boatwright Greene
Note with picture reads: John Edwin Boatwright married Mary Frances Tatum in Buckingham, Va. when he was about 20 in about 1848. Moved with household and slaves to Chulahoma and then Waites, Mississippi. He was a millwright by trade.
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct
descendant of John Boatwright:
According to family story, John Boatwright was a miller along with his older brother Sam. John built mills in Mississippi. He kept mill for food during the Civil War.
Found at Marshall Co., MS website: Boatwright Cemetery, Potts
Camp(town), MS
John Edwin Boatright, born in Buckingham Co., VA, September 17, 1824,
died at his home near Waites, Miss.(Waites is now extinct, AKA
Waterford), on June 25, 1911. He was married to first wife: Frances A. Tatum and
second wife: Eliza Ann Smith of Marshall Co., Miss. John & Eliza
married on October 9, 1866. Charlie Boatwright born February 14, 1879 and
died September 10, 1943. E. M. Boatwright(another son of John Edwin
Boatwright) born April 17, 1870 and died December 26, 1941. The Easley
children buried at Boatwright Cemetery are the children of Velora Boatwright
Easley, daughter of John Edwin Boatwright. Other Boatwright relatives
are buried here also. The above info was submitted to the website by:
Pat Payne, youngest daughter of Lyda Boatwright, daughter of Charlie
Boatwright and granddaughter of John E. Boatwright. Her e-mail is
Reclusions of Respect
Adoped by Temperance Hill Baptist Church, August 25th, 1911, In Memory of John E. Boatwright
Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take out of this world our beloved brother, Deacon John E. Boatwright, we therefore review his useful, upright and faithful life.
Brother Boatwright was born in Buckingham, Va., September the 17th, 1824, and died at his home near Waits, Miss., June the 25th, 1911.
He was married to Miss Frances A. Tatum, of Cumberland County, Va., in 1847. There were born unto them seven children, but only one survives him, Hon. J. W. Boatwright, of Waits, Miss. After the death of his wife he was again married to Mrs. Eliza Ann Smith, of Marshall County, Miss. Six children were born to them, all surviving: Mrs. J. S. Hastings, of Holly Springs; Mrs. Horace Easly, of Memphis, Tenn.; E. M., M. P., and Charley of Waits; and H. F., of Hattiesburg, Miss.
He moved from Virginia to Mississippi, and settled near Waterford, Marshall County, in 1847, and in 1854 he bought and settled the home near Waits, where he spent the rest of his long and useful life in the home that he loved so well.
Brother Boatwright professed faith in Christ at the tender age of twelve, and was baptized into the fellowship of Mount Zion Church in Buckingham County, VA. He was a member of the church seventy-five years; loyal to his church, liberal in his religious views, and ardent in the support of the cause.
In the year 1855 he organized Temperance Hill Baptist Church. He built the house of worship almost wholly with his own means and his hands. He lived a faithful life & was a consistent member of the church the rest of his natural life, and his last thoughts on earth were about the church and its work.
In 1856, he was ordained a deacon by this church and served faithfully in this official capacity for fifty-five years. He was never known to falter in the discharge of duty, but was always ready, willing, and liberal to help the cause of suffering humanity or the cause of Christ. At times when others faltered and gave up he would shoulder the whole responsibility of the church to the extent that he would pay the whole pastor's salary himself.
During the dark days of the Civil War his benevolent spirit shone forth in all its fullness in the liberal help he gave to the helpless women and children left behind. No country ever had a more loyal and patriotic citizen, no community a more liberal and sympathetic neighbor.
Therefore, be it resolved,
1st. That we bow in humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well and for the best, that we, as a church mourn our loss but cherish his blessed memory and stive to emulate his life.
2nd. That we extend to the bereaved family our sympathy and prayful condolence in this their time of sorrow.
3rd. That this resolution be spread on the record book of this church, and that a copy be furnished the family, the county papers, and the Baptist Record.
J.P. Horton - Pastor, J.M. Shadrack, T.C. Culwell, Douglass Morgan, Jesse Watson - Committee
Source: Ruby Pearl Apperson
In 1848, John Edwin & M. Tatum(Frances' mother ?) sold 96 acres on
Randolph Creek (25E) to William P. Boatwright. John also sold another 34
acres on Randolph Creek (25E) to William P. Boatwright. This William is
not John Edwin's father. Source: Buckingham Co. Land Tax Summaries &
Implied Deeds, 1841-70, Volume 3.
About 1848, John & Frances with household and slaves moved to Chulahoma, MS, then Waites, Marshall Co., MS. The 1850 Marshall Co., MS Federal Census, page 210, Southern Division, MSS5a150049, lists John E. Boatwright age 26M, Millwright as profession, born in VA., F.A. Boatwright(Frances Ann Tatum) age 24F, VA, and R.G. Boatwright age 5 months, male, MS(Robert G. was known as "Jeter").
The 1860 Marshall Co., MS Federal Census lists John E. Boatwright age 34(correct age is 36), Millwright, Property Value of $2,000 and Personal Estate of $3,200, Frances A. age 32F, Robert E.(G.) age 10M, May A. age 8F, John W. age 5M, William A. age 1M and a George Baggett living with them.
The Reporter Newspaper, January 13, 1871, Marshall Co., MS:
For Sale
95 acres of Land, situated _ miles west of Boatwright’s Mill, Marshall
county, Miss., 50 acres cleared. Will be sold on Monday, 9th January,
1871, on the public square, Holly Springs. Terms made known on day of
sale. G. H. Sullivan
John & Frances were married in Cumberland Co., VA according to the copy of the Marriage Bond dated March 24, 1847. The actual marriage ceremony may have taken place on April 1, 1847 according to the Virginia Conference and Richmond Christian Advocate, issue April 15, 1847. The Surety was Charles T. Toney. Shortly after John & Francis married they moved to Marshall Co., MS. They had 7 children, one of which was J.W. Boatwright. After Francis died, John married Eliza Ann Smith.
Holly Springs was a planned community
By Lois Swanee, Museum CuratorL
The South Reporter, 16 Apr 1998
In 1837 Holly Springs was a boom town. Records show that we were incorporated then, we had ten schools, forty lawyers, thirty-six doctors where two years before there had been wilderness. Marshall County had begun in 1836.
Holly Springs was a planned community. Two of the Randolphs, William and Jack and other entrepreneurs, Samuel McCorkle, one of the Alexanders, were all first settlers. The Randolphs came originally from Virginia. They bought the land where Holly Springs is from the Chickasaws. On one survey map William Randolph's cabin was marked on highway #7 just south of town where that little stream runs by Mrs. High's property. The entrepreneurs laid out the plans for Holly Springs and gave the land for the square, the cemetery, and the public schools. Then they would build houses and set up plantations for second and third sons of Virginians and Carolinians because of the progenitor factor which was an inherited habit of giving everything to the oldest son. The second son usually went into the ministry and the third son went into the military. So Holly Springs was founded for these sons. Other towns were planned communities too. We weren't the only one. The first mayor was named Atlas Dargan.
The Randolphs had seen the Indians growing cotton and knew that he could grow great cotton.
Because of this, in the years preceding the Civil War, Marshall County produced more cotton than other place in the world per capita. Cotton was King. Our society was an agrarian society and cotton made us special.
The 1850s were the opulent period for Holly Springs and most of the grand houses were built at this time. Hamilton Place, Linden Terrace, Fleur deLys, and other big houses now gone were built earlier. There were many houses not so large and the town was developing into a showplace of a town. It was boom again in Holly Springs. Holly Springs was considered the unofficial capitol of north Mississippi. We had an eminent bar of lawyers. Holly Springs was the epitome of culture and refinement. Cultured folks from near and far sent their sons and daughters here to be educated. College Avenue was so named because there were at least six schools facing it. Then there were military schools on each end of town. Later on, Rust College was built in 1866 during Reconstruction as the second school for freedmen. In 1904, Bishop Cottrell, an ex-slave built Mississippi Industrial college.
In 1861 the War between the States erupted and because of our heritage, we sent to war ten Confederates generals: Samuel Benton, James Chalmers, Daniel Govan, W. S. Featherston, Elkanah Greer, John Frazier, A. J. Vaughn, Christopher Mott, Claudius Sears, Edward Carey Walthall, and then there was Ben Williams who was a general in the Mexican War. There was also a number of adjutant generals: A. B. Bradford, Howard Falconer, Kinloch Falconer, West, Ford, Williamson, and others. James Autry was receiving his general's commission when he was killed in the Battle of Atlanta. His father was Micajah Autry who was killed in the battle of the Alamo in 1835.
General U. S. Grant chose Holly Springs as his headquarters and his family to live because it was on the railroad in the way to Vicksburg down thru the middle of the state. In all, 64,000 northern troops were stationed in Marshall County. Because of this, the town suffered as many as 62 raids. All the men were gone to war and one able bodied man who was old stayed here as chief of police to guard the women and children. The women were all loyal Confederates except one who married a Yankee officer and many of them were spies for the Confederates would have had a raid. On one such occasion, General Earl Van Dorn came to town at 3 o'clock in the morning on December 20, 1862, and destroyed millions of dollars worth of Federal supplies after supplying his ragged forces with clothing, food, guns, and ammunition. Then, after one day's work they blew up the rest with dynamite. The only thing destroyed for us during the Civil War was whatever had "Yankee" in it by General Van Dorn. The rest of Holly Springs was saved because General Van Dorn put guards around General Grant's living quarters (Walter Place) to guard his wife and children during the raid. Grant destroyed everything in his path until he got to the town of Port Gibson which was Van Dorn's hometown. To return the war favor, Grant said, "Don't burn this town. It is too beautiful to burn".
The troops from here joined as soon as war broke out. Most of them were young and wanting to defend their southland. It was thought that all the war would take place in northern Virginia and be over in 90 days. They were in every terrible battle from First Manassas to the very end at Appomatic and very few came home, it was a sad time.
Reconstruction was worse than the 62 raids on the town. Holly Springs, Vicksburg and Jackson were the only three towns in the U.S.A. to be federally occupied in that century and we were occupied by the northern army for ten years. It was hard on blacks and whites, everybody suffered. Carpet-baggers ruled the day. General Douglas McArthur's father was the last commandant and Douglas was almost born here. Reconstruction finally came to an end and General McArthur moved to Little Rock and Douglas was born at the base there.
When all of these catastrophes were over and we began to get back on our feet, a terrible scourge of yellow fever hit the town in 1878, hundreds died and even more were ill but lived through it. Because of all the strive and troublesome times, after yellow fever many food people moved away saying it was too hard to make a living here.
Baptism: Mount Zion Baptist Church, Buckingham County, VA
Hobbies: Hunting & Fishing
Migrated: 1848, Chulahoma, Mississippi
Occupation: Millwright
1850 Census: Name: Jno C Boatwright Date: August 30, 1850 Age: 26 Estimated birth year: abt 1824 Birth place: Virginia Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Southern Division, Marshall, Mississippi Occupation: Millwright Page: 210 Roll: M432_377 1860 Census: Name: John E Boatwright Date: July 22, 1860 Age in 1860: 34 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Township 5 Range 2, Marshall, Mississippi Occupation: Millwright Gender: Male Value of real estate: $2,000 Post Office: Mc Faddens Store Roll: M653_587 Page: 0 Year: 1860 Head of Household: John E Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: E J Boatwright Date: July 2, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1824 Age in 1870: 46 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Township 5 Range 2, Marshall, Mississippi Occupation: Millwright Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $2,300 Post Office: Waterford Roll: M593_740 Page: 413 Image: 179 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: J. E. BOATWRIGHT Date: June 11, 1880 Age: 55 Estimated birth year: <1825> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: Farmer Relationship to head-of-household: Self Home in 1880: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi Race: White Gender: Male Spouse's name: E. A. BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: --- Mother's birthplace: --- Census Place: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: T9_657; Family History Film: 1254657; Page: 381B; Enumeration District: 111; Image: 0102. 1900 Census: Name: John E Boatwright Date: June 22, 1900 Home in 1900: Beat 1, Marshall, Mississippi Age: 75 Birth Date: Sep 1824 Birthplace: Virginia Race: White Gender: Male Relationship to Head of House: Father Father's Birthplace: Virginia Mother's Birthplace: Virginia Marriage Year: 1865 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 35 Occupation: Farm Laborer Residence : Beat 1 (Excl. Holly Springs City), Marshall, Mississippi Census Place: Beat 1, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll T623_820; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 59. 1910 Census: Name: John E Boatwright Date: April 16, 1910 Age in 1910: 85 Estimated birth year: abt 1825 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1910: 1-Bt, Marshall, Mississippi Occupation: Farmer Race: White Gender: Male Series: T624 Roll: 751 Part: 2 Page: 21BBurial: Jun 1911, Boatwright Cemetery, Marshall County, Mississippi
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
Frances A. (Tatum) Boatwright, wife of John E. Boatwright, bought all the right and title of Mary Tatum in 2 tracts of land (34 acres to William P. Boatwright, 30 acres to James Woodfin) which she purchased of William B. and M.B. Anderson trustees. Source: Buckingham Co. Land Tax Summaries & Implied Deeds, 1841-70, Volume 3. Frances A. Tatum Boatwright is is buried in the Boatwright Cemetery at Potts Camp, Marshall Co., MS near Holly Springs, MS.
Boatwright Family History by Allie Jewell Boatwright, 1992: "She was born in 1825 Cumberland County or Buckingham County, Virginia. She was from a prosperous family. After her death, about 1862, her three sons inherited 60 slaves from her parent's estate in Virginia. The slaves were freed by the Yankees as they were being sent to the Boatwright Plantation in Marshall County, Mississippi."
1850 Census: Name: F E Boatwright Date: August 30, 1850 Age: 22 Estimated birth year: abt 1828 Birth place: Virginia Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Southern Division, Marshall, Mississippi Page: 210 Roll: M432_377 1860 Census: Name: Francis H Boatwright Date: July 22, 1860 Age in 1860: 31 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Township 5 Range 2, Marshall, Mississippi Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Mc Faddens Store Roll: M653_587 Page: 0 Year: 1860 Head of Household: John E Boatwright
Eliza was John's housekeeper prior to marrying him after the death of Frances Tatum.
1870 Census: Name: Eliza A Boatwright Date: July 2, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1836 Age in 1870: 34 Birthplace: South Carolina Home in 1870: Township 5 Range 2, Marshall, Mississippi Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Waterford Roll: M593_740 Page: 413 Image: 179 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: E. A. BOATWRIGHT Date: June 11, 1880 Age: 45 Estimated birth year: <1835> Birthplace: South Carolina Occupation: Keeping House Relationship to head-of-household: Wife Home in 1880: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi Race: White Gender: Female Spouse's name: J. E. BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: --- Mother's birthplace: --- Census Place: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: T9_657; Family History Film: 1254657; Page: 381B; Enumeration District: 111; Image: 0102. 1900 Census: Name: Elizah Boatwright Date: June 22, 1900 Home in 1900: Beat 1, Marshall, Mississippi Age: 55 Birth Date: Oct 1844 Birthplace: South Carolina Race: White Gender: Female Relationship to Head of House: Mother Father's Birthplace: South Carolina Mother's Birthplace: South Carolina Mother: number of living children: 6 Mother: How many children: 6 Marriage Year: 1865 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 35 Residence : Beat 1 (Excl. Holly Springs City), Marshall, Mississippi Census Place: Beat 1, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll T623_820; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 59. 1910 Census: Name: Eliza A Boatwright Date: April 16, 1910 Age in 1910: 75 Estimated birth year: abt 1835 Birthplace: South Carolina Home in 1910: 1-Bt, Marshall, Mississippi Race: White Gender: Female Series: T624 Roll: 751 Part: 2 Page: 21B
9-59. i. ROBERT G. "JETER" BOATWRIGHT, b. 1850, Marshall County, Mississippi. 9-60. ii. MAY ANN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1852, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. Aft. 1860, Marshall County, Mississippi. 9-61. iii. JOHN WILLIS BOATWRIGHT, b. 10 Mar 1855, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. 1931, Holly Springs, Marshall County, Mississippi. 9-62. iv. WILLIAM ALEXANDER BOATWRIGHT, b. Sep 1859, Marshall County, Mississippi.
9-63. v. LETITIA BOATWRIGHT, b. Mar 1866, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. 20 Jun 1933, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee. 9-64. vi. MARLBOROUGH PEAGUES BOATWRIGHT, b. Apr 1868, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. 04 Oct 1925, Mississippi. 9-65. vii. EDWARD MILLER BOATWRIGHT, b. 17 Apr 1870, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. 26 Dec 1941, Potts Camp, Marshall County, Mississippi. 9-66. viii. HENRY FINLEY BOATWRIGHT, b. 18 Aug 1872, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. 09 Mar 1953, Tippah County, Mississippi. 9-67. ix. VELORA BOATWRIGHT, b. Feb 1876, Marshall County, Mississippi. 9-68. x. CHARLES LEONARD BOATWRIGHT, b. 14 Feb 1879, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. 10 Sep 1943, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee.
8-38. THOMAS L. BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1825 in Cumberland County, Virginia, and died Dec 1882 in Buckingham County, Virginia. He married SARAH W. DAVIS in Cumberland County, Virginia, daughter of CHARLES DAVIS and POLLY. She was born 1831 in Cumberland County, Virginia, and died Mar 1880 in Buckingham County, Virginia.
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
Thomas' middle initial is transcribed as "L" by Jean Stinson's, 1870 Buckingham Co. Census and as "S" in Janice Hull's book, Index to US Census for Buckingham Co., VA, Volume 2, 1860-1870.
The 1870 Agricultural Census for Buckingham Co. shows: BOATWRIGHT, Thomas "S", with 20 acres of improved land, 25 acres of unimproved woodland, $400 cash value of farm, $25 for implements & machinery, District: Marshall, page 7, line 10.
1850 Census: Name: Thomas C Boatright Date: October 2, 1850 Age: 25 Estimated birth year: abt 1825 Birth place: Virginia Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Not Stated, Cumberland, Virginia Occupation: Overseer Page: 320 Roll: M432_941 1860 Census: Name: Thos C Boatright Date: July 12, 1860 Age in 1860: 35 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Not Stated, Cumberland, Virginia Occupation: Overseer Gender: Male Value of real estate: $2,000 Post Office: Ca Ira Roll: M653_1341 Page: 967 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Thos C Boatright 1870 Census: Name: Thomas L Boatwright Date: August 5, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1825 Age in 1870: 45 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Occupation: Farmer Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Buckingham Court House Roll: M593_1637 Page: 341 Image: 682 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: Tom L. BOATWRIGHT Date: June 4, 1880 Age: 54 Estimated birth year: <1826> Birthplace: Virginia Relationship to head-of-household: Self Home in 1880: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Race: White Gender: Male Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Census Place: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia; Roll: T9_1357; Family History Film: 1255357; Page: 480B; Enumeration District: 36; Image: . Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Thos C Boatwright Birth Date: abt 1827 Birth Place: Buckingham Death Date: Dec 1882 Death Place: Buckingham County, Virginia Death Age: 55 Occupation: Farmer Race: White Marital Status: Married Gender: Male Father Name: Wm. Boatwright Mother Name: Caroline Boatwright Spouse Name: Sallie Boatwright FHL Film Number: 2056973
Notes for SARAH W. DAVIS:
1860 Census: Name: Sarah W Boatright Date: July 12, 1860 Age in 1860: 28 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Not Stated, Cumberland, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Ca Ira Roll: M653_1341 Page: 967 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Thos C Boatright 1870 Census: Name: Sarah Boatwright Date: August 5, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1830 Age in 1870: 40 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Buckingham Court House Roll: M593_1637 Page: 341 Image: 682 Year: 1870 Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Sallie Boatwright Birth Date: abt 1822 Birth Place: Buckingham Death Date: Mar 1880 Death Place: Buckingham County, Virginia Death Age: 58 Occupation: House Work Race: White Marital Status: Married Gender: Female Father Name: Ch. Davis Mother Name: Pollie Davis Spouse Name: Tho'S C. Boatwright FHL Film Number: 2056973
9-69. i. MARY HOWELL BOATWRIGHT, b. 01 Dec 1852, Cumberland County, Virginia; d. 15 Nov 1934, Nelson County, Virginia. 9-70. ii. ELIZABETH C. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1856, Cumberland County, Virginia. 9-71. iii. SARAH SUSAN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1858, Cumberland County, Virginia; d. Dec 1881, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-72. iv. GEORGE BOATWRIGHT, b. 1861, Cumberland County, Virginia. 9-73. v. FANNIE BOATWRIGHT, b. 1864, Cumberland County, Virginia. 9-74. vi. IRENE ELLEN BOATWRIGHT, b. Jun 1866, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 21 Mar 1928.
8-39. FREDERICK MONROE BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1828 in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia, and died Aft. 1900 in Buckingham County, Virginia. He married MARTHA C. KELLY. She was born Abt. 1831 in Virginia, and died Bet. 1862 - 04 Aug 1870 in Virginia.
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
Fredrick Monroe Boatwright was exempt from serving in the Civil War according to family story.
Our "Monroe" is listed in the October 26, 1850 census as age 23 with occupation as "Pedlar", under Caroline, his mother, who is head of household. Also found Frederick M. Boatwright age 27 (b. abt. 1823) born in Buckingham Co., VA enumerated with Thomas N. Johnson's family. It's possible these are the same individual. Our Boatwright's had a close connection to the Johnson Family. In fact, Monroe's brother Abyhugh was married by Thomas N. Johnson who was a Baptist clergyman.
I believe the F. M. Boatwright found in Marshall Ward, Richmond City,
Henrico Co., VA, page 43 in the 1900 Census may be our Frederick Monroe
R. E. Byrd, Head, m, Sept 1859, 40, married 9 years,
Carry, Wife, f, June 1861, 38, VA, VA, VA (Caroline)
F. M. Boatwright, Father (in law?), m, Jan. 1830, VA
1850 Census: Name: Federick Boatwright Date: September 24, 1850 Age: 22 Estimated birth year: abt 1828 Birth place: Buckinghamshire Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 2, Buckingham, Virginia Occupation: Merchant Page: 416 Roll: M432_937 1860 Census: Name: F M Boatwright Date: July 24, 1860 Age in 1860: 32 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Western District, Campbell, Virginia Occupation: Commercial Merchant Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Castle Craig Roll: M653_1338 Page: 563 Year: 1860 Head of Household: F M Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: Frederick M Boatwright Date: August 4, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1829 Age in 1870: 41 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia Occupation: Butcher Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Buckingham Court House Roll: M593_1637 Page: 336 Image: 672 Year: 1870 1900 Census: Name: F M Boatwright Date: June 2, 1900 Home in 1900: Richmond, Marshall Ward, Richmond City, Virginia Age: 70 Estimated birth year: 1830 Birthplace: Virginia Race: White Relationship to head-of-house: Father Occupation: View Image Census Place: Richmond, Marshall Ward, Richmond City, Virginia; Roll: T623 1739; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 98. living with daughter Carrie and family
1860 Census: Name: Martha C Boatwright Date: July 24, 1860 Age in 1860: 29 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Western District, Campbell, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Castle Craig Roll: M653_1338 Page: 563 Year: 1860 Head of Household: F M Boatwright
9-75. i. SAMUELLA J. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1852, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-76. ii. CORNELIA A. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1854, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-77. iii. ELIZA C. BOATWRIGHT, b. 1856, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-78. iv. CAROLINE E. BOATWRIGHT, b. Jun 1861, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-79. v. WILLIAM NELSON BOATWRIGHT, b. 1862, Buckingham County, Virginia.
8-40. ABYHUGH BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 29 May 1836 in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia, and died 23 Nov 1912 in Lamkin, Comanche County, Texas. He married MARY ELIZABETH BAGBY 07 Nov 1860 in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia, daughter of JESSE BAGBY and ANNE ARMISTEAD. She was born 22 Mar 1838 in Fluvanna County, Virginia, and died 10 Oct 1899 in Carlton, Hamilton County, Texas.
Photo of Mary Elizabeth Bagby Boatwright
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
Abyhugh was born on a five acre home called "Apple Grove" in New Canton, Buckingham Co., VA, the youngest of six children (actually 12, 4 of whom died in infancy). His father, William, died when Abyhugh was 12 years old." The 1850 Buckingham Co., VA census records show Abyhugh to be the 5th youngest child. Abyhugh's father, William, may have died about 1848 based on Abyhugh's birth date and age at time of William's death and the 1850 Census. The house, now known as the Boatwright-Sadler House, is still standing but the slate from the roof, moulding & inside doors have been stolen according to Peggy Boatwright. There is a family cemetery in back of the house. Some of the gravestones were stolen and used for Halloween. The Bryant family, decendants of Willie A. Letitia Boatwright (Abyhugh's sister), owners of the property, were forced to tear the house down this year (2001).
In the book, Lost Buckingham County, Virginia Marriages found: "Abraham Boatwright & Mary L. Bagby 7 Nov 1860; married by T.N. Johnson (same man on whose farm Abyhugh was living). This is Abyhugh & Mary Elizabeth. Info was probably transcribed incorrectly or County Clerk made the mistake as was common in those times.
Abyhugh was an 'overseer' of negro slaves on two farms, 9 miles from Richmond, VA. The farms were owned by a Dr. Bondurant." Abyhugh married Mary Elizabeth Bagby in 1860. I believe Abyhugh worked on Dr. Bondurant's farms after his marriage to Mary and before the start of the Civil War. According to the 1860 census records, he was living on Thomas N. Johnson's farm, the same man who married Abyhugh & Mary. Mr. Johnson was a Baptist Clergyman and quite wealthy.
Abyhugh entered into the service of the Confederacy at the beginning of the Civil War in 1861 and served all four years of the war. Part of this time, he was Special Courier for General Robert E. Lee. His job was obtaining information concerning the enemy and delivering it directly to General Lee. He rode a specially trained horse, adept at jumping rail fences and running through woods and gullies. Unaware of when he would encounter the enemy, he had to be able to stop immediately when he heard the command, 'Halt! Who goes there! State your business or be shot down!' This was the way the officers kept posted on the enemy and their plans." (I have not yet found a record of Abyhugh's service in the Civil War.)
The 1870 Agricultural Census for Buckingham Co. shows: BOATWRIGHT, "Abihugh" as owner, agent or manager of a farm with 300 acres of improved land, 200 acres of unimproved woodland, $5,000 cash value of the farm, $100 cash value of farm implements & machinery, $400 cash value of livestock. District: Maysville, VA, pg 1, line 22.
In 1872, When Bentley (my Great Grandfather) was 11
years old, Abyhugh moved his family to northern Mississippi in Holly
Springs (Marshall County). Virginia Jane, the youngest child of Abyhugh & Mary
was born a year later on April 5, 1873." Abyhugh's older brother, John
Edwin, had moved to Holly Springs in the late 1840's. Abyhugh and his
family settled on the Tippah River living there for several years. Per
Allie Boatwright Greene, Abyhugh visited his brother, John Edwin, in
Holly Springs in late 1860's or early 1870's, returning to Virginia with
John Willis Boatwright, a son of John Edwin. John Willis had gone with
Abyhugh to bring back fruit trees to Mississippi.
After the rest of the family had married and Abyhugh's beloved wife, Mary Elizabeth had died, Abyhugh and his son, John Thomas Boatwright, moved to McGregor, McLennan Co., Texas during the "Texas Rush." There they opened a small grocery business. Abyhugh was a deacon in the Baptist Church." I have now discovered Mary Elizabeth Bagby Boatwright died in Carlton, Hamilton Co., TX and is buried in the Carlton Cemetery. Photos of headstones are in my possession courtesy of Fred Held.
In 1893, Abyhugh was a deacon in the Carlton Baptist Church located in Hamilton Co., TX. The church's minutes show he attended the 1893 annual association meeting. He represented Energy Baptist Church at the 35th Annual Session of Hamilton County Baptist Association held August 16th, 17th, 18th, 1911. Energy Baptist Church was organized in 1902 in Comanche County, TX.
From May 29, 1902 to October 15, 1902, Abyhugh was the Postmaster at Bishop, McLennan Co., Texas. The Post Office was closed on October 15, 1902 and the papers moved to Moody, Texas. I suppose the Post Office may have been in Abyhugh's small grocery store. (Source: Index to Postmasters). Bishop was located 6 miles northwest of Moody. The Post Office at Moody is still in operation.
On November 21, 1908, an auction was held for the sale of lots in the new town of Spurlin, 7 miles south of Carlton on the Stephenville North & South Texas Railroad, 13 miles north of Hamilton. This was a project of John L. Spurlin and the auction was held in front of the Spurlin Depot. The special trains brought people to the auction from Carlton for 25 cents, 40 cents from Hamilton, 50 cents from Alexander & 90 cents from Stephenville. Abyhugh Boatwright, C.H. King, P.M. Massingill, Minnie Pietzsch, William Joseph "Joe" Stribling, W.W. Parker, W.C. Schrank, Walter Richardson, A.A. Henry, August Weid, Mrs. A.B. Barnett, J.B. Womble, H.R. Brummett & many more bought property from $1.00 to $40.00 for the lots. (Hamilton County genweb site).
Abyhugh represented Energy Baptist Church on August 16-18, 1911 at the 35th Annual Session of the Hamilton County Baptist Association. Energy Baptist Church in Comanche County was organized in 1902. This church may have been admitted to the Hamilton County Baptist Association as Willowdale Baptist Church. Energy Baptist Church was granted a letter of dismissal from the Hamilton Association on 31 August, 1921. Energy is on Rarm Road 1702, sixteen miles southeast of Comanche in Comanche County, Texas.
Carlton Cemetery, located in Hamilton County, TX is located about one-half mile west of Carlton on FM 2823.
Source: Find-A-Grave
Abyhugh Boatwright & Mary Elizabeth Bagby were married November 7,
1860. The Lost Buckingham County, Virginia Marriages Book, page 109, lists:
"Mary L. Bagby & Abraham Boatwright 7 Nov 1860; married by T.N.
I believe this is our Mary Elizabeth & Abyhugh for the following
1. Abyhugh was living with and working as an overseer for T.N.
Johnson (June 13, 1860 Census)
2. Family story states "Abyhugh married Mary Elizabeth Bagby in
3. Abyhugh's name listed as "Abraham" was either recorded wrong by
the county clerk or transcribed wrong
from the original record. Abyhugh's could be a nickname for
"Abraham Hugh".
4. Mary Elizabeth's name listed as "Mary L." could be for the same
reason(s) as in item 3. Her name could also be
mistaken for "Mary Lizbeth or Lizabeth" because of the dialect.
5. I have not found any other "Abraham" Boatwright in any records.
See link for copy of death certificate.
Please note the death certificate mistakenly spells his last name without the “w”. - Source Tim McCoy
1850 Census: Name: Abihu Boatright Date: October 25, 1850 Age: 14 Estimated birth year: abt 1836 Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 1, Buckingham, Virginia Page: 381 Roll: M432_937 U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 Name: A Boatwright (not sure if this is Abyhugh) Enlistment Date: 1864 Military Units: Hood's Battalion, Reserves; Capt. Hutter's Co., Infantry (The Southern Guard); Capt. Jordan's Co., Local Defense; Capt. Keyser's Co., Reserves; Capt. Lyneman's Co., Infantry Hood’s Virginia Reserves Battalion Infantry: Organized with six companies at Petersburg on August 6, 1864. (Actually the battalion had been formed by June 1864). No record found after October 5, 1864. Ed S. Hutter fought in the Civil War for the Confederate Side. He was listed as being from Virginia. He was a Captain in Hutter's Company, Virginia Infantry (Southern Guard). 1870 Census: Name: Abihugh Boatright Date: June 24, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1835 Age in 1870: 35 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Maysville, Buckingham, Virginia Occupation: Farmer Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Curdsville Roll: M593_1637 Page: 354 Image: 709 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: A. BOATWRIGHT Date: June 11, 1880 Age: 44 Estimated birth year: <1836> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: Farmer Relationship to head-of-household: Self Home in 1880: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi Race: White Gender: Male Spouse's name: M. E. BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: --- Mother's birthplace: --- Census Place: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: T9_657; Family History Film: 1254657; Page: 381A; Enumeration District: 111; Image: 0101.Burial: Carlton Cemetery, Carlton, Hamilton County, Texas
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
According to our family story written in the late 1960's, Mary Elizabeth Bagby married Abyhugh in 1860. She had 4 brothers in the Civil War fighting for the Confederacy. John Bagby, the oldest, was killed instantly. Another was wounded and died. Tom Bagby had his right arm shot off at the shoulder, but recovered and returned home. The youngest brother, Dick, came home without a scratch. Mary was supposedly born in Fluvanna Co., VA.
In 1872, Abyhugh, Mary and the children moved from Buckingham Co., VA to northern MS. Virginia Jane, the 6th and youngest child was born April 5, 1873, one year after the family arrived in Holly Springs.
All Boatwright's names were spelled without the "w" in the 1850 Buckingham Co. census records, an error by the census takers. The October 24, 1850 Buckingham Co., pg 58, ln 442 lists: William P. Boatright (maybe Reuben Sr's. brother) age 62M, Farmer, $1400, Apalona 54F, Martha Scruggs 33F, Jesse Bagby 15M Laborer, Martha F. Bagby 10F, Thomas B. Bagby, 7M, Sarah Edwards 55F(black) midwife. (This is probably our Mary E. Bagby's brothers & sister and/or Mary E, transcribed to Martha F.)
The 1850 Fluvanna Co., VA, pg 23 ln 22, HH 186, FN 187, enumerated August 2, 1850 lists: Jesse Bagby age 50, male, white, Occup-Overseer, place of birth VA. He is the overseer for Margaret W. Shipp and her children. Mary E. Bagby is not living with them. Interestingly, I found where Jesse Bagby & Margaret Shipp got married in 1850 sometime after the August census was enumerated. Jesse, age of 50, was previously married, first wife died and his children are living with William P. & Apollonia Boatwright.
The 1860 Buckingham Co., District 2, New Canton, page 14, line 96, lists Mary E. Bagby, age 22, living with Jesse Bagby age 60, an overseer, on the Robert H. Miller farm. I believe this Jesse is the same overseer found in 1850 in the Margaret W. Shipp household, who he married since the age matches. I wonder if they divorced before the 1860 census? I have not found complete census records for 1860 & prior years for Fluvanna Co.
Thomas Boatwright Bagby who enlisted as a Private in the Confederate Army on April 11, 1863, listing his residence as New Canton, VA, occupation as laborer and age 19. His birth year of 1844 corresponds with his age at time of marriage. This leads me to believe Thomas B. Bagby is our Mary's brother.
1870 Census: Name: Mary E Boatright Date: June 24, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1838 Age in 1870: 32 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Maysville, Buckingham, Virginia Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Curdsville Roll: M593_1637 Page: 354 Image: 709 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: M. E. BOATWRIGHT Date: June 11, 1880 Age: 42 Estimated birth year: <1838> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: Keeping House Relationship to head-of-household: Wife Home in 1880: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi Race: White Gender: Female Spouse's name: A. BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: --- Mother's birthplace: --- Census Place: Chewalla, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: T9_657; Family History Film: 1254657; Page: 381A; Enumeration District: 111; Image: 0101.Burial: Carlton Cemetery, Carlton, Hamilton County, Texas
9-80. i. BENTLEY MUMFORD BOATWRIGHT, b. 26 Aug 1861, New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 17 May 1946, Carlton, Hamilton County, Texas. 9-81. ii. JOHN THOMAS BOATWRIGHT, b. 12 Sep 1863, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 25 Dec 1947, Abilene, Taylor County, Texas. 9-82. iii. FRANCES ANN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1865, Buckingham County, Virginia. 9-83. iv. EDWARD JOHNSON BOATWRIGHT, b. 28 May 1868, Maysville, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 20 Apr 1947, Hamilton County, Texas. 9-84. v. WILLIAM JESSE BOATWRIGHT, b. Oct 1870, Buckingham County, Virginia; d. 03 Oct 1919, Carlsbad, Eddy County, New Mexico. 9-85. vi. VIRGINIA JANE BOATWRIGHT, b. 05 Apr 1873, Holly Springs, Marshall County, Mississippi; d. 25 May 1965, Hamilton County, Texas.
8-41. MARTHA E. BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Mar 1838 in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia, and died Aft. 1910 in Appomattox County, Virginia. She married WILLIAM B. INGE 16 Apr 1857 in Appomattox County, Virginia, son of HENRY INGE and DELILA BARBEE. He was born Jul 1837 in Virginia, and died Aft. 1910 in Appomattox County, Virginia.
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
Martha Boatwright never married according to family story. I have found at a Martha Boatwright, about age 19, daughter of William Boatwright, married William B. Inge on April 16, 1857 in Appomattox Co., VA. William Inge was born in 1837 VA. Two known children of this marriage are Delila Inge born 1857 and Thomas Inge born 1860, both in Appomattox Co., VA.
The "family story", typed in the Late 1960,s, I believe contains misinformation. Her age of 19 at time of marriage matches the census records for 1850 and 1860.
The 1850 Census lists Martha E. as age 12 living with Caroline Boatwright, her mother. Martha is not living with Caroline nor does she appear anywhere in the 1860 Buckingham Co. census records.
Peggy Goehring,, copied Page 44 from "Appomattox
County Marriages 1854-1890, located at the Appomattox Co., VA Library the
"Date of Marriage: 16 April 1857, Name of Groom: William B. Inge, His
place of residence: Appomattox Co., His age: 20, single. Name of Bride:
Martha E. Boatwright, Her place of residence: Buckingham Co., Her age:
19, single. His father: Henry Inge, Her father: William Boatwright.
William B. Inge occupation: farmer, Minister: JH Cawthorne."
There were only two William Boatwrights in Buckingham County who were heads of households. Our William and William P. who married Appolonia Bagby and never had children. Based on the above and her age shown on the 1850 census & marriage record, this is our Martha E. Boatwright. In fact, I find no record of any other Martha E. Boatwright in Buckingham Co. during this time.
1850 Census: Name: Martha E Boatright Date: October 25, 1850 Age: 12 Estimated birth year: abt 1838 Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 1, Buckingham, Virginia Page: 381 Roll: M432_937
i. DELILA INGE, b. 1857, Appomattox County, Virginia. ii. CAROLINE INGE, b. 1858, Appomattox County, Virginia. iii. THOMAS INGE, b. 1860, Appomattox County, Virginia. iv. WILLIAM H. INGE, b. 1861, Appomattox County, Virginia. v. MARY A. INGE, b. 1863, Appomattox County, Virginia. vi. ICIE INGE, b. 1865, Appomattox County, Virginia. vii. ROSE L. INGE, b. 1867, Appomattox County, Virginia. viii. MANERVA J. INGE, b. 1869, Appomattox County, Virginia. ix. ROLAND F. INGE, b. 26 Dec 1870, Appomattox County, Virginia. x. RICHARD D. INGE, b. Jan 1876, Appomattox County, Virginia. xi. HOWSIE INGE, b. Mar 1882, Appomattox County, Virginia.
8-42. JUDITH JANE BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1842 in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia.
Judith J. Boatwright was not married in August 1879 when she purchased her mother's property in Buckingham County, Virginia.
Have not found Judith in the 1870 or or later Census records.
1850 Census: Name: Judith J Boatright Date: October 25, 1850 Age: 8 Estimated birth year: abt 1842 Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 1, Buckingham, Virginia Page: 381 Roll: M432_937 1860 Census: Name: Judith J Boatwright Date: June 20, 1860 Age in 1860: 17 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: District 2, Buckingham, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: New Canton Roll: M653_1337 Page: 914 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Caroline Boatwright
8-43. WILLIE A. LETITIA BOATWRIGHT (WILLIAM8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born May 1845 in New Canton, Buckingham County, Virginia, and died Bef. 1910 in Buckingham County, Virginia. She married GEORGE FLEMING DAVIS Sep 1869 in Buckingham County, Virginia. He was born May 1838 in Buckingham County, Virginia, and died Aft. 1920 in Buckingham County, Virginia.
1850 Census: Name: Willie A L Boatright Date: October 25, 1850 Age: 6 Estimated birth year: abt 1844 Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): District 1, Buckingham, Virginia Page: 381 Roll: M432_937 1860 Census: Name: Willie L Boatwright Date: June 20, 1860 Age in 1860: 13 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: District 2, Buckingham, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: New Canton Roll: M653_1337 Page: 914 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Caroline Boatwright
Enlisted as a Private June 6, 1861, age 23, at New Canton, Buckingham Co., VA in the Confederacy. Claimed residence in New Canton, Buckingham Co., VA and working as a Wheelwright. He served Company C, 44th Virginia Infantry Regiment and is on the Confederate Roll of Honor.
Name: George Fleming Davis Residence: Buckingham County, Virginia Occupation: Wheelwright Enlistment Date: 06 June 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Confederacy State Served: Virginia Unit Numbers: 802 802 802 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 06 June 1861 at the age of 23 Enlisted in Company C, 44th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 06 June 1861. On rolls on 15 July 1861 Absent, sick on 15 November 1861 at Variety Springs, VA Discharged Company C, 44th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 22 February 1862 Drafted in Company C, 44th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 08 October 1864. Paroled on 24 April 1865 at Farmville, VA
i. MELVIN DAVIS, b. 1870, Buckingham County, Virginia. ii. ANNIE DAVIS, b. 1872, Buckingham County, Virginia. iii. THOMAS DAVIS, b. 1875, Buckingham County, Virginia. iv. HENRY DAVIS, b. 1877, Buckingham County, Virginia. v. JULIA DAVIS, b. 1879, Buckingham County, Virginia. vi. WALTER FREDERICK DAVIS, b. 29 Oct 1881, Buckingham County, Virginia. vii. LILLY EDNA DAVIS, b. Dec 1885, Buckingham County, Virginia. viii. WYATT CURTIS DAVIS, b. Dec 1885, Buckingham County, Virginia.
8-44. ELISHA S. BOATWRIGHT (JOHN W.8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1827 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
In 1850 Prince Edward Co., Elisha is found living with the Henry Venable family.
1850 Census: Name: Elisha Boatwright Date: September 3, 1850 Age: 23 Estimated birth year: abt 1827 Birth Place: Prince Edward Island Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Prince Edward, Virginia Census Place: , Prince Edward, Virginia; Roll: M432_970; Page: 36; Image: 73.Civil War Service Records
Name: Elisha S Boatwright
Enlistment Date: 21 May 1861
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Confederacy
State Served: Virginia
Unit Numbers: 775 775
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 21 May 1861
Enlisted in Company I, 23rd Infantry Regiment Virginia on 21 May 1861.
Absent, sick on 15 August 1861 (Estimated day)
Reenlisted in Company I, 23rd Infantry Regiment Virginia on 01 March 1862
Wounded on 09 August 1862 at Cedar Mountain, VA
Hospitalized on 20 August 1862 at Farmville, VA
Returned on 15 April 1863 (Estimated day)
Detailed on 15 May 1864 (Estimated day, extra duty as teamster)
Absent, sick on 15 December 1864 (Estimated day)
POW on 25 March 1865 at Fort Stedman, VA
Confined on 26 March 1865 at City Point, VA
Confined on 28 March 1865 at Point Lookout, MD
Oath Allegiance on 23 June 1865 at Point Lookout, MD (Released)
Height: 5'3 "
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: brown
Complexion: fair
"Near the end of the war, the United States Congress passed a law making the poor treatment of prisoners the official policy of the federal government. The official U.S. policy on Confederate POWs is stated in the preamble to HR 97, passed by both Houses of Congress:" "Rebel prisoners in our hands are to be subjected to a treatment finding its parallels only in the conduct of savage tribes and resulting in the death of multitudes by the slow but designed process of starvation and by mortal diseases occasioned by insufficient and unhealthy food and wanton exposure of their persons to the inclemency of the weather."
Note: The above law was in response to the equally poor treatment of Union soldiers by their Confederate captors. See information on Point Lookout Prison Camp.
1880 Census: Name: Elisha Boatwright Date: June 19, 1880 Home in 1880: South Side, Appomattox, Virginia Age: 53 Estimated birth year: abt 1827 Birthplace: Virginia Relation to head-of-household: Something other than a direct relationship (Other) Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Occupation: Laborer Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: South Side, Appomattox, Virginia; Roll: T9_1354; Family History Film: 1255354; Page: 399.3000; Enumeration District: 9; .
8-45. JOHN H. BOATWRIGHT (JOHN W.8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 02 Dec 1828 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 09 Jan 1891 in Putnam County, Georgia. He married (1) JULIA A.. She was born 1825 in Prince Edward County, Virginia. He married (2) MARY L. WEAVER 1872 in Putnam County, Georgia, daughter of FRANCIS WEAVER and PRISCILLA ELEY. She was born 27 Jul 1848 in Greene County, Georgia, and died 26 Jun 1921 in Putnam County, Georgia.
1850 Census: Name: Jno H Boatwright Date: August 30, 1850 Age: 21 Estimated birth year: abt 1829 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Gender: Male Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Prince Edward, Virginia Occupation: Farmer Page: 31 Roll: M432_970 1870 Census: Name: John H Boatright Date: July 5, 1870 Birth Year: abt 1830 Age in 1870: 40 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Lee, Georgia Race: White Occupation: Clerk in Store Gender: Male Post Office: Rennick Census Place: , Lee, Georgia; Roll: M593_161; Page: 475B; Image: 340; Family History Library Film: 545660. 1880 Census: Name: John H. Boatwright Date: June 7, 1880 Home in 1880: Glades, Putnam, Georgia Age: 50 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1830 BirthPlace: Virginia Relation to head-of-household: Son-in-law Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Occupation: Retired Merchant Marital status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Glades, Putnam, Georgia; Roll: T9_162; Family History Film: 1254162; Page: 465.1000; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 0353. living with mother-in-lawBurial: Harmony Southern Baptist Church Cemetery, Rudden, Putnam County, Georgia
Notes for JULIA A.:
1850 Census: Name: Julia A Boatwright Date: August 30, 1850 Age: 25 Estimated birth year: abt 1825 Birth place: Prince Edward Island 69 Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward, Virginia Page: 31 Roll: M432_970
1880 Census: Name: Mollie L. Boatwright Date: June 7, 1880 Home in 1880: Glades, Putnam, Georgia Age: 31 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1849 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to head-of-household: Daughter Father's birthplace: GA Mother's name: Precilla Mother's birthplace: GA Occupation: Keeping House Marital status: Married Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Glades, Putnam, Georgia; Roll: T9_162; Family History Film: 1254162; Page: 465.1000; Enumeration District: 109; Image: 0353. living with mother and family 1900 Census: Name: Mary L Boatwright Date: June 8, 1900 Home in 1900: Glades, Putnam, Georgia Age: 51 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1849 BirthPlace: Georgia Relationship to head-of-house: Mother Race: White Census Place: Glades, Putnam, Georgia; Roll: T623 217; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 99. living with son Frank 1910 Census: Name: Mary L Boatwright Date: May 3, 1910 Age in 1910: 60 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1850 BirthPlace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Mother Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Home in 1910: Glades, Putnam, Georgia Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Glades, Putnam, Georgia; Roll: T624_208; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 138; Image: 297. living with son Frank 1920 Census: Name: Mary Boatwright Date: January 22, 1920 Home in 1920: Glades, Putnam, Georgia Age: 74 Estimated birth year: abt 1846 Birthplace: Georgia Relation to Head of House: Mother Father's Birth Place: Georgia Mother's Birth Place: Georgia Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Sex: Female Census Place: Glades, Putnam, Georgia; Roll 31109_4300125; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 147; Image: 841. living with son FrankBurial: Harmony Southern Baptist Church Cemetery, Rudden, Putnam County, Georgia
9-86. i. FRANCIS HOWARD BOATWRIGHT, b. 23 Dec 1875, Putnam County, Georgia; d. 19 Nov 1948, Putnam County, Georgia.
8-46. JOHN E. BOATWRIGHT (EDWIN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1838 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
1860 Census: Name: John E Boatwright Date: September 10, 1860 Age in 1860: 21 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia Gender: Male Value of real estate: $2,000 Post Office: Prince Edward Court House Roll: M653_1371 Page: 958 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Charles Baldwin Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Josiah Boatwright Birth Date: abt 1842 Death Date: Aug 1864 Death Age: 22 Occupation: Farmer Race: White Gender: Male Father Name: Edwin Boatwright FHL Film Number: 33257
8-47. MARY E. J. BOATWRIGHT (EDWIN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1840 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
1860 Census: Name: Mary E J Boatwright Date: September 10, 1860 Age in 1860: 19 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Prince Edward Court House Roll: M653_1371 Page: 958 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Edwin Boatwright
8-48. JUDITH P. BOATWRIGHT (EDWIN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1841 in Prince Edward County, Virginia and died 24 Jul 1879 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
Judith was single at time of her death from consumption. She was 36.
1860 Census: Name: Judith P Boatwright Date: September 10, 1860 Age in 1860: 18 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Prince Edward Court House Roll: M653_1371 Page: 958 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Edwin Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: J W P Boatright Date: July 1, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844 Age in 1870: 26 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Prospect Roll: M593_1673 Page: 69 Image: 139 Year: 1870 Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Judith P Boatwright Birth Date: abt 1843 Birth Place: Prince Edward, Virginia Death Date: 24 Jul 1879 Death Place: Prince Edward, Virginia Death Age: 36 Marital Status: Single Gender: Female Father Name: Edwin Boatwright Mother Name: Elizebeth Boatwright FHL Film Number: 2048581 Prince Edward County, VA Deaths: Name: Judith Boatwright Race: White Sex: Female Date of Death: July 24 1879 Cause of Death: consumption Age: 81 years Parents: Edwin and Elizabeth Boatwright Page #: 74
8-48A. JOSIAH BOATWRIGHT (EDWIN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1842 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died Aug 1864 in Virginia.
Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Josiah Boatwright Birth Date: abt 1842 Death Date: Aug 1864 Death Age: 22 Occupation: Farmer Race: White Gender: Male Father Name: Edwin Boatwright FHL Film Number: 33257
8-49. CYNTHIA A. BOATWRIGHT (EDWIN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born Nov 1844 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
1860 Census: Name: Cythia Boatwright Date: September 10, 1860 Age in 1860: 14 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Prince Edward Court House Roll: M653_1371 Page: 958 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Edwin Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: C A Boatright Date: July 1, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1846 Age in 1870: 24 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Prospect Roll: M593_1673 Page: 69 Image: 139 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: Synthia BOATWRIGHT Date: June 16, 1880 Age: 35 Estimated birth year: <1845> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: At Home Relationship to head-of-household: Sister, living with brother Charles Home in 1880: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia Marital status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Census Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia; Roll: T9_1384; Family History Film: 1255384; Page: 281B; Enumeration District: 189; Image: . In 1900, boarding with the Ransom family. Never married.
8-50. CHARLES ROBERT BOATWRIGHT (EDWIN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 1847 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 31 Jan 1919 in Franklin County, Alabama. He married (1) MOLLIE HAMILTON. She was born 1851 in Virginia, and died Abt 1882 in Virginia. He married (2) MARY ELIZABETH "MOLLY" GILBERT 1886 in Alabama, daughter of AMBROSE WHITAKER GILBERT and NANCY ANN BOWLING. She was born 22 Dec 1869 in Alabama, and died 11 Feb 1924 in Russellville, Lawrence County, Alabama.
It is my "best guess" that Charles moved to Alabama after the death of his first wife, Mollie, and married Mary Elizabeth Gilbert. Source - George Boatright
1860 Census: Name: Charles R Boatwright Date: September 10, 1860 Age in 1860: 12 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Prince Edward Court House Roll: M653_1371 Page: 958 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Edwin Boatwright 1870 Census: Name: C R Boatright Date: July 1, 1870 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1847 Age in 1870: 23 Birthplace: Virginia Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia Occupation: Farmer Race: White Gender: Male Value of real estate: $0 Post Office: Prospect Roll: M593_1673 Page: 69 Image: 139 Year: 1870 1880 Census: Name: Charles BOATWRIGHT Date: June 16, 1880 Age: 32 Estimated birth year: <1848> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: Farmer Relationship to head-of-household: Self Home in 1880: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia Marital status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Spouse's name: Mollie BOATWRIGHT Father's name: Edwin BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Census Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia; Roll: T9_1384; Family History Film: 1255384; Page: 281B; Enumeration District: 189; Image: . 1900 Census: Name: Charlie Boatright Date: June 18, 1900 Home in 1900: Cherokee, Colbert, Alabama Age: 37 Birth Date: Apr 1863 Birthplace: Indiana Race: White Gender: Male Relationship to Head of House: Head Spouse's name: Mollie Marriage Year: 1886 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 14 Occupation: Farm Laborer Residence : Cherokee Town, Colbert, Alabama Census Place: Cherokee, Colbert, Alabama; Roll T623_10; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 4. 1910 Census: Name: Robert C Boatwright Date: May 2, 1910 Age in 1910: 60 Estimated birth year: abt 1850 Birthplace: North Carolina Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's name: Mary E Home in 1910: Russellville Ward 4, Franklin, Alabama Marital Status: Married Occupation: Farmer Race: White Gender: Male Census Place: Russellville Ward 4, Franklin, Alabama; Roll T624_14; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 84; Image: 142.Burial: Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Franklin County, Alabama
1880 Census: Name: Mollie BOATWRIGHT Date: June 16, 1880 Age: 29 Estimated birth year: <1851> Birthplace: Virginia Occupation: Keeping House Relationship to head-of-household: Wife Home in 1880: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia Marital status: Married Race: White Gender: Female Spouse's name: Charles BOATWRIGHT Father's birthplace: VA Mother's birthplace: VA Census Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia; Roll: T9_1384; Family History Film: 1255384; Page: 281B; Enumeration District: 189; Image: .
1900 Census: Name: Mollie Boatright Date: June 18, 1900 Home in 1900: Cherokee, Colbert, Alabama Age: 30 Birth Date: Dec 1869 Birthplace: Alabama Race: White Gender: Female Relationship to Head of House: Wife Mother's Birthplace: Alabama Mother: number of living children: 3 Mother: How many children: 7 Spouse's name: Charlie Marriage Year: 1886 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 14 Residence : Cherokee Town, Colbert, Alabama Census Place: Cherokee, Colbert, Alabama; Roll T623_10; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 4. 1910 Census: Name: Mary E Boatwright Date: May 2, 1910 Age in 1910: 42 Estimated birth year: abt 1868 Birthplace: Mississippi Relation to Head of House: Wife Father's Birth Place: Alabama Mother's Name: Nancy A Mother's Birth Place: Alabama Spouse's name: Robert C Home in 1910: Russellville Ward 4, Franklin, Alabama Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Female Census Place: Russellville Ward 4, Franklin, Alabama; Roll T624_14; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 84; Image: 142. 1920 Census: Name: Elizabeth Boatwright Date: January 10, 1920 Home in 1920: Russellville, Franklin, Alabama Age: 51 years Estimated birth year: abt 1869 Birthplace: Alabama Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Alabama Mother's Name: N A Mother's Birth Place: Alabama Marital Status: Widow Occupation: Farmer Race: White Sex: Female Home owned: Rent Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Census Place: Russellville, Franklin, Alabama; Roll T625_16; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 975. Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 Name: Molly Boatright Birth Date: abt 1870 Death Date: 10 Feb 1924 Death Place: Russellville, Lawrence, Alabama Death Age: 54 Marital Status: Married Gender: Female Father Name: Ambrose Gilbert Mother Name: Nancy Ann Bowling Spouse Name: Chas Boatright FHL Film Number: 1908257
9-87. i. AUGUSTUS BOATWRIGHT, b. 19 Nov 1881, Prince Edward County, Virginia.
9-87A. ii. JESSE EDGAR BOATWRIGHT, b. 13 Nov 1889, Colbert County, Alabama; d. 04 Feb 1936, Alabama. 9-87B. iii. FORNIE ERVIN BOATWRIGHT, b. 24 Sep 1893, Colbert County, Alabama; d. 22 Sep 1985, Russelville, Franklin County, Alabama. 9-87C. iv. PERRY AUSTIN BOATWRIGHT, b. 11 Feb 1896, Colbert County, Alabama; d. 01 Feb 1972, Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana. 9-87D. v. JOHN WESLEY BOATWRIGHT, b. 04 Mar 1901, Colbert County, Alabama; d. 05 Sep 1974, Sheffield, Colbert County, Alabama. 9-87E. vi. MATTIE LOU BOATWRIGHT, b. 03 Jul 1903, Franklin County, Alabama; d. 03 Feb 1993, Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama. 9-87F. vii. WHEELER MAE BOATWRIGHT, b. 30 Sep 1908, Franklin County, Alabama; d. 11 Apr 1994, Tuscumbia, Colbert County, Alabama. 9-87G. viii. WILLIAM EARL BOATWRIGHT, b. 14 Jun 1911, Franklin County, Alabama; d. 01 Jun 1988, Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama. 9-87H. ix. CLEATUS ULEAN BOATWRIGHT, b. 1915, Franklin County, Alabama.
8-51. JAMES HENRY BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 29 Nov 1833 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
8-52. MARGARET EMMA BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 20 Oct 1834 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 06 May 1912 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. She married LEWIS A. EVANS 23 Feb 1854 in Prince Edward County, Virginia. He was born Abt. 1830 in Virginia.
The following information was provided by Tim J. McCoy of Austin, Texas, a direct descendant of John Boatwright:
Margaret & Lewis were in Pennsylvania by June 17, 1871, at which time a son, Emmett Fuller Shanifelt Evans, was born in Chester Co., PA.
Notes by Doris Ritzinger who transcribed the Boatwright Family Records:
Among clippings in another small book, are the following: Picture of
Mrs. Margaret E. Evans and a group picture of children, from "The North
American" newspaper published in Philadelphia, PA, issue of August 12,
1908, entitled "Attendants at Carter Reunion". "Carters of all degrees
of relationship to the original stock turned out yesterday with others
of Carter blood, if not of the same name, in the Carter Reunion, held at
Strawberry Mansion."
Another cliping reads: "Carter Descendants at Reunion in Park. Old Woman, as Guest, Tells Recollections of Pioneer and Patriot." "Descendants of Pleasant Carter, Virginia, pioneer and Revolutionary patriot, yesterday held a reunion at Strawberry Mansion in Fairmount Park. Among the guests were Mrs. Emma Evans, 74 years old, grandaughter of Carter, who distinctly remembered him as a very old man when she was a little girl. Carter lived near the Peaks of Otter, in the Old Dominion.
1850 Census: Name: Margaret E Boatwright Date: August 22, 1850 Age: 15 Estimated birth year: abt 1835 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia Page: 21 Roll: M432_970
i. LEWIS HENRY EVANS, b. 1856, Virginia. ii. LELIA EVANS, b. 1858, Virginia. iii. MARY "MOLLIE" H. EVANS, b. 13 Jan 1861, Salem, Culpeper County, Virginia. iv. EDGAR EVANS, b. 1863, Virginia. v. EMMETT FULLER SHANIFELT EVANS, b. 17 Jun 1871, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
8-53. MERIT S. BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born 03 Oct 1836 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 10 Aug 1862 in Chesterfield County, Virginia.
Merit died 10 Aug 1862 in Chesterfield County, Virginia at the residence of Capt. E. H. Flourney.
Farmville.August 15, 1862.
Messrs Editors:--Permit me, through the columns of your excellent paper, to record the death of Merit Boatwright, who died of typhoid fever at the residence of Capt. E. H. Flourney, in the county of Chesterfield, on the morning of the 11th inst., in the 26th year of his age.
In recording the death of this estimable young man we can but sorrow with his bereaved parents in the loss of their eldest son, but we trust our less is his eternal gain. This young man was engaged in a profitable business, but when the call for volunteers was made he hastened to the call of his country. Day after day did he fight the battles of his country before Richmond until the last night at Malvern Hill, on Tuesday evening, he received two wounds--one in the hand, the other through the arm. His former Captain. E. H. Flourney, hearing that he was wounded, forth with went to the hospital in Richmond and had him carried to his house, where he received all the attention that a family could have bestowed on one of their own children. His father stayed with him until his death, rendering all the comfort a fond parent could bestow on a dying son. Thus ended the days of a worthy member of company K, 6th Virginia regiment.
His father, by the request of his dying son, brought his remains to Farmville for interment. When he arrived at Powhatan Station, on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, he asked the agent what he should pay for the corpse of his son to the Junction. The agent said no charge would be made for a dead soldier — it was contrary to law. When he arrived at the Junction he asked the agent there the same question, what was to pay for the corpse of his son from there to Farmville, a distance of 18 miles. The agent answered, as the other agent had done that no charge would be made. When he arrived at Farmville, T. B. Rice, the agent there, demanded five dollars freight from the Junction to Farmville, a distance of 18 miles. The father of the deceased referred him to the other agents on both the Richmond and Danville railroad and the South-Side railroad. Rice said that Capt Wallace told him to collect five dollars freight for the corpse.
Now, Messrs. Editors. I do not know which of the two is to blame — Rice of Wallace. The father of the deceased has had four sons and two sons-in-law in the Confederate service. This alone ought to have been enough for any feeling man to have transported one of his dead sons home to be buried. Capt. Wallace had no bill from the agent from whence the corpse started. Rice knew this, and I think ought to have known as well as the other agents that he had no right to charge what he did; and if he did charge, he should have charged a fair price. I think five dollars for 18 miles is equal to four prices. The money was paid, but I doubt if the South-Side railroad ever sees or gets the money, unless this notice forces them to give it up. The simple fact is, if Rice and Wallace don't know their business, they should both be removed and others put there that do know and will attend to the business of the railroad in a right manner.
1850 Census: Name: Marret S Boatwright Date: August 22, 1850 Age: 13 Estimated birth year: abt 1837 Birth place: Prince Edward Island Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia Page: 21 Roll: M432_970 U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles Name: Merit S Boatwright Occupation: Carpenter Enlistment Date: 24 May 1861 Rank at enlistment: Private Enlistment Place: Chesterfield County, VA State Served: Virginia Survived the War?: No Service Record: Enlisted in Company K, Virginia 6th Infantry Regiment on 24 May 1861. Mustered out on 10 Aug 1862. Sources: The Virginia Regimental Histories Series U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 Name: Merit S. Boatwright Side: Confederate Regiment State/Origin: Virginia Regiment Name: 6 Virginia Infantry Regiment Name Expanded: 6th Regiment, Virginia Infantry Company: K Rank In: Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank Out Expanded: Private Film Number: M382 roll 5 American Civil War Soldiers Name: Merit Boatwright Occupation: Carpenter Enlistment Date: 24 May 1861 Enlistment Place: Chesterfield County, Virginia Side Served: Confederacy State Served: Virginia Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 24 May 1861. Enlisted in Company K, 6th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 24 May 1861. Died from wounds Company K, 6th Infantry Regiment Virginia on 10 Aug 1862. Sources: 21 Virginia, Deaths and Burials Index, 1853-1917 Name: Merret S Boatwright Birth Date: abt 1837 Death Date: 11 Aug 1862 Death Place: Army Death Age: 25 Occupation: Soldier Race: White Gender: Male Father Name: Reubin Boatwright Mother Name: Margaret S. Boatwright FHL Film Number: 2048581
29 Nov 1839 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 23 Jan 1919 in Greensboro, Guilford
County, North Carolina. She married CHARLES HARRINGTON, 17 Dec 1867 in Prince Edward
County, Virginia, son of JOHN HARRINGTON and
See link for copy of death certificate.
09 Feb 1838 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
01 Mar 1841 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 13 Nov 1930 in Farmville, Prince Edward
County, Virginia. She married (1) JESSIE A. ROBERTSON 24 Nov 1859 in Prince Edward County,
Virginia. He was born Abt. 1833 in Nansemond County, Virginia. She married (2) GEORGE E. COX
29 Dec 1886 in Farmville, Prince Edward County, Virginia. He was born 25 Jan 1848 in Kingsport,
Hawkins County, Tennessee, and died 25 AUG 1930 in Farmville, Prince Edward County, Virginia.
Othelia Judson Boatwright is in the 1860 Buckingham County census with
husband Jessie A. obertson. In 1870, she is back in her parent's
household as O.J.Boatwright, age 29 with one Robinson child. Apparently,
Jessie and two of the children may have died during the 1860's.
From later census records, she apparently married George H. Cox about
1887. She is found in census records as late as 1910 Prince Edward Co.,
Farmville. In that census her son Jessie E. Robertson, 42, is in the
household with wife and son Judson M. Robertson.
23 Jun 1842 in Prince Edward County, Virginia and died Jul 1879 in Prince Edward
County, Virginia.
Ricker Notes has middle initial as "P", while family record has "A" and
Civil War records has "R".
Served Virginia Enlisted F Co. 18th Inf Reg. VA
Cause of Death: Consumption
8-58. WYATT C. BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
06 Aug 1844 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died Bef. Dec 1889 in Delaware County,
Pennsylvania. He married MARTHA A. "MATTIE" SOUTHARD Abt. 1866 in Virginia. She was
born Abt. 1845 in Virginia.
04 May 1846 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 28 Oct 1918 in Lynchburg, Virginia. He
married SALLIE JEAN CARRUTHERS 1890 in Lynchburg, Virginia, daughter of
JOHN CARRUTHERS and SALLY DUIGUID. She was born 13 Feb 1868 in Lynchburg,
Virginia, and died 09 Dec 1933 in Florence, Florence County, South Carolina.
Military service: 04 Sep 1864, Enlisted in Co. D, 25th VA Infantry
See link for copy of death certificate.
02 Nov 1848 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 02 Mar 1932 in Nashville, Davidson
County, Tennessee. She married WILLIAM DANIEL SAUNDERS 18 Apr 1867 in Prince Edward
County, Virginia, son of DANIEL MOSELEY SAUNDERS and LAVINIA FUQUA. He was born
10 Mar 1843 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 30 Mar 1893.
The picture to the left is a composite picture we believe not made of Susan and
William at the same time. Source: Caroline Cooper.
See link for copy of death certificate.
The following was provided by William Wayne Weems, great-grandson of Susan and William
Saunders. Maggie, Pearl and Carroll were all daughters of William and Susan Boatwright
Saunders. The story can be found at the following website:
Copyright 2003 by William Wayne Weems. Used by permission.
The following is a personal recollection by the writer of people and events long
past. It is not likely to lighten your mood, but has the virtue of being the sort
of truth that can be stranger than fiction.
(Photo is of Susan Boatwright Saunders and six of her children, left to right:
Daniel, Susan, Avis, Pearl, Viva, Carroll and Victor. Source: Caroline Cooper)
In the course of preparing a booklet for the 75th Anniversary of my Mother's social
club I listened to a recording of a radio broadcast in which the club "girls"
chanted a greeting to her Aunt Pearl, and realized with a start that in December
2003 Pearl will have been dead thirty years. She died from a series of strokes. The
first had no obvious outward effect, but it did a marvelous thing to her mind.
Pearl found her memories flooding around her like full color video, and she could
select from her 92 years of experience any she desired and virtually relive them in
almost every detail, enjoying the scents of a long-vanished flower garden or
commenting on the color and texture of Spanish-American war uniforms she had
volunteered to repair by sewing. But only one memory impelled her to any sort of
action, and thereby hangs this tale.
In mid-1973 Pearl was under the influence of her first stroke, dipping into her
memories with the frequency and enthusiasm that an addict displays toward his crack
pipe. I was away at school, irritated that no one had taken my suggestion that
Pearl's recollections be tape recorded. They seemed so different from those senile
repetitions of the same tales too common in older folk. But the niece who whom she
lived (Blanche having since passed away) had burned out listening to Pearl's
incessant chatter about things and people from the distant past.
Toward the end of summer they at last found the grave, and a small group of people
watched the next weekend as an elaborate wreath was placed over Big Sister's
(Maggie Saunders') headstone. As one of the observers...a cemetery trustee..put it,
"It isn't often that someone comes to visit who actually knew a person that died in
Obituary notice printed in the February 1887 "Hopkinsville New Era"
MAGGIE L. SAUNDERS Died of pneumonia, January 17, 1887 Maggie L., oldest child of
William D. And Susie Saunders, aged 18 years. The illness which issued in her death
was of brief duration and it was a manifest surprise to all when the tide of life
began to ebb away so rapidly. Seldom have I known of death under sadder
circumstances. The idol of her home, beloved by all who knew her, just entered upon
the threshold of real life, full of bright hopes for the future, this young lady had
grown and was just entering into the full bloom of early womanhood. May we all press
forward to meet her in that better land where parting never comes.
An Uncle
10 Jan 1850 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 18 Oct 1918 in Lynchburg, Virginia. He married
ALLIE S.. She was born Feb 1868 in Virginia.
Children of ALGERNON BOATWRIGHT and ALLIE S. are: 8-62. PRISCILLA H. BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
06 Jun 1851 in Prince Edward County, Virginia and died 02 Aug 1872.
8-63. NEBRESKA P. BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
13 Apr 1853 in Prince Edward County, Virginia.
8-64. CLARA ALFREDA BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
27 Jul 1856 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 30 Jul 1934 in Farmville,
Prince Edward, Virginia. She married CHARLES C. FARMER 15 Jun 1898 in
Prince Edward County, Virginia. He was born 29 OCT 1854 in Amelia County, Virginia,
and died 11 Apr 1901.
06 Feb 1858 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and died 01 Apr 1933 in Farmville,
Prince Edward, Virginia.
8-66. EDGER POWELL BOATWRIGHT (REUBEN8, JOHN7, JOHN6, BENONI5, JOHN4, JOHN3, JOHN2, Not Yet Determined1) was born
18 May 1860 in Prince Edward County, Virginia and died Bef. 1870 in Prince
Edward County, Virginia.
Prince Edward County Courthouse records: Edgar Powell Boatwright born
May 18, 1860, father Reuben & mother Margaret Susan.
last modified: April 22, 2018
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1850 Census:
Name: Mary A Boatwright
Date: August 22, 1850
Age: 11
Estimated birth year: abt 1839
Birth place: Prince Edward Island
Gender: Female
Home in 1850
(City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Page: 21
Roll: M432_970
1860 Census:
Name: Mary A Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 21
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
North Carolina, Death Certificates, 1909-1975
Name: Mrs. Mary A Harrington
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 79
Birth Date: 29 Nov 1839
Birth Place: Farrnville, Virginia, United States
Death Date: 23 Jan 1919
Death Location: Greensboro, Guilford
Spouse's Name: Deceased Chas L Harrington
Father's Name: Rubin Boatwright
Mother's Name: Marga Carter
i. REUBEN C. HARRINGTON, b. 1869, Danville, Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
ii. HARRY GREENE HARRINGTON, b. 17 Mar 1871, Lynchburg, Virginia.
iii. BESSIE LOUISE HARRINGTON, b. 03 Jun 1873, Petersburg, Virginia.
iv. CHARLES PITTMAN HARRINGTON, b. 20 Dec 1874, Lynchburg, Virginia.
v. JOSEPH PRESTON HARRINGTON, b. 10 Feb 1877, Lynchburg, Virginia.
vi. MARY MARGARET HARRINGTON, b. 09 Jun 1878, Lynchburg, Virginia.
vii. WILLIAM SIDNEY HARRINGTON, b. 18 Sep 1880, Lynchburg, Virginia.
1850 Census:
Name: Otelia Boatwright
Date: August 22, 1850
Age: 9
Estimated birth year: abt 1841
Birth place: Prince Edward Island
Gender: Female
Home in 1850
(City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Page: 21
Roll: M432_970
1870 Census:
Name: O J Boatwright
Date: June 26, 1870
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1841
Age in 1870: 29
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Prospect
Roll: M593_1673
Page: 59
Image: 118
Year: 1870
i. SUSAN B. ROBERTSON, b. 28 Jul 1860, Buckingham County, Virginia.
ii. JESSIE E. ROBERTSON, b. 29 Jun 1862, Buckingham County, Virginia.
iii. JOSEPH ROBERTSON, b. 25 Mar 1865, Buckingham County, Virginia.
Source: The Virginia Regimental Histories Series
Abbreviation: VARosterC
1850 Census:
Name: Joseph R Boatwright
Date: August 22, 1850
Age: 7
Estimated birth year: abt 1843
Birth place: Prince Edward Island
Gender: Male
Home in 1850
(City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Page: 21
Roll: M432_970
1860 Census:
Name: Joseph P Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 17
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865
Name: Joseph R Boatwright
Residence: Farmville, Virginia
Occupation: Carpenter
Age at enlistment: 19
Enlistment Date: 23 Apr 1861
Rank at enlistment: Private
Enlistment Place: Farmville, Virginia
State Served: Virginia
Service Record: Enlisted in Company F, Virginia 18th Infantry Regiment on 23 Apr 1861.
Birth Date: abt 1842
Sources: The Virginia Regimental Histories Series
U.S. Confederate Army Casualty Lists and Reports, 1861-1865
Name: J Boatright
Military Engagement Date: Wounded - 29 Jun 1862
Military Engagement Place: Savage Station and Malvern Hill, Virginia
Rank: Private
Richmond - Chimporazo Hospital
Wounded: May 16, 1864
Richmond - Chimporazo Hospital
Admitted: March 1, 1865, dysentery
1860 Census:
Name: Hyatte C Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 15
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
W C Boatwright
Enlist Date Enlist Place Enlist Rank Enlist Age
14 June 1864 Farmville, VA Priv
Served Virginia Enlisted F Co. 18th Inf Reg. VA
Source: The Virginia Regimental Histories Series
1880 Census:
Name: Wyatt Boatwright
Date: June 14, 1880
Home in 1880: South Chester, Delaware, Pennsylvania
Age: 36
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Birthplace: Virginia
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's Name: Mattie
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Carpenter
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Census Place: South Chester, Delaware, Pennsylvania;
Roll: T9_1126; Family History Film: 1255126; Page: 296.1000;
Enumeration District: 16; Image: 0200.
Notes for MATTIE:
1880 Census:
Name: Mattie Boatwright
Date: June 14, 1880
Home in 1880: South Chester, Delaware, Pennsylvania
Age: 35
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1845
Birthplace: Virginia
Relation to Head of Household: Wife
Spouse's Name: Wyatt
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Keeping House
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Female
Census Place: South Chester, Delaware, Pennsylvania;
Roll: T9_1126; Family History Film: 1255126; Page: 296.1000;
Enumeration District: 16; Image: 0200.
9-88. i. CLARA ELIZABETH BOATWRIGHT, b. 22 Nov 1868, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
d. 27 Apr 1955, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
9-89. ii. WYATT J. BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1872, Pennsylvania.
9-90. iii. LUELLA VIOLA BOATWRIGHT, b. 24 Mar 1873, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
9-91. iv. MARTHA "MATTIE" BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1874, Pennsylvania.
9-92. v. BERTHA E. BOATWRIGHT, b. 03 Nov 1875, Pennsylvania.
9-93. vi. EDITH BOATWRIGHT, b. Abt. 1877, Pennsylvania.
1850 Census:
Name: Albert E Boatwright
Date: August 22, 1850
Age: 5
Estimated birth year: abt 1845
Birth place: Prince Edward Island
Gender: Male
Home in 1850
(City,County,State): Not Stated,
Prince Edward County, Virginia
Page: 21
Roll: M432_970
1860 Census:
Name: Allut J Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 13
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
Burial: Spring Hill Cemetery, Lynchburg, Virginia
1880 Census:
Name: Albert S. Boatwright
Date: June 3, 1880
Home in 1880: Lynchburg, Campbell, VA
Age: 31
Estimated birth year: abt 1849
Birthplace: Virginia
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Carpenter
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Carpenter
Race: White
Gender: Male
Census Place: Lynchburg, Campbell, VA;
Roll 1358; Family History Film: 1255358;
Page: 241B;
Enumeration District: 50; .
1900 Census:
Name: A B Boatwright
Date: June 4, 1900
Home in 1900: Lynchburg Ward 3, Lynchburg City, Virginia
Age: 50
Estimated birth year: 1850
Birthplace: Virginia
Race: White
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Occupation: Carpenter
Census Place: Lynchburg Ward 3, Lynchburg City, Virginia;
Roll: T623 1734; Page: 6B;
Enumeration District: 86.
1910 Census:
Name: Albert Boatwright
Date: April 21, 1910
Age in 1910: 63
Estimated birth year: abt 1847
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1910: 2-Wd Lynchburg, Campbell, Virginia
Occupation: Carpenter
Race: White
Gender: Male
Series: T624
Roll: 1634
Part: 3
Page: 122B
1900 Census:
Name: Sallie J Boatwright
Date: June 4, 1900
Home in 1900: Lynchburg Ward 3,
Lynchburg City, Virginia
Age: 32
Estimated birth year: 1868
Birthplace: Virginia
Race: White
Relationship to head-of-house: Wife
Occupation: School Teacher
Census Place: Lynchburg Ward 3,
Lynchburg City, Virginia;
Roll: T623 1734; Page: 6B;
Enumeration District: 86.
1910 Census:
Name: Jean Boatwright
Date: April 21, 1910
Age in 1910: 42
Estimated birth year: abt 1868
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1910: 2-Wd Lynchburg, Campbell, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Series: T624
Roll: 1634
Part: 3
Page: 122B
1920 Census:
Name: S Jean Boatwright
Date: January 16, 1920
Age: 58 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1862
Birthplace: Virginia
Race: White
Home in 1920: Lynchburg, Lynchburg (Independent City), Virginia
Occupation: School Principal
Able to read & write: Yes
Roll: T625_1896
Page: 24B
ED: 4
Image: 726
South Carolina, Death Records, 1821-1955
Name: Sally J Boatwright
Death Date: 9 Dec 1933
Age at Death: 65
Born: 1868
Gender: Female
Color: White
County of Death: Florence
Certificate Number: 017753
Volume Number: 35
Burial: Spring Hill Cemetery, Lynchburg, Virginia
9-94. i. SALLIE JEAN BOATWRIGHT, b. 18 Jan 1891, Lynchburg, Virginia;
d. 23 Jul 1979, Heathsville, Northumberland County, Virginia.
9-95. ii. MARGARET GASH BOATWRIGHT, b. 06 Oct 1893, Lynchburg, Virginia;
d. 31 Jan 1976, Marion, Marion County, South Carolina.
9-96. iii. JOHN REUBEN BOATWRIGHT, b. 13 Feb 1896 , Lynchburg, Virginia;
d. 13 Nov 1961, Arlington, Virginia
9-97. iv. DAVID RUFFNER BOATWRIGHT, b. 19 Jan 1900, Lynchburg, Virginia;
d. 02 Apr 1946, Virginia.
© 2003 by William Wayne Weems
Pearl Saunders is missed even today by those few who still remember her. She never
married, electing instead a business career at a time when such a choice offered
women few opportunities and insufficient rewards. Nevertheless she rose to a
position of influence and considerable power in the office of a major flour
manufacturer and after retirement teamed with her widowed roommate Blanche Hickman
to run a successful little enterprise making hand-sewn quilts and dolls. She also
managed to squeeze in an astonishing amount of social activities and good works,
becoming beloved by many in her family and community. Pearl felt blessed by a good
life and felt a great sympathy for those less fortunate.
Pearl's increasingly insistent request that she visit Big Sister's grave was also
mostly ignored. Pearl's supercharged memory showed her clearly Big Sister's
struggle to aid their overwhelmed mother by acting as a surrogate parent to her
siblings, and revived the bitterness they all felt when her many sacrifices for them
were rewarded only by a savage illness and death just as she was at last set to
begin her own life. Pearl couldn't do much now to honor her Big Sister's memory,
but she would like to decorate her Big Sister's grave with flowers before she
herself succumbed to the next stroke her Doctor hinted she could expect. Pearl
asked my Mother to help in the search, for the exact location of Big Sister's grave
had since been forgotten. My Grandmother (another Sister, but too young to remember
clearly the things that animated Pearl) who was by then living with my Mother,
showed clearly that she thought Pearl had gone crazy. Nonetheless those three drove
to southern Kentucky almost every fair weather weekend in the summer of 1973, going
from graveyard to graveyard in search of Big Sister's remains. Pearl kept up her
chatter on the road, telling (among other things) how before the funeral her
sister's open coffin was set up for "viewing" by perching it on wooden straight
chairs, how many of them had to be lifted up to that height in order to kiss Big
Sister good-bye, and how each of them were given a lock of Big Sister's hair for a
As they drove back to Nashville Pearl was unusually silent. Then she observed that
the tombstone had weathered better than she feared it might. She went on to explain
they were a poor family but their grief-stricken father had spent freely on his
daughter's funeral, even to the extent of having printed obituary notices as
remembrances to give out at the services. But when it was time to set the headstone
he had only enough money left to pay for the stone's carving, not the stone itself.
So he went to one of his wife's prized possessions, a dresser with a marble top, and
emptied the contents of the drawers on their bed. He then wrestled the heavy piece
of furniture outside and demolished it with an ax. Grimly he took the marble
counter top away to be carved into a tombstone. My Mother and Grandmother were
quite aware just how few the material possessions of a poor rural family of that era
were, and they were sobered by the magnitude of the sacrifice implied. Pearl
continued in silence for the remainder of the return trip, her attention doubtless
consumed by the compelling vision of a man with tear-streaked cheeks splintering a
beautiful piece of furniture with his ax.
1850 Census:
Name: Elenora Boatwright
Date: August 22, 1850
Age: 2
Estimated birth year: abt 1848
Birth place: Prince Edward Island
Gender: Female
Home in 1850
(City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Page: 21
Roll: M432_970
1860 Census:
Name: Susan E Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 12
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
Marriage: 18 Apr 1867, Virginia
1880 Census:
Name: Susan Saunders
Date: June 10, 1880
Home in 1880: MT Vernon, Christian, Kentucky
Age: 36
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Birthplace: Virginia
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's Name: Susie E.
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Census Place: MT Vernon, Christian, Kentucky;
Roll: T9_409; Family History Film: 1254409; Page: 215.3000;
Enumeration District: 12; Image: 0430.
1900 Census:
Name: Susan Saunders
Date: June 29, 1900
Home in 1900: Civil District 16, Montgomery, Tennessee
Age: 53
Birth Date: Nov 1846
Birthplace: Virginia
Race: White
Ethnicity: American
Gender: Female
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother: number of living children: 8
Mother: How many children: 10
Marital Status: Widowed
Occupation: Boarding House
Residence : Civil District 16, Montgomery, Tennessee
Census Place: Civil District 16, Montgomery, Tennessee;
Roll: T623_1590 Page: 18A;
Enumeration District: 40.
Tennessee, Death Records, 1908-1958
Name: Susan Elnora Saunders
Gender: Female
Birth Date: abt 1849
Birth Place: Virginia
Age: 83
Death Date: 2 Mar 1932
Death Place: Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee
Father's Name: Rueben Boatwright
Father's Birth Place: Virginia
Mother's Name: Susan Carter
Mother's Birth Place: Virginia
Certificate Number: 4249
1880 Census:
Name: Wm. Saunders
Date: June 10, 1880
Home in 1880: MT Vernon, Christian, Kentucky
Age: 36
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Birthplace: Virginia
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's Name: Susie E.
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Cropper
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Census Place: MT Vernon, Christian, Kentucky;
Roll: T9_409; Family History Film: 1254409; Page: 215.3000;
Enumeration District: 12; Image: 0430.
Burial: Spring Hill Cemetery, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
i. MARGARET L. SAUNDERS, b. 15 Feb 1868, Prince Edward County, Virginia.
ii. ROBERT C. SAUNDERS, b. 06 Mar 1870, Prince Edward County, Virginia.
iii. BLANCHE L. SAUNDERS, b. 08 Jul 1871, Christian County, Kentucky.
iv. AVIS ESTELLE SAUNDERS, b. 20 Sep 1874, Christian County, Kentucky.
v. DANIEL JOSEPH SAUNDERS, b. 11 Mar 1876, Christian County, Kentucky.
vi. EDGAR LEWIS SAUNDERS, b. 10 Mar 1879, Christian County, Kentucky.
vii. ERA PEARL SAUNDERS, b. 09 Feb 1881, Christian County, Kentucky.
viii. VIVA RUTH SAUNDERS, b. 06 Oct 1883, Christian County, Kentucky.
ix. VICTOR HUGO SAUNDERS, b. 31 Aug 1885, Christian County, Kentucky.
x. CARROLL ELFLEDA SAUNDERS, b. 09 Apr 1888, Christian County, Kentucky.
1850 Census:
Name: Algernon Boatwright
Date: August 22, 1850
Age: 6 months
Estimated birth year: Feb 1850
Birth place: Prince Edward Island
Gender: Male
Home in 1850
(City,County,State): Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Page: 21
Roll: M432_970
1860 Census:
Name: Algernon Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 9
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
9-98. i. GUSTAVE M. BOATWRIGHT, b. Dec 1882, Virginia.
9-99. ii. ARTHUR SINCLAIR BOATWRIGHT, b. 31 Jan 1887, Charlotte County, Virginia;
d. 18 Mar 1856, Virginia.
9-100. iii. STANLEY ALISTON BOATWRIGHT, b. 02 Sep 1891, Charlotte County, Virginia;
d. 05 Oct 1982, Orange County, Florida.
1860 Census:
Name: Presiella H Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 8
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
1870 Census:
Name: N H Boatwright
Date: June 26, 1870
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851
Age in 1870: 19
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Prospect
Roll: M593_1673
Page: 59
Image: 118
Year: 1870
1860 Census:
Name: Nebresha p Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 7
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
1870 Census:
Name: N P Boatwright
Date: June 26, 1870
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1853
Age in 1870: 17
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Prospect
Roll: M593_1673
Page: 59
Image: 118
Year: 1870
1880 Census:
Name: Nebraska BOATWRIGHT
Date: June 2, 1880
Age: 26
Estimated birth year: <1854>
Birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Manager In Tobo Factory
Relationship to head-of-household: Son
Home in 1880: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father's birthplace: VA
Mother's name: Mary BOATWRIGHT
Mother's birthplace: VA
Census Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia;
Roll: T9_1384; Family History Film: 1255384; Page: 259C;
Enumeration District: 189; Image: .
1860 Census:
Name: Clara E Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 5
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
1870 Census:
Name: C E Boatwright
Date: June 26, 1870
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1856
Age in 1870: 14
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Prospect
Roll: M593_1673
Page: 59
Image: 118
Year: 1870
1880 Census:
Name: Elfleta BOATWRIGHT
Date: June 2, 1880
Age: 23
Estimated birth year: <1857>
Birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: At Home
Relationship to head-of-household: Daughter
Home in 1880: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Female
Father's birthplace: VA
Mother's name: Mary BOATWRIGHT
Mother's birthplace: VA
Census Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia;
Roll: T9_1384; Family History Film: 1255384; Page: 259C;
Enumeration District: 189; Image: .
1860 Census:
Name: Charles P Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 2
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
1870 Census:
Name: C P Boatwright
Date: June 26, 1870
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858
Age in 1870: 12
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1870: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Prospect
Roll: M593_1673
Page: 59
Image: 118
Year: 1870
1880 Census:
Name: Charles P. BOATWRIGHT
Date: June 2, 1880
Age: 21
Estimated birth year: <1859>
Birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Manager In Tobo Factory
Relationship to head-of-household: Son
Home in 1880: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father's birthplace: VA
Mother's name: Mary BOATWRIGHT
Mother's birthplace: VA
Census Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia;
Roll: T9_1384; Family History Film: 1255384; Page: 259C;
Enumeration District: 189; Image:
1910 Census:
Name: Charles P Boatright
Date: April 28, 1910
Age in 1910: 52
Estimated birth year: abt 1858
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1910: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Occupation: Carpenter
Race: White
Gender: Male
Series: T624
Roll: 1642
Part: 3
Page: 87B
living with Read family as a boarder
1920 Census:
Name: Charles P Boatwright
Date: February 5, 1920
Age: 62 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1858
Birthplace: Virginia
Race: White
Home in 1920: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Occupation: Farmer
Able to read & write: Yes
Roll: T625_1906
Page: 20B
ED: 96
Image: 734
1930 Census:
Name: Charles P Boatwright
Date: April 12, 1930
Age: 72
Estimated birth year: abt 1858
Birthplace: Virginia
Relation to head-of-house: Head
Race: White
Home in 1930: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Census Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia;
Roll: 2456; Page: 13B;
Enumeration District: 4; Image: 63.0.
Virginia, Death Records, 1912-2014
Name: Charles Pleasents Boatwright
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 73
Birth Date: abt 1860
Death Date: 1 Apr 1933
Death Place: Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia
Registration Date: 3 Apr 1933
Father: Ruben Boatwright
Mother: Margret Hendrick Carter
1860 Census:
Name: Edger P Boatwright
Date: August 2, 1860
Age in 1860: 2.12
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1860: Not Stated, Prince Edward County, Virginia
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $0
Post Office: Farmville
Roll: M653_1371
Page: 915
Year: 1860
Head of Household: Reubin Boatwright
Boatwright/Boatright Family Genealogy Website
created by George Boatright,
Please e-mail any additions / corrections / comments.